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WHO suddenly praises Corona special route: "May possibly learn from Sweden"


Sweden is taking a different route from the Corona crisis than most countries. There is much criticism for this in view of the high death toll. Now the WHO surprisingly praised the concept.

Sweden is taking a different route from the Corona crisis than most countries. There is much criticism for this in view of the high death toll. Now the WHO surprisingly praised the concept.

  • Sweden also took action in the Corona * crisis.
  • However, the restrictions are more relaxed than in many other countries.
  • Surprisingly, there was praise for this from the WHO leadership.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus *. You can also see the current number of cases in Germany as a map *. The most important thing about the topic is also on our brand new Facebook page Corona News.

Update from May 2nd, 9:37 pm: The way in Sweden in the fight against the corona pandemic seems to be going well . At least the national health authority reports that the number of corona infections has decreased in the past few days. 

In addition, Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell confirmed on Swedish public television that the number of  reproductions had been below 1.0 for several days.

"This means that the pandemic will gradually subside," Tegnell told  SVT . The health authority in Sweden reports that the R value has also been relatively stable at around 1.0 since April 10 . In the meantime, this should be 0.85.

First announcement from May 1st: Stockholm - The Swedish handling of the corona virus has often caused a sensation in the past months and sometimes irritations. The Scandinavians are on a course in the crisis that differs significantly from that in most other countries such as Germany *. There has already been clear criticism of this . It is therefore all the more surprising that a leading WHO employee praised the Swedish concept

Sweden's special way in the Corona crisis: A lot of criticism after an enormous death rate

At a time when strict exit restrictions apply in most countries in Europe * and the world * , pictures from Stockholm caused astonishment in the Corona crisis: on many photos, people were apparently crowded in open restaurants with the best spring weather. The background: Sweden has taken corona measures, but these are far less drastic than is the case in Germany. 

This is mainly due to state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell , who suggested a different course from the start than, for example, Germany's leading virologist Christian Drosten *. However, he also had to take a lot of criticism for his more liberal course in the crisis in his own country and internationally. Above all, the comparatively high death rate in Sweden was seen by many as a sign that Tegnell's course was doomed to failure. With a total of 20302 infected, the WHO counts a total of 2462 deaths in Sweden (as of April 30). Downgraded to one million inhabitants, the value is three times as high as in Germany.

According to current forecasts, a total of up to 8,000 to 20,000 deaths could occur in Sweden, as reported by . Tegnell also called these estimates unlikely. For comparison: In Germany, which has almost eight times as many inhabitants, these numbers would mean 24,000 to 160,000 deaths.

Regarding the death rate, Tegnell also recently admitted that this number is far higher than was hoped, as the paper continues to report. Nevertheless, he continued to defend the course. Especially since, in his opinion, strict rules could not last long. Such a long-term solution was necessary until a vaccine * was found and produced.

Praise for Sweden's Corona course from a leading WHO employee

After the frequently voiced criticism of Sweden's path, it is now surprising that the Scandinavians get praise from the WHO leadership . According to, Mike Ryan , the executive director of the WHO program for health emergencies, said "We may be able to learn from our colleagues in Sweden." That is, how it is possible "to return to a society without lockdown *".

Ryan also reiterated that it was a misunderstanding that Sweden had not taken any action. The difference is that in Sweden they have not relied on prohibitions , but on the understanding and willingness of the citizens to regulate themselves and to keep their distance.

In Ryan's opinion, this is a  "model for the future" because: If you want to end the measures and closings taken, society must adapt its  "physical and social conditions" to the virus . And this lifestyle change may then have to be maintained over a long period of time. Ryan sees Sweden as a pioneer for this.

Meanwhile, there are explosive revelations about the Chinese government's actions. According to a secret service document, she wanted to cover up the Corona outbreak.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

Rubric list image: © dpa / Ali Lorestani

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-05-06

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