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The cleaners have been in the same bed for more than 6 years. The daughter of the daughter said that the other daughter was also a dangerous prisoner for 2 years.


The cleaner with 4 children, because the eldest son was mentally retarded, and the wife had to take care of the young children, so the second daughter was arranged to sleep with him in bed, but he took the opportunity to be rude to the daughter, the incident spanned 6 years. The cleaner had three counts of indecent assault earlier. The judge sentenced him to 2 years in prison, taking into account the defendant's behavior and the duration of the incident. The judge also pointed out that the defendant had another daughter in addition to the victim. The defendant was in danger to them, and the SWD continued to follow up the situation.

Social News

Written by: Li Huina

2020-05-29 16:45

Date of last update: 2020-05-29 16:45

The cleaner with 4 children, because the eldest son was mentally retarded, and the wife had to take care of the young children, so the second daughter was arranged to sleep with him in bed, but he took the opportunity to be rude to the daughter, the incident spanned 6 years. The cleaner had three counts of indecent assault earlier. The judge sentenced him to 2 years in prison, taking into account the defendant's behavior and the duration of the incident. The judge also pointed out that the defendant had another daughter in addition to the victim. The defendant was in danger to them, and the SWD continued to follow up the situation.

A 42-year-old cleaner has pleaded guilty to three indecent assaults in the District Court. Her daughter was only 5 to 11 years old. (Profile picture)

The defendant was 42 years old and reported that the cleaners had pleaded guilty to three counts of indecent assault. He claimed that he had three indecent assaults from 2012 to 2019. X was assaulted by the defendant when he was 5 years old at the earliest and X was 11 years old in the most recent violation.

The host feels contradictory to the father

The trauma report of the victim X shows that she feels contradictory to her father afterwards. Not only does she feel that her father is sick, but also because the defendant is her father, I do not know whether to be angry with him. The report recommends that X should receive follow-up treatment. The defendant's psychological report showed that it was difficult for him to establish a normal social relationship with others outside of his marital relationship, and his chances of recidivism were moderately low.

The official accused the defendant of being dangerous to the other daughter

The judge pointed out that the defendant had another daughter besides the victim. Although they needed father's care, the defendant was in danger to them, and hoped that the Social Welfare Department could continue to follow up the situation of the defendant's family. The judge also pointed out that the defendant did not face his problems squarely and avoided his attitude. He hoped that the Correctional Services Department could provide psychological treatment for the defendant.

The victim has been sleeping with the defendant since he was 5 years old

The case alleges that the defendant and his wife were married in 1999, the two had four children, the defendant's eldest son was a person with intellectual disabilities, X ranked second, and is now 12 years old. The defendant and X have been sleeping in the same bed since 2012, when she was only 5 years old, while the defendant's eldest son was sleeping in the upper bed in the same room. The social worker of the children's center disclosed the incident last year after learning that X was still sleeping with his father.

The cleaner said his wife wanted to take care of his younger daughter

The male concealed the former school's non-compliance.

The bus driver was hit by his girlfriend's daughter's underwear and was involved in rude and forced oral sex on the grounds of preventing bad luck from coming

Used the lower body to grind the victim for a few minutes

X revealed that he had been violated by the defendant since the time of the kindergarten. When he slept with the defendant in bed on July 1, last year, the defendant reached into X's shorts to touch her private part. X also revealed that between 2015 and 2017, when the defendant stayed at home with X alone, he separated X's legs and grinded X's lower body with the lower body for 4 to 5 minutes. The defendant stopped when he learned that the eldest son returned home. From 2012 to 2013, the defendant walked into the room and licked X's lower body for 5 minutes while Mother X was cooking.

Case number: DCCC912 / 2019

Indecent court

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-05-29

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