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When people talked about Maddie in the kiosk, Christian B. freaked out: "The child is now dead!"


Maddie McCann has been missing since 2007. Is there finally a breakthrough in the puzzle about the little girl? There are clear traces that lead to a German man. And not only that.

Maddie McCann has been missing since 2007. Is there finally a breakthrough in the puzzle about the little girl? There are clear traces that lead to a German man. And not only that.

  • Is there finally clarity in the missing Maddie McCann * case?
  • The little girl disappeared in 2007 on vacation in Portugal.
  • It is being investigated against a 43-year-old German. The BKA asks for help with "File number XY" *.

15:31:  The British police has about 400 new instructions in case Maddie received. A police spokesman said on Sunday in London that they had arrived by phone or email. A 43-year-old German is said to have kidnapped little Madeleine McCann from a holiday resort in Portugal on 3 May 2007 . Investigators in Germany are convinced that the child is dead.

The British police , on the other hand, continue to assume that there is a missing person after 13 years . "There is no definitive evidence that Madeleine is still alive or dead," said Scotland Yard spokesman.

Suspect probably grew up in difficult circumstances

12:42:  The suspect in the Maddie case, Christian B., is said to have had a difficult youth, according to research by the Bild newspaper . He is said to have grown up in a home in Würzburg . Later he probably came into a foster family . According to the picture in their place of residence, it says that the foster parents, a childless couple, like to get tangled. They were then deprived of custody. Christian B. ended up in a home again.

A former classmate told the newspaper: "He made small breaks there - got into sports halls, broke up cigarette machines." Over time, more and more crimes were added that led to multiple criminal records. At the end of 2019, he was sentenced to seven years in prison by the Braunschweig district court for robbery and rape of a 72-year-old American.

When Maddie was discussed in the kiosk, Christian B. freaked out: "The child is now dead!"

Update June 7, 2020 9:47:  There are more and more evidence to light that the suspicion against Christian B. harden. In retrospect, a lot seems obvious, so the question arises why he wasn't targeted by the investigators earlier. This is not only the case with the police, but also with citizens who have had contact with the man. You now see the encounters in a different light. So also Lenta J., who worked in Christian B.'s kiosk in 2014 . Opposite the picture , she said: “Once he was completely freaked out when we were sitting in the kiosk with friends and talking about the Maddie case . He wanted us to stop. He cried: 'The child is now dead and now that's a good thing!' And: 'You can make a body disappear quickly! Pigs also eat human flesh! '”

Breakthrough in the Maddie case? Witness recognized Christian B. at the crime scene: "This is the man I saw"

Update of June 6, 3:40 p.m .:  A British witness recognized the 43-year-old German suspect after a report by "Sun" in the "Maddie" murder case. At that time he was said to have behaved strangely near the McCann family's apartment. The newspaper describes the woman as a "credible witness", who is said to have described the man a few hours after the disappearance of the little girl in the holiday resort in Portugal.

When a picture of the suspect was shown to her, she said according to the "Sun": "This is the man I saw." Scotland Yard did not want to comment on the report at the request of the German Press Agency on Saturday.

Maddie McCann Missing: Did Christian B. Kidnap Two More Children? 

Update of June 6, 11:55 a.m .: The case of Christian B. , who is considered a suspect in the case of the disappeared Maddie McCann , continues to spread. It has been known since Friday that Christian B. is also investigating the case of René's disappearance from NRW. Again Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger reports, the police are investigating clues that Christian B. is also responsible for the disappearance of René H.

The then six-year old boy disappeared in 1996 during a family holiday in the Portuguese Algarve, where at this time also Christian B . should have stopped. The six-year-old had gone to the beach alone in June 1996 while his mother was still sitting in a nearby restaurant. When she followed him a little later, she found only her son's clothes. Since then, there has been no trace of René. 

Missing Maddie: Did Christian B. kidnap a six-year-old eleven years earlier?

René's father told the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger that he hoped that he would soon be certain about his son's fate. However, he does not believe that his son is still alive. It would be the third disappearance of a child with whom Christian B. is associated. In addition to the Maddie McCann case, he is also one of the suspects at Inga, who disappeared in 2015. 

The suspicion should be corroborated that Christian B . is responsible for the disappearance of René, the case would become more explosive. The suspect would have committed a similar crime there just eleven years before Maddie McCann's disappearance in the Algarve

Missing Maddie: Investigators are checking connections from Christian B. to other missing persons

Update of June 5, 8:40 p.m .: The investigation into the suspect Christian B. in the Maddie McCann case shows more and more possible entanglements with other missing persons cases .

The public prosecutor is already investigating the connection with the disappearance of the little Inga. Now the investigators are also investigating connections to the disappearance of a six-year-old German boy in 1996 in the Portuguese Algarve, where Maddie McCann also disappeared.

Missing Maddie: Investigators had been tracking Christian B. for years

Update of June 5, 6:10 p.m .: Christian B., the suspect in the Maddie McCann case , has been under investigation for several years. The police are said to have searched the apartment of a former roommate, Alexander B., in 2018.

Two years ago, Alexander B., with whom Christian B. lived after Maddie's disappearance, was first questioned about a capital crime by the suspect .

The flatmate said he knew nothing of Christian B.'s crimes , reports Bild . He only told him about a diesel theft in Portugal. The suspect had boasted of his actions before (update from 3:00 p.m.).

A year later, the investigators then spoke to the acquaintance directly about  Maddie . He was informed that he would be investigated if Christian B. was kidnapped and murdered.

Missing Maddie: Christian B. is said to have stood in bar

Update of June 5, 3:00 p.m .: When  " Case number XY" went public on Wednesday with the call for witnesses in the case of Maddie McCann, who had been missing for 13 years , investigators had been on the trail of German Christian B. for years. 

As picture reported, citing a friend of the man, which is to police the apartment of Alexander B., a former roommate now urgently the suspects have searched two years ago. It is already clear that Christian B. has been convicted 17 times, and abuse and rape are among his criminal records. 

As Der Spiegel now reports, the German already spoke to a friend in 2013, so he spoke in the chat about his disgusting fantasies. The chat protocol, which is said to be in the mirror from the investigation file, clearly shows the sick fantasies of the 43-year-old. 

Accordingly, he is said to have told the acquaintance that he "wanted to capture something small and use it for days". When the acquaintance spoke to him critically, Christian B. is said to have merely replied that "the evidence had to be destroyed afterwards". 

It would not be the first time that Christian B. bragged about deeds. In 2017, the 43-year-old is said to have stood in a bar and was involved in the crime about the little girl from Great Britain (see update from 9:04 a.m.). 

After the broadcast for file number XY, there are now first indications. 

Maddie McCann misses: Did Christian B. kidnap little Inga? 

Update of June 5, 11:55 am: The Stendal public prosecutor is looking for possible connections between the case of little Inga, who disappeared five years ago in Saxony-Anhalt , and that of three-year-old Madeleine "Maddie" McCann from Great Britain. In connection with the suspected crime in the Maddie case, it will be checked whether there are any indications of a connection and whether this results in an initial suspicion against the suspect, the public prosecutor said on Friday in Stendal. No further details were given.

Meanwhile it becomes clear: the German has already been convicted in Bavaria. 

Maddie misses: Did the suspect get out of jail too soon? 

Update of June 5, 11.35 a.m .: Was the suspect in the Maddie McCann case released now in 2018 because of a mishap in Germany? According to research by the Süddeutsche Zeitung , NDR and WDR, the 43-year-old is said to have been released from custody in Schleswig-Holstein in 2018 and then traveled to Italy. 

The German , who served a prison sentence for the sexual abuse of a child two years ago , is said to have been released from prison in August 2018, even though the judiciary still had an older sentence for drug trafficking against him. However, since the current 43-year-old had been extradited from Portugal , but the judiciary had not told the authorities in Portugal about another crime, the drug business on Sylt , the judiciary had to inform the authorities in Portugal. 

As the Süddeutsche Zeitung reports, the responsible public prosecutor's office in Flensburg is said to have informed the authorities in Portugal too late and asked for permission. "As this was not done in time, the accused was released from custody on August 31, 2018," SZ quotes the judges. 

Accordingly, Christian B. is said to have first traveled to the Netherlands and then to Italy. It was not until September 27th that the Flensburg public prosecutor's office was able to obtain a new European arrest warrant; the German is said to have been arrested in Italy. 

Missing Maddie: Christian B. is said to have stood in bar - Another worse suspicion

Update from June 5, 9:04 am: After the BKA went public with the latest information, more and more details come to light. As Bild now wants to know, another unsolved missing person case could soon be resolved. Accordingly, the suspect in the Maddie case was already suspected in the missing Inga case. 

The then five-year-old disappeared on a family outing with her parents in Saxony-Anhalt. As the picture now reports, the now suspect in the Maddie case at the time, 2015, had bought a plot of land near the place where little Inga disappeared. 

As image , the voice of the people quoted, said to have been searched even the land of the convicts in February 2016th Child pornography is said to have been found. On the day that Inga disappeared into the forest, Christian B. is said to have had a “documented parking lot bump” about 100 kilometers away, the lawyer representing the little Inga mother told the popular vote . Accordingly, Christian B. should have no alibi for the time Inga disappeared. 

Maddie misses: Suspect is said to have acted

In the case of the missing Maddie McCann, Christian B. is currently said to be silent, but the urgent suspect is said to have witnessed the crime against the girl from Great Britain in 2017. 

As the British press reports, Christian B. is said to have told a friend about the disappearance of the three-year-old in a bar. The occasion was that Maddie's disappearance was celebrating its tenth anniversary and the resulting presence in the media that Christian B. apparently recalled the crime. What exactly the 43-year-old confessed in the conversation is not known. According to Sky News, however, it should have been very detailed. 

During the conversation, the German is said to have shown his friend a video of a rape. Shortly afterwards, the acquaintance reportedly reported this to the police. But the evidence would not have been enough for an arrest. 

Maddie Missing: More Details on Suspects

Update of June 5, 8.31 a.m .:  New details are becoming known about the alleged kidnapper of the little girl Maddie McCann . Now Norbert M., apparently a neighbor of the alleged perpetrator, speaks in an interview with the Bild newspaper . He doesn't want him to have a good memory. “He was often very aggressive. He was very bad with women. ”

For example, the suspect had a minor friend, “she came from Kosovo. He always beat them. Once she even had strangles on her neck, ”quotes Norbert M. He also had problems with the suspect in the Maddie case. Accordingly, Norbert M. took over the kiosk of the alleged perpetrator in 2015. The latter then freaked out during the distance negotiations: “He wanted to take a freezer and the air conditioning with him, even though it didn't belong to him. He was very aggressive. A little later he showed up here with some acquaintances. One of them threatened me with a knife. 

Norbert M. already knew the suspect from the neighborhood. Before that, he was quite friendly. "But that could change. Time like this, time like this, ”said M.

Maddie McCann case: a chronology 

Update of June 4, 10:55 p.m .:  The alleged kidnapping of the little girl Maddie McCann in 2007 went down in the years after as a huge mud fight in crime history * - a chronology.

Maddie McCann case: ZDF man Rudi Cerne gives further details

Update of June 4, 8.30 p.m .:  New details on the crime against a German sex offender in the Maddie caseZDF journalist Rudi Cerne , on whose program file number XY ...  the BKA's investigation into a man in custody was publicly released, has now commented on the knowledge available to him.

"We have to adhere to this point: there is still no body, there is no urgent suspicion, there is evidence, there is evidence, there are tips, but there is no evidence and there is no confession," said the TV host and reporters in conversation with the picture : "This is now a Sisyphean task, but the investigators are very careful and I have the impression that the noose is getting tighter and tighter ."

What now came out: Already in 2013, the investigators had become aware of the now suspect in connection with the Maddie case after an earlier program, file number XY ... unresolved (ZDF)

According to the picture , BKA investigator Christian Hoppe said: "The information at the time was not sufficient for investigations and certainly not for arrest."

Maddie McCann case: German suspect could have been released soon

Update of June 4, 2020, 2:35 p.m .: Explosive news about the German suspect in the Maddie McCann case : The man has served almost two thirds of the current prison sentence - and was therefore about to decide whether to release him on probation

This emerges from two decisions of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) of April 21 (Az. 6 StR 41/20). On June 7, a court should actually rule whether the suspect remains in prison.

However, the 43-year-old's revision in another criminal proceeding is also pending with the judges at the Leipzig BGH branch. It is about the rape of a 72-year-old American in Portugal in 2005. 

The district court of Braunschweig therefore sentenced the German to seven years' imprisonment on December 16, including previous sentences. However, this judgment is not yet final.

Maddie McCann case: German suspect is currently in custody

The man is currently serving an old prison sentence in Kiel, which the Niebüll District Court had already imposed on him in 2011. It was about trading narcotics . In parallel, he is ordered to be held in custody for the rape allegations against him.

It would also depend on the BGH decision whether this U-custody lasts and thus seamlessly replaces the prison sentence served. Because the revision is about the enforcement of a European arrest warrant, the BGH stayed the proceedings and submitted them to the European Court of Justice. This is clear from the published decisions.

Maddie McCann case: Parents are "grateful" for the new investigation

Update of June 4, 2020, 2:00 p.m .: The start of a murder investigation against a German in the case of Madeleine "Maddie" McCann, who disappeared 13 years ago, gives the British girl's parents hope to finally learn the truth about their daughter's fate. Kate and Gerry McCann are "grateful" for the new investigation, her spokesman Clarence Mitchell said on BBC television on Thursday.

"Despite the long period, they haven't given up hope of finding Madeleine alive," added the spokesman. Nevertheless, they are "realistic".

The parents finally wanted to know the truth about their daughter's fate, the spokesman said. They needed certainty about what had happened to their daughter in order to bring those responsible to justice and "to find peace". 

Missing Maddie: German (43) suspected of murder - Prosecutor assumes the girl's death

Update of June 4, 2020, 1:02 p.m .: The public prosecutor's office in Braunschweig with spokesman Christian Wolters explained right at the start of the press conference that the 43-year-old German was being investigated for murder. "We assume that Maddie is dead," says Wolters first. The man has already been convicted of sexual abuse , among other things . The accused is currently in custody in Germany. 

Now investigators are hoping for new clues from confidants and witnesses. "I can only call on everyone to help," explains  Wolters  in the press conference. Based on the current investigation, however, no further information could be given. 

Update from June 4, 2020, 1:01 p.m .: The press conference of the Braunschweig public prosecutor's office can begin at any moment. 

Maddie McCann misses: Parents comment on current events

Update of June 4, 2020, 12.55 p.m .:  The parents of Maddie, who has disappeared for 13 years, will no longer comment on the suspect from Germany. "They want everything to focus on the investigation now," said press spokeswoman Clarence Mitchell on Thursday of the German Press Agency in London.

The parents also said that the current events would feel more serious than the previous results of the past 13 years. 

Maddie McCann missing: UK authorities are also investigating

Update of June 4, 2020, 12:48 p.m .: While the BKA announced on Wednesday that the suspect Maddie McCann had been murdered, the authorities in the UK are still investigating a missing person case . It is not yet known what information will be published at the press conference in a few minutes

Maddie McCann missing: press conference will start shortly

Update from June 4, 2020, 12.20 p.m .: In about half an hour, the Braunschweig authorities want to publish further details in a press conference. Media representatives from Portugal and England are also said to be on site, according to the world. 

It is known in advance that the suspect is currently serving a prison sentence in Kiel . The reason for this is that the 43-year-old had been convicted of another matter in Schleswig-Holstein before the verdict in December at the Braunschweig Regional Court, as the German Press Agency learned on Thursday. 

The Ministry of Justice in Hanover did not want to comment on request. However, a spokesman confirmed that the man is not in a prison in Lower Saxony, but in another state. In Braunschweig, the suspect was convicted in December 2019 of raping a 72-year-old American.

Maddie McCann misses: German has been convicted several times

Update of June 4, 2020, 11.30 a.m .: A German man is urgently suspected of killing Maddie McCann , who was only three years old at the time. Now a former neighbor of the man expresses brutal details. The 43-year-old is said to have had several criminal records *, including sexual offenses against children and the rape of a woman. 

"He was always a little angry, went up and down the street quickly and one day, around 2006, he disappeared without a word," the woman told Sky News. 

Maddie McCann misses: Now the girl's parents comment

Update of June 4, 2020, 9.49 a.m .: There is significant news that the BKA announced on Wednesday in the ZDF program  "Aktenzeichen XY" . Now the parents of the missing Maddie spoke up. Gary and Kate McCann told Sky News that the current news situation was a "grave development". They never gave up hope of seeing their little daughter again. 

Despite the fact that the couple had been targeted by investigators in recent years, Gary and Kate McCann regularly appeared on TV around the world to publicize their Maddie's disappearance. 

Case number XY received references * to the man years ago.

Maddie McCann misses: The trace of a car even leads to Bavaria

Update from June 4, 2020, 8.15 a.m .: There are many questions that the BKA asked the TV viewers of the ZDF program "Aktenzeichen XY" on Wednesday  . Among other things, photos of two cars were published. While one car now belonged to the suspect, the then 30-year-old borrowed the VW T3 in the Portuguese Algarve. The cars could also have been used for the crime or possibly the removal of a body. 

As the BKA explains in the ZDF program , the two eye-catching cars could have been noticed by holidaymakers * or they could also be seen in photos. The Jaguar is a car from Germany that has also been registered in Munich and Augsburg in the past few years (see photos below). 

Maddie McCann misses: Case number XY surprises with BKA appearance

Update from June 4, 2020, 6:20 am:  "We start with a message that has it all " - with these words, moderator Rudi Cerne started the program " Aktenzeichen XY" . No one suspected that one of the most spectacular murder cases of the century was probably about to be solved. 

In the evening, the BKA used the platform of the ZDF broadcast to familiarize a wide audience with the latest information. Because: the trace of the little girl leads to Germany. No trace of Maddie, who was only three years old at the time, has been missing for 13 years . Now there is an urgent suspicion of a man from Germany. 

Maddie McCann missing: suspect from Germany - who can help? 

"The police need your support to be able to finally convict the perpetrator," Rudi Cerne explains the seriousness of the situation. Christian Hoppe from the BKA specified the suspicion of crime in the live broadcast on Wednesday. Accordingly, the investigators are certain that the then three-year-old is dead. Her body has not been found yet. 

The ZDF program “Aktenzeichen XY” could actually have provided the decisive clue in the investigation . As Hoppe makes clear, there was a reference to the now suspect on the ZDF broadcast's information telephone in October 2013. At that time, the parents of the missing girl were guests in the ZDF studio. 

According to this, the information at the time should not have been sufficient for concrete investigations. A few years later, in 2017, there should have been another reference to the same man. The suspicion is now a concrete allegation that proceedings have been initiated on suspicion of murdering the girl. 

Maddie misses: BKA asks for specific information - who knows these phone numbers? 

However, TV viewers can now help to substantiate the suspicion of the man. The man is a 30-year-old who is currently in custody in Germany . At the time of Maddie's disappearance , the 43-year-old lived in the small town in Portugal where the parents were on vacation with their children at the time. 

A possible crime motive for investigators is a sexual offense, after all, the 43-year-old is currently serving a sentence for sexual abuse. It would also be conceivable that the suspect only wanted to break into the holiday complex and then change his motif when he saw the little girl. 

Maddie misses: suspect is already in custody 

A strong indication that speaks for the German is, according to Hoppe, the cell phone evaluation of the crime evening. Accordingly, the cell phone of the urgently suspect could be registered at the scene of the crime. The then 30-year-old is said to have made a phone call. You will find the telephone number in our initial report (see below). 

The two vehicles of the man were also shown on the ZDF program (see below). Either could have been used for the crime. Holidaymakers could have noticed the two vehicles at the time. Investigators are also asked to provide information on two houses (see below). 

So far, it cannot be ruled out whether there are co-experts in the case. "Please share your knowledge with us. Please consider the consequences for the victims and their relatives. We need your help! ”Explains Hoppe. The BKA , which works with the police in England and Portugal, also asks possible further victims of the man to report. 

Photos of vacationers from May 2007 can be uploaded to the BKA via an information portal (see below). Photos of holiday resorts or landscapes with, for example, cars in the background can also be very important. 

Maddie misses: Spectacular turning point - trail leads to Germany

Statement of origin from June 3, 2020: Munich - Is this the decisive turning point in one of the most sensational missing cases of this century? In the case of Madeleine "Maddie" McCann , who has been missing for 13 years , the Braunschweig public prosecutor's office has launched a murder investigation against a 43-year-old German. As the Federal Criminal Police Office announced on Wednesday evening, the accused has multiple criminal convictions for sex offenses - including against children - and is currently serving a longer prison term in other matters. 

Maddie McCann / Case Number XY: Is There Finally Clarity? 43-year-old arrested

As it became clear in the ZDF program "Aktenzeichen XY" *, it is said to be a man from Wiesbaden.

The then three-year-old Maddie McCann had disappeared from a holiday resort in Prai da Luz in Portugal in May 2007 . Since then, there has been no trace of the British girl. A crime is not excluded, the BKA speaks of “suspected of killing a child” *. In Docket XY Studio was on Wednesday Christian Hoppe from the BKA guest. He said, "The investigation leads us to believe that Maddie McCann was killed."

Suspected child killing!

StA Braunschweig and BKA ask for help in the case of Madeleine McCann:

Notes to the BKA (Tel .: 0611/55 - 18444) or any other police station!

Upload of image & video material at:

- Federal Criminal Police Office (@bka) June 3, 2020

Maddie McCann / Case number XY: The suspect lived at the place of disappearance

The suspect lived almost permanently in Portugal between 1995 and 2007 , including for several years near Praia da Luz . During this period he pursued several odd jobs. In addition, the BKA assumes that the alleged perpetrator also makes a living by committing crimes such as burglary theft in hotel complexes and holiday apartments as well as drug trafficking. 


In 2013, Maddie McCann's parents (left) were guests of file number xy.

© dpa / Véronique Schwabeland

The ultimate suspicion goes back to a past consignment, file number xy , according to which there were references to the accused. As early as 2013, references to the man had already been received, said Christian Hoppe. Even after a report ten years after the girl's disappearance, there were indications.
In the meantime, the suspicion of suspicion has been well founded, but in addition to the evidence, there is no solid evidence to convince the 30-year-old at the time of the crime. Therefore, the BKA is now addressing the population.

Maddie McCann / Case number XY: BKA asks for help

  • The suspect made a long phone call to Praia da Luz on the evening of May 3, 2007 with a Portuguese number. His interlocutor is still sought as an important witness. The person on the phone was using a prepaid cell phone that was not logged into the crime scene area. The number of the witness was: +351 / 91 65 10 683 . That of the suspect +351 / 91 27 30 680 . Who can provide information on the two mobile phone numbers or their users in May 2007 "Investigators believe that the person who made the call is a very important witness and call on them to get in touch," it said Scotland Yard Notice.
  • The perpetrator may have committed further sexual assault or rape while in Portugal. Who also became a victim of the suspect and has not yet reported this to the police?
  • Who was in the Algarve in Portugal at the beginning of May 2007, especially in the region between Lagos and Prai da Luz or in the "Ocean Club" holiday complex from which Madeleine McCann disappeared and took photos / videos during her stay? The police ask that these recordings be submitted to the BKA's online information portal.
  • In addition, the police are hoping for information on two vehicles that the suspect might have used. Who saw the cars in 2007? Who knows the carriage holder? The police know the current location of the cars. The period around May 3, 2007 is relevant for your investigations.
  • On the one hand, a VW T3 Westfalia in white and yellow with a Portuguese license plate comes into question. The actual owner of this vehicle is eliminated as a suspect


Did you see this VW T3 Westfalia in Portugal around May 3rd, 2007?


  • On the other hand, it is about a dark red / aubergine-colored Jaguar XJR 6 with German registration, which has been changed several times over the years. One of the license plates was one of the city of Munich, the last known license plate in May 2007 came from the city of Augsburg.


Did you see this Jaguar XJR 6 in Portugal around May 3rd, 2007?


A reward of up to 10,000 euros has been awarded for information that leads to the final judgment of a suspect or to the finding of Maddie McCain .


* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-06-08

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