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A new committee of economists will advise the Élysée


It will be chaired by 2014 Nobel Prize winner Jean Tirole and former IMF chief economist Olivier Blanchard.Climate, inequality, demography. These are the three themes on which the new commission of economists will work, which will be installed on Friday, via videoconference, by Emmanuel Macron. Chaired by two great French economists, the 2014 Nobel Prize winner Jean Tirole, and the former chief economist of the IMF Olivier Blanchard, this cenacle will have to get to work quickly. He will report at the ...

Climate, inequality, demography. These are the three themes on which the new commission of economists will work, which will be installed on Friday, via videoconference, by Emmanuel Macron. Chaired by two great French economists, the 2014 Nobel Prize winner Jean Tirole, and the former chief economist of the IMF Olivier Blanchard, this cenacle will have to get to work quickly. He will report at the end of the year and some interim work in the meantime. Its recommendations "will fuel public action on these subjects ", according to the Élysée.

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While Bruno Le Maire is asking Bercy for his part a group of economists to reflect on the modalities of the revival following the collapse of activity, the establishment of this parallel commission may surprise. " It is an idea of ​​the president which goes back to the G7 of Biarritz, last August," said one at the Élysée Palace. Even if the objective is to reflect on these fundamental themes in the long term, the work will of course take into account the context of the crisis. They are intended to inform public decision starting next fall . ”

This cenacle thus recalls the Stiglitz commission, launched with great fanfare by Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008, but whose work had known only little posterity.

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In addition to the two rapporteurs, the commission has 24 other European and American academic economists. All were chosen by Jean Tirole and Olivier Blanchard, says the Élysée. Among these experts are some American stars like Lawrence Summers or Paul Krugman, but also many French people such as Christian Gollier, Stefanie Stantcheva, Philippe Aghion, Laurence Boone, Daniel Cohen, Emmanuel Farhi, Thomas Philippon or even Jean Pisani-Ferry. The commission will also be an opportunity for the Élysée to try to encourage those who teach abroad to return to the territory.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-05-28

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