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Coronavirus in China: New virus type discovered on the wholesale market - Beijing authorities should go into “war condition”


For the first time in two months there have been new corona cases in Beijing. The new infections have meanwhile reached a new high worldwide. The global news ticker.

For the first time in two months there have been new corona cases in Beijing. The new infections have meanwhile reached a new high worldwide. The global news ticker.

  • For weeks now, the United States and Beijing in particular have been arguing whether China has announced the coronavirus risk  too late.
  • The People's Republic seemed to have had the epidemic in its own country under control in the past few weeks - but now current figures are scaring for a second wave (see update from June 14, 10:14 a.m.).
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus * and the corona news from Germany. You can also find current case numbers in Germany as a map. The following recommendations for corona protection measures are currently available
  • Read all previous global developments in the corona pandemic here.

Update of June 14, 12:39 p.m .: The fear of a second wave became clearer than ever at a crisis meeting in China after the largest corona outbreak since April. At the meeting, the authorities in the Chinese capital were asked to "go to war" to prevent a second outbreak of lung disease Covid-19. 

Another corona outbreak in China: newly discovered virus has a different gene sequence

Preliminary sequencing of the gene strain revealed that the newly discovered virus is different from the type that previously affected the country. The local health department epidemiologist, Zeng Guang, said Sunday's Global Times reported . In order to determine the origin of the current virus, the results should be compared with analyzes from other countries. So far, the virus has been traced back to a chopping board at the Xinfadi wholesale market in Beijing . Imported salmon had been processed on the board.


Chinese paramilitaries control the closed Xinfadi market in Beijing. 


China imports salmon from several countries, for example Chile, Australia, Norway, Canada and the Faroe Islands . The Xinfadi market, which covers an area of ​​around 150 soccer fields, has now closed and has now been “thoroughly” disinfected. Eleven residential areas and six other stores were also closed. Experts now fear that the capital's food supply could be affected. 

Coronavirus in China: Beijing now has to pass an "important test", said an expert

Beijing has now passed an "important test"  in the fight against lung disease - the largest since a period of calm in the country, Guang told the Global Times. Adjacent cities and towns in Hebei Province and neighborhoods in the capital urged residents to immediately sign up for the coronavirus test if they were recently at the Xinfadi market or any of the other six closed markets in Beijing. 

It is currently difficult to estimate how far the infections go. Particularly critical: the driver of a shuttle bus from Beijing airport is among those infected . The Global Times wrote that he visited the Xinfadi wholesale market on June 3, then felt uncomfortable and got a fever on Friday . He went to three hospitals until he was diagnosed with Covid-19. The capital's Covid-19 crisis team has announced plans to tighten controls on travelers and cargo upon entry to prevent the virus from spreading further. 

Update of June 14, 10:14 a.m .: In China , the fear of another - and this time maybe even bigger - outbreak of the corona virus is growing. According to the national health authority, 57 new Covid-19 cases were confirmed on Saturday , including 19 “imported” cases for travelers and 38 local infections. The official news agency Xinhua reported on Sunday. 

Coronavirus: China has seen the highest increase in new infections since April

The latest figures show the highest number of new infections in China since April . Of the domestic cases, 36 were registered in Beijing and two in Liaoning Province. However, no new deaths have been reported in connection with the disease. 

Previously, 45 infections had been detected in the first 500 tests on a wholesale market in Beijing on Saturday . The Xinfadi market in the Fengtai district was then closed . It normally supplies around 90 percent of the fruit and vegetables of the 20 million metropolis. In the area surrounding the market, eleven residential areas were closed off , and nine kindergartens and primary schools were closed. Around 10,000 dealers and market employees are now to be tested on Corona.

The new cases raised fear of a second wave of viruses in China . So far, the People's Republic had largely managed the failures after the first wave. In Beijing, all security measures were therefore tightened immediately after they had been relaxed only a few weeks ago. As of Saturday, a total of 83,132 coronavirus infections were reported in China, and 4,634 people infected with the virus died

Corona virus worldwide: Brazil has the second most registered corona deaths

Update of June 13, 8:20 pm: A sad ranking: Brazil has overtaken Great Britain and is now the country with the second most registered corona deaths worldwide.

Specifically: In the largest country in Latin America, 909 people died from coronavirus within 24 hours . This was announced by the Ministry of Health in Brasilia. 

The number of Covid 19 fatalities rose to 41,828. At least 828,810 people have been in Brazil with the coronavirus infected - the actual number of Corona-infected people is likely to be much higher, according to agency data, however.

Update from June 13, 7.15 p.m .:  Squirrels are mentioned as a possible vector of the corona virus. China appears to be taking action in the corona pandemic - and now wants to protect the wild animals.

Corona virus worldwide: new high point in corona infections

Update from June 13, 12 noon : The number of new infections caused by SARS-CoV-2 has reached a new high worldwide . A total of 136,572 new corona cases were reported within 24 hours worldwide, according to the latest WHO daily report on Friday (June 12) . The number of infections is thus above the previous record level of 131,296 diseases that were published in the report on June 8. 

As a result, the new infections had dropped for a few days, sometimes even significantly. On June 12, however, the WHO reported that there was a further increase in new infections, which now led to the new record of 136,572 infections within 24 hours . Brazil was hit hardest with 32,913 new infections within one day, followed by the USA with 20,315 newly reported cases. India was also hit hard, with 10,956 new cases registered, and Russia with 8,987 new infections.

Meanwhile, Bill Gates is now commenting on the conspiracy theories that imply that he wants to control the world. He issued a warning.

Corona fright in China: Beijing reports new cases for the first time in two months - parts of the metropolis sealed off

Update of June 13, 9.30 a.m .: In  Beijing , after a further outbreak of the corona virus on the Xinfadi market in the Fengtai district, there were already 45 infections after 500 testsdiscovered. The wholesale market was closed, and around 10,000 dealers and market employees are now to be tested.

Previously, the national health commission had reported six local infections nationwide - all in Beijing. The new cases are the first in Beijing for more than a month and a half. Four came from the Xinfadi market, which was the focus of the investigation. According to local media, the 45 people who have now been diagnosed initially do not show any symptoms.

The Global Times newspaper cited experts who believe that the closure of the market is likely to affect food supplies to the capital. The capital had been particularly protected since the pandemic in Wuhan in central China six months ago, and was also more isolated than other cities from the rest of the country. The security measures were stricter than anywhere else and were only relaxed a few weeks ago

Coronavirus in China: Beijing reports new infection case

Update of June 13, 7:12 am: China had repeatedly reported in the past few weeks that it had the spread of the corona virus under control. On Thursday, the authorities in Beijing found a corona infection for the first time in two months . The authorities in the Chinese capital have now closed off eleven residential areas due to several new corona infections.

Nine schools and kindergartens in the metropolis were closed, officials said on Saturday at a press conference. The seven new coronavirus infections are therefore related to a meat market.

Corona in China: virus detected on cutting boards?

Six of the Corona cases were registered on Saturday, the press conference said. They are all related to the Xinfadi meat market. Its chief told the Beijing News website that the virus was found on cutting boards that processed imported salmon . As the newspaper "Beijing Daily" reported, large supermarket chains such as Wumart and Carrefour removed all salmon products from their range on Saturday night.

The authorities had already closed two stores in Beijing that one of the infected had visited on Friday . AFP reporters reported massive police traffic in front of the markets.

Corona fright in China: Beijing reports new cases for the first time in two months

Update of June 12, 7:31 p.m .:  After two months without new corona infections, positive cases have been reported in Beijing for the first time. Three people are said to have been infected with Covid-19 . Previously, there were very few new cases in the world's most populous country. According to Johns Hopkins University , there have been only eleven new corona findings across the People's Republic in the past 13 hours. China currently has 84,220 infected (as of 7:20 p.m.).

Beijing is reacting drastically to the developments. Because of the three cases, the education commission of the Chinese capital decided not to reopen primary schools as planned next Monday, but to keep them closed.

A meat market was also closed. One of the three infected is said to have visited this. The police cordoned off the site on the advice of the authorities. 

Corona virus global: more and more cases - India overtakes Great Britain 

Update June 12, 12:01 am:  India has  overtaken the UK in the number of reported  coronavirus infections . India reports more than 297,000 documented cases on Friday  . The second most populous country in the world with 1.3 billion inhabitants ranks fourth worldwide - after the USA, Brazil and Russia. 

The number of Sars-CoV-2 infections in India has increased rapidly in the past few days - with around 10,000 new cases per day. Nevertheless, the country is relaxing the corona measures . Offices, religious sites, restaurants and shopping centers are now open again. The lockdown has left millions of people unemployed, many are afraid to starve.

Corona in Brazil: moving Copacabana scenes - "The most difficult demonstration in our history"

Update of June 12, 7:06 am : 100 grave crosses have been erected on the Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro in protest against the Brazilian government's corona policy and in memory of the deceased . During the campaign, volunteers from the non-governmental organization Rio de Paz also excavated an empty grave for each cross on Thursday (June 11) . "It was the most difficult demonstration in our history," wrote its president, Antonio Costa, on Twitter.

A video of the group showed how a supporter of right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro abused the organizers and knocked over the crosses. A man who had been walking on the beach and watched the scene set up the crosses again, as the portal "G1" reported. "Respect people's pain," he called. It turned out to be a father who had lost his 25-year-old son to the corona virus.

Acabamos de ser atacados.

To homem começou a derrubar todas as cruzes. @riodepaz #nacontramaodomundo

- Lucas Louback (@llucaslouback) June 11, 2020

According to recent figures from the Ministry of Health , 40,919 people across Brazil have died from the coronavirus. 802,828 have become infected. President Bolsonaro downplayed the corona virus and opposed any measures to contain it. The Supreme Court therefore delegated the power to impose measures against the spread of the virus to states and communities. Bolsonaro also repeatedly lacked sympathy for the relatives of the victims.

Corona virus: concern for Africa is growing

Update of June 11, 4:11 p.m .: In Africa, the spread of the corona virus - through strict entry controls and early lockdowns - has so far been kept somewhat under control. However, the local population often pays a tremendously high price for this - according to the WHO Regional Director for Africa, Matshidiso Moeti , at a video press conference organized in Geneva on Thursday. There are problems especially in the economic and social area.

So far, the metropolises in South Africa and Nigeria have been particularly badly affected, but the virus is now spreading to rural regions. WHO experts expect the number of cases to increase. 

Even World Medical President Frank Ulrich Montgomery worries about the future course of the pandemic control in Africa, many countries had insufficient funds available, "For going when the fight against Corona in southern Africa lost, it is lost for the entire globe." For the SPD Health expert Karl Lauterbach is therefore now time to increase WHO funds and "not to wait for the US to get back in."

Coronavirus pandemic: should China have stopped the spread much earlier?

First report from June 10 : Boston / Beijing - Has China  reacted too late to  Covid-19 ? Has it left the rest of the world in the dark about the scope of the novel  corona virus? Did it cover up, lie? The United States and China in particular have been arguing bitterly about this for weeks . Many US researchers are looking for evidence of China's misconduct - and now want to have found new clues that the virus has been circulating in Wuhan since August .

Coronavirus in Wuhan: evidence of an outbreak as early as August 2019

For this they have used unusual methods - which are accordingly questionable. As a guide, they analyzed the parking situation at the hospitals in Wuhan using a satellite image . In parallel, they have analyzed the Chinese  online search volume for  “diarrhea” and “cough” , two of the most important symptoms of Covid 19 disease , and their findings for peer review on the Harvard pre-print server -University released.

The investigation by satellite is possible because commercial providers use it to provide very precise images of the earth's surface, on which even objects as small as 70 centimeters can be recognized. The researchers resorted to this method, they explain, because they had already found in other studies in Latin America that the average parking space in hospitals was significantly more busy with every flu wave .

Coronavirus in Wuhan: Researchers count cars on satellite images

They want to have observed the same phenomenon in Wuhan as early as August . While, according to Chinese data, the virus only started its journey around the world in December. The provider of the satellite photos, RS Metrics, shares a picture from the study on Twitter, and the parked cars at a hospital in Wuhan are clearly marked in red.

As featured on @ABC and @GMA, @RSMetrics partnered w / @BostonChildrens to measure #hospitaltraffic in #Wuhan China from Jan 2018 to May 2020. Spikes at major hospitals occurred in the Sept-Dec 2019 4 months before the #Coronavirus outbreak # Covid19

- RS Metrics (@RSMetrics) June 8, 2020

Another user shares a photo from the study with before-and-after comparison with the online service:

Harvard Medical School research looking at satellite images found that # of cars parked at major #Wuhan hospitals at points last autumn was much higher than preceding yr, suggesting #coronavirus outbreak may have started much earlier previously thought

- Sophia Yan (@sophia_yan) June 9, 2020

The satellite images  are also the weakness of the study. The researchers used only a few images - or could only use a few. The recordings of commercial providers are expensive and therefore rare. And not always possible, for example when clouds cover the earth's surface. But the researchers also give no clues as to the time of the respective recordings. That would be important.

In an interview with , the director of the German Remote Sensing Data Center at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Stefan Dech, emphasizes that satellite photos are snapshots.

Corona pandemic worldwide: US study on satellite images is criticized

"You have to make sure you know what's going on in the hospital when the pictures are taken," he said. Before, during, and after a lunch break, the parking lot may look very different. The same applies to the time of visit . In fact, the variation in the number of cars in the pictures is high.

In other places, attempts are being made to reconstruct the outbreak of the corona pandemic and evidence is being gathered for this. The  South China Morning Post claims to have documents showing that the first patient who was definitely infected with Covid-19 was identified on November 17.

Video: British secret service suspects Covid-19 origin in Chinese laboratory

Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and four other heads of government are raising the alarm for possible pandemics in the future. In the meantime, the reproductive value in Germany has been above the critical mark of 1 again in the past three days - experts warn of a second wave. AFP, dpa

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

Rubric list image: © AFP / NOEL CELIS

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-06-15

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