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Corona in Bavaria: Almost 100 people are infected on the asparagus farm - Even cases in asylum accommodation have rude consequences 


A district in Bavaria is now a corona hotspot in Germany. In an interview, a minister rejects criticism of the government's actions.

A district in Bavaria is now a corona hotspot in Germany. In an interview, a minister rejects criticism of the government's actions.

  • In Bavaria, the Corona crisis has eased further since Monday, June 8th.
  • The Bavarian government recently reprimanded a neighboring country - and also raised new hopes for citizens. (see update from June 10, 3:35 pm)
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus and the corona news from Germany. We also offer you the current number of cases in Bavaria on a map. The following recommendations for corona protection measures are currently available.

Update from 10.15 p.m .:  A hotel in the Bavarian Forest has filed a lawsuit against a ban by the Bavarian state government - and got it right. It is now allowed to open parts of its wellness area again. The Bavarian hotel and restaurant association Dehoga takes the opportunity to put pressure on the state government of Markus Söder (CSU) - he calls for further easing.

Association head Thomas Geppert called on Friday shortly after the verdict of the Regensburg administrative court, a reaction: The government should act "flexibly and quickly" "to prevent a wave of lawsuits and prevent further damage to the industry".

Geppert described the situation of Bavarian hoteliers in drastic terms. Families with children in particular switched to Austria and other federal states - also because of the blocked wellness and spa areas in Bavarian accommodations . “Series of cancellations of stays booked in advance as well as no new bookings prove this impressively. But entire municipalities also suffer from the fact that their spas are currently not allowed to be open, which means great damage for the local hotel industry, indeed the whole town. ”

Corona in Bavaria: now almost 100 infected people at Spargelhof - management at a loss

Update from 5.50 p.m .: 95 people have now tested positive for the new type of corona virus at an asparagus farm in the Aichach-Friedberg district . 525 employees were examined, said the district office on Friday in Aichach. "At the moment, all contact persons of the patients are being identified." However, the test persons had shown no symptoms of Covid 19 disease at the time of the smear, the authority said, referring to the health department. Twenty-four hours earlier, there were 21 patients.

The management of Lohner Agrar GmbH said on Friday that in view of the precautions such as setting up their own supermarket, their own canteen with spacing arrangements and accommodating them in one or two-person rooms, they had no explanation for how the virus spreads to the yard has come. With reference to the authorities and because the swab test does not differentiate between active and dead viruses in the throat, people may have already had an illness before entering the country .

The positively tested employees and some contact persons initially remained in quarantine in the company's own apartments and were provided free of charge. "In the next few days, the health department will decide how long the quarantine lasts and when the affected harvest helpers can return to their home countries from abroad," it said. Several negatively tested people have already returned to Romania or have returned to their home country in the next few days.

Corona in Bavaria: Infection in asylum accommodation has serious consequences

Update from 5:10 p.m .:  After a resident of a community accommodation for asylum seekers in Weiden in the Upper Palatinate has been infected with the corona virus, more than 50 other residents must be put in quarantine as a precaution. The health department tested 36 residents on Friday for the virus, the government of Upper Palatinate said.

Since the contact persons could not be tracked safely, the health office quarantined the entire affected building . It was initially unclear how long the 55 residents, including small children, may not leave their rooms. A catering service provides the residents with food, it said.

The Weiden shared accommodation consists of a total of six separate buildings, in which a total of 140 people currently live.

At the recommendation of at least two meters safety distance can Escaped in mass accommodation did not keep because of their living conditions. The Robert Koch Institute therefore raises the alarm and makes urgent recommendations.

Corona in Bavaria: wellness allowed again? Hotel complains against Söder ban - and wins

Update from 4.35 p.m .: How much wellness is allowed in times of Corona ? A hotel has now sued a ban on the Bavarian government - and got it right.

The administrative court of Regensburg ruled on Friday: The wellness area of ​​a hotel may also be used in Corona times if the hygiene requirements are complied with. In a provisional order, the court found that the Bavarian Infection Prevention Ordinance "does not prevent the operation of an indoor pool or sauna ".

A hotel operator in the Bavarian Forest had sued and her house has a wellness area both inside and out. According to paragraph 11 of the regulation, such leisure facilities are actually closed. The hotel operator wanted to open her wellness areas with a hygiene protection concept. Now she can do that too. The opening of a steam bath and an infrared cabin was rejected. 

A general wave of wellness across the Bavarian hotel industry is at least acute but not to be expected: the decision only applies to the specific hotel in the Bavarian Forest . At the same time, the judges said that the pandemic was by no means over. However, the government should have come to the conclusion that, given the current state of affairs, "less restrictive protection and hygiene measures are also suitable".

Corona loosening becomes a topic of controversy: Greens lose patience - "overdue"

Update from 12.56 p.m .: Bavaria's Greens are demanding that the state government re- admit major party events . “Now it is more than overdue to enable party meetings again. It cannot and must not be that political decision-making on the ground is hindered and massively slowed down, ”said State Head Eva Lettenbauer in Munich on Friday. Parties, especially in Corona times, are essential social institutions. “We need the possibility of holding elections in a legally secure manner. There is a very high demand for this, especially after the local elections.

Corona crisis in Bavaria: Minister is criticized

Update of June 12, 10.33 p.m .: From Monday, further easing of the corona measures will apply. For example, preschool children and siblings can then go back to kindergarten or daycare. From July 1st, all children should be able to return. The basic condition for the opening is the adherence to extensive hygiene rules - and that is exactly what poses problems for many kindergartens.

Since the educators should not switch between the groups, there is a lack of staff in many places to look after the children in emergency groups in accordance with the applicable corona regulations . Brigitte Schmalz, head of the Evangelical House for Children in Weilheim, told Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) that childcare cannot be organized in small groups at the moment, because she simply lacks the staff. Politicians hope that toddler care and pedagogy will be taken as seriously as the needs of school children. 

Corona virus in Bavaria: daycare problem - Minister rejects allegations

This is how numerous educators in the entire Free State are doing at the moment. For this reason, many have long accused politicians of a lack of solidarity with the educators. Bavaria's Minister of Family Affairs Carolina Trautner has now rejected exactly this accusation in an interview with the BR : "We are of course aware that this is a very special situation in kindergarten: Because the children cannot keep their distance, because the educators cannot protect themselves with a mouth-nose covering. And that is why we have also developed supportive hygiene concepts that we give to daycare centers. ”However, it is primarily the municipalities and the agency that are responsible.

Part of the concept is to create fixed groups in the kindergartens. According to Trautner, this could prevent the entire facility from being closed immediately in the event of an infection . The CSU politicians emphasized that children with symptoms of illness should not enter the daycare centers. The family minister further told the BR that she had set the wrong priorities for the easing. She explained that people had always tried to weigh things up and loosen them up step by step. There is, for example, no easing anywhere without restrictions. If the number of infections remains at a low level, all children could go back to daycare on July 1st, she emphasized.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Landkreis Aichach-Friedberg is a corona hotspot in Germany

Update from June 11, 6.45 p.m .: The district of Aichach-Friedberg in the east of Augsburg is the new Corona hotspot in Germany. As the Robert Koch Institute announced in its daily management report, the number of  new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days in the district has been 56.1. 

Coronavirus: Bavarian district is Germany's corona hotspot - new infections exceed critical value

Aichach-Friedberg is the only district in Germany to exceed the prescribed limit of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The rapid increase is mainly due to the corona - the outbreak due to an asparagus farm (see Update 15:02). The novel corona virus has so far been found in at least 21 harvest workers . A total of 500 employees were tested. 

As the district office announced, the cases are limited to the asparagus farm and so a spread can be largely prevented. The infection numbers in the rest of the district are still unremarkable. 

Update, 3:51 p.m .:  The mountain huts in Bavaria have been able to receive overnight guests again after the corona lockdown - but hut owners despair of the strict corona requirements *.

Corona virus: "Irresponsible" - Bavaria is reprimanding a neighboring country - Tests with 500 employees on Spargelhof

Update 15:02:  In Bavaria are according to the latest information so far 47,539 people positive for the coronavirus been tested. 2532 people died who were infected with the pathogen. The State Office for Health and Food Safety announced this Thursday (June 11) on its website. The estimated number of people recovered is 43,960.

Corona: "Irresponsible" - Bavaria is reprimanding a neighboring country - tests with 500 employees on Spargelhof

Update from 2:26 p.m .:  After a corona outbreak on an asparagus farm in Aichach-Friedberg in Bavaria  and 21 harvest helpers tested positive for the virus, tests were now carried out with 500 other employees of the company. The Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety has now announced that there are other corona cases among those tested . With 200 of these employees, the result is still pending, it was said. No symptoms occurred in any of the test persons. The new infection numbers are to be announced on Monday.

Apparently, however, the new Corona cases in Aichach-Friedberg are largely limited to the asparagus farm : "Outside the asparagus farm, the number of infected people in the district is still completely unremarkable and was recently zero," said the district office.

Corona: "Irresponsible" - Bavaria reprimands a neighboring country and gives citizens hope for relaxation

Update of June 11, 10:40 am:  The Bavarian youth hostels struggling for their survival receive around 5.8 million euros in corona support from the state government. "The youth hostels offer young people valuable opportunities to meet and do important educational work," said Minister of Social Affairs Carolina Trautner (CSU) on Wednesday (June 10). The existence of the national association of the German Youth Hostel Association (DJH) should now be secured through the aid payments from the Corona social program of the state government.

The hostels are likely to Bavaria by the Corona pandemic not be lost, stressed Trautner. The program also provides for compensation of up to 60 percent of the lost revenue by the end of July 2020 and other relief measures.

Corona: "Irresponsible" - Bavaria reprimands a neighboring country and gives citizens hope for relaxation

Update from 15.35: Bavaria's government has massively criticized the lifting of contact restrictions in neighboring Thuringia. "It is irresponsible for the Thuringian government to stick to its controversial course in dealing with the corona pandemic, " said Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) in Munich on Wednesday. Although the number of infections declined across Germany, "we are not yet over the mountain". Huml referred in particular to the "slightly increased number of infections from the Bavarian point of view exactly on the border with Thuringia and also in Thuringia itself, for example in the district of Sonneberg ".

"It is now very important that the necessary distance regulations and hygiene concepts as well as the mask requirement are adhered to," she emphasized. Prudence and caution are still particularly important. The successes achieved so far should not be gambled away.

Bavaria will continue to monitor closely and be vigilant about the effects of the easing, emphasized Huml. "If the course of infection continues to be favorable, changes to the general contact restrictions will also come into consideration in Bavaria in the foreseeable future". But it was too early to make a decision about it.

Meanwhile, new studies shed light on the role of children in the spread of the coronavirus.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: A total of 47,496 people tested positive

Update from 2:15 p.m .: According to the latest information, 47,496 people in Bavaria have so far been tested positive for the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus . 2527 people died who were infected with the pathogen. This was announced by the State Office for Health and Food Safety in Erlangen on Wednesday (at 10 a.m.) on its website. The estimated number of people recovered was 43,880.

Update of June 10, 11:25 am: In the course of the Corona crisis , a curfew was introduced for restaurants in Bavaria . According to the head of the FDP parliamentary group, Martin Hagen, this must be abolished. “The restrictions are no longer proportionate. The Corona curfew has to go, restaurants should also be allowed to open after 10 p.m. ” He said that in Munich on Wednesday. In Bavaria there are only about 1000 active corona cases with around 13 million inhabitants - the tendency is falling. At the same time, many restaurants fought for survival.

However, another number is currently developing less positively than the number of active cases in Bavaria. The (Germany-wide) number of reproductions has been above the critical mark of 1 in the past three days, the Robert Koch Institute reported.

Corona virus in Bavaria: mask requirement decided in the state parliament - but one faction refuses

Update from June 9, 6:50 p.m .:  The AfD parliamentary group does not want to implement the mandatory mask * from Monday (June 15) throughout the Bavarian state parliament in its own offices and work areas. She will not follow the decision of Ilse Aigner (CSU), President of the Landtag, and will not introduce a mask requirement for both employees and members of parliament in the AfD Group's area of work and responsibility , the group said. Instead, she appeals to the consent of every employee and visitor in the state parliament .

Parliamentary Managing Director Christoph Maier said: “It doesn't make sense why the strict mask requirement should apply to employees and visitors, but not to MPs. The AfD parliamentary group does not support this contradiction and generally speaks out against a mask requirement in the Maximilianeum. "

Last Monday (June 8), the state parliament announced that, after consulting Aigner with the parliamentary leaders of the parliamentary groups and the virologist Oliver T. Keppler, a mask was required in the Maximilianeum from June 15. However, it did not apply to Members of Parliament , since they could not be required to only be allowed to exercise their mandates with a mask . An "urgent recommendation" applies to them.

Corona virus in Bavaria: conditions for tourism and trade no longer relaxed

Update from 12.14 p.m .: Despite various demands by free voters , the corona requirements for tourism and trade should not be relaxed any further in Bavaria this week . "It is a pity that there are no further easing ," said parliamentary leader Florian Streibl on Tuesday (June 9). At the weekend, Streibl, in joint crisis management with the coalition partner CSU, called for a weakening of the current travel restrictions and regulations on infection protection - even before Corpus Christi. Without further easing, distortions of competition to the detriment of the Bavarian economy are to be feared, especially in the border regions.

Corona crisis in Bavaria: Tourism in Bavaria collapses due to the corona crisis

Due to the Corona crisis, only a fraction of the usual guests stayed at Bavaria's hotels and guest houses in April . The approximately 6,400 accommodation facilities still open had reported about 173,000 guest arrivals for April, the State Office for Statistics announced on Tuesday in Fürth. That means a minus of 94.5 percent compared to April 2019. The number of overnight stays shrank to around 800,000 - a decrease of 89.8 percent compared to the same month last year.

The otherwise popular camping practically did not take place in April - the minus here was 99.8 percent for arrivals and 99.4 percent for overnight stays. The April balance sheet looks little better for youth hostels and mountain huts. In April, almost half of all 12,000 accommodation establishments closed completely at 46.5 percent. Looking at the first third of the year, the balance sheet is devastatingly bad. From January to April, 42.2 percent fewer guests arrived in Bavaria. The number of overnight stays decreased by 37.3 percent compared to the same period in the previous year.

Update from 10.51 a.m .:  The coronavirus crisis has drastically changed life, also in shopping behavior. Some things could remain after the crisis, especially in the digital world. An online supermarket therefore wants to open earlier than planned - in Munich. It could compete for the existing chains.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Free State sends returnees to Sweden in quarantine

Update from 10.13 a.m .: Bavaria sends returnees to Sweden for two weeks in quarantine . "As long as Sweden exceeds this incidence, the Free State of Bavaria also applies to quarantine when entering or returning from Sweden," said a spokesman for the Bavarian Ministry of Health on Tuesday. Because then the corresponding regulation of the Entry Quarantine Ordinance (EQV) will take effect , in which the critical brand is specified with a "number of new infections in relation to the population of more than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants cumulatively in the last seven days". Several federal states have already formulated a quarantine obligation for people entering from Sweden. The reason is the corona development there

Update from 8:57 a.m .:  This semester is unusual for Bavaria's students: Because of the Corona crisis, they study primarily on the Internet. The exams will also run differently than normal: Several options are under discussion. *

New easing for Bavaria since Monday: An industry remains outside - and now wants to demonstrate

Announcement of origin from June 9, 6.57 a.m.

Munich - On Tuesday (June 9th) service providers from the wedding industry want to draw attention to their difficult situation in Corona times with a demonstration in the Bavarian capital at 10 a.m.

"The wedding industry came to a standstill when Corona began ," said Munich wedding planner Doreen Winking, who helped organize the protest. "The easing that is coming is not enough for us." This year, she was supposed to organize twelve weddings - all had failed.

Corona virus in Bavaria: the wedding industry protests in Munich

The protest is not about questioning the corona measures as a whole, “but an entire industry has practically no income - and that will continue until the end of the year. We need solutions and answers . "

Not only wedding planners are affected, but also musicians or the operators of wedding locations . According to estimates, the industry in Germany has lost up to a billion euros as a result of the corona pandemic, said Winking. "Hundreds of wedding receptions were canceled - thousands probably."

Corona virus in the Free State: Aid hospitals in Bavaria are being dismantled again

The corona pandemic in Bavaria also led to the fact that auxiliary hospitals were built - but then the crisis turned out to be much more mild than feared. That is why these auxiliary hospitals are being dismantled again. Some were not started at all, according to a survey by the German Press Agency. The test capacities, on the other hand, are to be massively expanded.

"To what extent the expansion of the tests to the currently existing 124 Bavarian test centers will have a concrete impact is not yet clear," said Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) . The tests are to be strengthened in particular for groups of people who are particularly at risk or who work in the so-called critical infrastructure. "In addition, in the Free State of Bavaria, people who do not show any typical symptoms of a corona infection should also be given the opportunity to be tested," says Huml. Details would still be worked out.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Government sees itself prepared for an increase in the number of infections

According to the information, seven such auxiliary hospitals were set up in the Upper Bavaria region alone . With the exception of Erding, all have been or will be dismantled. According to a spokesman for the district government, three auxiliary hospitals in Schwandorf, Oberviechtach and Waldsassen as well as a makeshift hospital in Weiden were built in the Upper Palatinate. Only the locations in Schwandorf and Oberviechtach are on standby.

Despite the dismantling of the auxiliary hospitals, the authorities are well prepared for a possible increase in the number of infections . A spokeswoman for the government of Upper Franconia, where the concepts had not previously been required in the course of the pandemic , said, for example: "In the event of the occurrence of a second wave of Covid-19 disease, additional inpatient treatment capacities could be secured on a very short-term basis."

came / dpa

You can always read all the news from Bavaria with us.

Edmund Stoiber spoke to * about the effects of the corona virus in Bavaria.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © AFP / CHRISTOF STACHE

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-06-13

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