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New Coronary Pneumonia· Newest|About 20 more people diagnosed with SF driver and Salsa cashier


The new coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) epidemic continued, and the third wave broke out in Hong Kong. There were 38 new confirmed cases today, of which 32 were local cases, 11 were related to Mingquan Building in Shuiquan'ao Village, Shatian, and 9 cases were from unknown sources. The total number of cases in Hong Kong was 1,404. The Secretary for Education, Yang Runxiong, announced that all schools in Hong Kong will take the summer vacation together early next week. Primary 5 students can take the test and the DSE candidates can make up the class.

Social News

Written by: Chen Jiayi, Zheng Cuibi, Li Enci, Chen Shuxia, Zhang Jiamin, Hu Jiaxin, McCain Huang Weilun

2020-07-10 07:29

Last update date: 2020-07-10 22:14

The new coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) epidemic continued, and the third wave broke out in Hong Kong. There were 38 new confirmed cases today, of which 32 were local cases, 11 were related to Mingquan Building in Shuiquan'ao Village, Shatian, and 9 cases were from unknown sources. The total number of cases in Hong Kong was 1,404.

The Secretary for Education, Yang Runxiong, announced that all schools in Hong Kong will take the summer vacation together early next week. Primary 5 students can take the test and the DSE candidates can make up the class.

[22:07] It is understood that there are about 20 additional confirmed cases in Hong Kong at night, most of which are local infections, including 8 confirmed by the HA and 3 found by the Department of Health.

[21:55] The New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic rebounded and there was a third wave of community outbreaks. Today (10th), 38 confirmed cases were updated. 11 people were residents of Mingquan Building, Shuiquan'ao Village, Shatian; a total of 12 residents have been recruited. Some Shuiquan Ao Village market stall owners plan to close their business and avoid epidemic tomorrow, and some neighbourhoods buy more food "storage grains" for several days. They plan not to leave the house to avoid inadvertent "stroke".

New Crown Pneumonia|Shuquan'ao Village's worst-hit market stall owner shuts down to avoid epidemic

[21:45] Another employee of the chain cosmetics store Sasha is diagnosed with new crown pneumonia. The employee works as a cashier in the Shatian Center. It is following the Maanshan Xingang City Center and the Yautang branch. Last night (9th) The diagnosis was confirmed, and the third cashier was diagnosed. The branch is closed from today. Patients in Shatian Center and Ma On Shan had dinner together two days ago.

New Coronary Pneumonia|Sasa's three cashiers diagnosed in Shetian, Yau Tong, Ma On Shan branches within 2 days

[21:35] Hyatt Hotel Shatian received a report from the Center for Health Protection yesterday (9th) that a customer was diagnosed with new pneumonia yesterday. The customer checked into the hotel from 5 to 6 this month and was diagnosed three days after check-out (9th) . The hotel confirmed tonight that a guest was diagnosed with New Coronary Pneumonia and admitted that someone was staying in the same room from the 6th to the 9th.

New Coronary Pneumonia|Hyatt Hyatt Shatian was checked out 3 days later and was diagnosed as having lived in the same room


[20:15] According to online reports, one of SF Express drivers working in Xinpugang was confirmed today. As seen at the scene, SF Express closed its business at Shuangxi Street in Xinpugang, but there were at least 10 employees in the back door rushing to take away the parcels in the store. Some staff confirmed that the diagnosed person was a part-time driver, and was responsible for delivering the parcel to Ciyun on weekdays. The mountains.

SF Express confirmed the initial diagnosis of an outsourced driver. The route was mainly Ciyun Mountain. Therefore, the Xinpugang store to which the outsourced driver belonged was temporarily closed for thorough disinfection. Employees of the store have been tested for viruses today, and they will isolate themselves at home.

New Crown Pneumonia|Shin Po Kong Shunfeng has a driver diagnosed the store is closed and the staff evacuates the package for disinfection




【17:53】Shuiquan'ao Village, Shatian: An ambulance drove to Mingquan Building again. The ambulancemen in protective clothing and 3 residents fell into the building, including 1 male, 1 female and 1 child, who walked on the ambulance by themselves go away.

[17:00] Zhang Zhujun said that this morning he visited the Shuiquanao Village with experts from the Environmental Protection Agency and the Housing Department. The pipes of the building were independent and not connected. Among the 11 cases, 2 of them lived in the same unit, and the others were scattered on different floors and orientations. It is believed that it has nothing to do with the pipe and ditch, and may be related to shared facilities and elevators. Environmental samples have been taken.

New Coronary Pneumonia | 38 cases diagnosed today Shuiquanao accounted for 11 cases Zhang Zhujun: preliminary cases are tightening

New Crown Pneumonia|Chen Zhaoshi: Book Fair Held as Scheduled

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New Crown Pneumonia|Tseung Kwan O Mansion Outbreak Involved in the First Phase of Dewang Middle School Student, Cannes Jinhai Man




[16:34] Zhang Zhujun, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Department of Health Protection, Department of Health: As of 4 o'clock today, 38 new cases were diagnosed, of which 6 cases were imported.

Enter case:

#1367 India returns to the quarantine center, leaving samples on the 12th.
#1369 Male, 32 years old, not sure where to come back. The seafarer took a KA734 Gilombo transfer to Hong Kong and confirmed that he had left Hong Kong when he was confirmed.
#1370 Male 32 years old, take KA734, not sure where to come, because the phone is wrong and could not be found.
#1373 Kazakh pilot, he flew to the United States when he was diagnosed.
#1392 Philippine seaman, CX906, returned to Hong Kong on July 8 and has now been sent to the hospital.
#1399 Imported case, close contact with #1309, arrived in Hong Kong on July 6th and started fever on July 9th.

Ten of the local confirmed cases are related to previous cases.

#1394, 39 year old female, has been to Binji.
#1388, 72-year-old male, has been to Binji; #1389, 72-year-old female, is the wife of #1388.
#1391, formerly a taxi driver, had contact with #1329 (the same taxi driver), took a car and chatted. Family of #1391: #1402, female 15 years old, reading Chen Ruizhi; #1403, female 8 years old, reading Taoist Qingsong Primary School in Shanshan Village.
#1396, visited Xinfa Tea Restaurant on July 3rd and 4th.
The three come from the same family: #1371, male 16 years old; #1374, female 51 years old, husband is a taxi driver, no symptoms; #1398, male 26 years old.

11 cases, living in Mingquan Building, Shuiquan'ao Village , some people have been to restaurants and markets in Shuiquan'ao Village. There are no other confirmed cases. Mingquan Building includes:

#1377、#1387 is the staff of Mingquan Building; #1386 is the assistant of MTR Taihe Station.
#1378, a 7-year-old male, studying in Zhu Zhengxian Primary School of Baoliangju
#1380, working in a foreign domestic helper company.
#1387, enrolled in the Kowloon City Baptist Jubilee (Enping) Primary School.
#1385, 1378 are family members.

Nursing home related:

#1395, the elderly in the Hong Kong-Thailand Elderly Care Center, Queen Mary Hospital.
#1404, male, 18 years old, diagnosed with care center #1352. The son of #1352 will pick up his dad to walk around nearby every week. On June 28, he will take his dad home to celebrate Father’s Day.

9 cases of unknown origin:

#1375, a 13-year-old girl, studying at Dewang Middle School, living with her family in Tianjin Phase I , having a runny nose on July 7, and having a tutor and painting outside of school. Several of the female students are close contacts and will be sent to the quarantine center.
#1368, 40-year-old female, working in SASA, Yau Tong.
#1400, 40-year-old male, repairs iron gate in Fo Tan Commercial Building.
#1376, 41-year-old female, works in Taikoo Shing, lives in Houde Building, Ande Village, Xiumaoping, no high-risk factors were found.
#1393, 89-year-old woman, is the wife of #1365 and lives in Ankang Pavilion.
#1397, 40-year-old male, lives in Xingchen Building, Caiyun Village.
#1390, a 35-year-old male, opened the education center "North Point Jonyan Education Center" with several teachers; living with his wife in Jinhai, Tseung Kwan O, no high-risk factors were found.
#1372, 47-year-old female, living in Meihe Building, Hezhi, with different floors and different directions in the previous case. Salsa work in Newport City, close contacts will be sent to the quarantine center.
#1401, live in Caihua Building, there are several cases in this estate, including Binxin Xinfa. This case is not too close to the previously diagnosed unit.

[16:05] It is understood that since yesterday’s outbreak press conference, there have been 48 newly confirmed or preliminary confirmed cases in Hong Kong, at least 38 of which are local infections, more than 34 local infections yesterday, or Hit a new high. Of the 48 cases, nearly 20 came from the quarantine center or the Department of Health tracking cases, and more than 10 cases came from Shuiquanao Village. In other words, Shuiquan'ao Village has accounted for about a quarter of new cases.


[15:44] An ambulance arrived at Mingquan Building, and the ambulanceman in protective clothes took the same woman to the building. The woman took many bags and left the ambulance by herself. The cleaning staff cleaned the public places in the lobby of Mingquan Building, including the gates, letter boxes, etc., and sprayed disinfectant on the footpath.

New Coronary Pneumonia|Schools of Hong Kong will be closed next week. The Primary 5 Sub-test is available for examination and DSE is available

[14:20] Yang Runxiong: The schedule for DSE listing on July 22 will remain the same. Students will return to the school to receive their grades. The school should do appropriate health and safety measures. The school situation is planned before the disruption of the epidemic this week. I know that some kindergartens and international schools will open in August. I will see the epidemic as soon as possible and listen to expert opinions. There is no supplement today.

School activities such as graduation ceremonies, teacher-teacher banquets, etc., must follow the code, such important activities can ask the Education Bureau for advice.

In the DSE next year, the Education Bureau discussed with the Assessment Bureau. However, the progress of the senior secondary curriculum and the 4th, 5th teaching in each school is different. It is difficult to take away some parts. However, it is up to the Assessment Bureau to decide whether to discuss with the Assessment Bureau. Ensure that the exam is fair and equitable.

[14:15] Yang Runxiong: The summer vacation in advance is to hope that students will move less, which will be more helpful to the whole society’s epidemic prevention work, and will not affect the learning environment on a large scale. Primary 5 shows that the split test will affect the flexibility of the S1 allocation.

Students who know that they are preparing for the DSE exam in Secondary Five to Secondary Six have been suspended for a long period of time. Some schools themselves have make-up classes during the summer vacation. We think we can do it. However, we must do a good job in epidemic prevention. We feel no problem.

[14:00] Yang Runxiong, Director of the Education Bureau:

Since the resumption of classes at the end of May this year, there have been no cases of infection in schools. However, in the past two cases of infections in Japan have soared. The Education Bureau considered that all primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Hong Kong will have summer vacation early next Monday, and the examination will be arranged according to the actual situation.

The primary five is divided into examinations. If the school submits examinations next week, the examination can be carried out according to the original plan. If you choose to postpone the submission test to September, you can postpone the submission test date on October 20.

The S3 and S5 open examinations will be closed after the examinations are completed from 13 to 17 next week.

The Pre S1 test will be conducted on July 14th. The secondary school can decide for itself and respond to the Education Bureau before 12:00 noon on July 13th.

Schools can only take the test for half a day. According to DSE experience, the test is a static activity and there will not be much conversation.

The school may not be fully prepared, such as sending notices, summer homework, and implementing epidemic prevention measures. The school building should be open to take care of students. The announcement is relatively urgent, causing inconvenience to schools and teachers. I hope everyone will understand and the Education Bureau will provide assistance.


【13:44】Yu Mingjun, District Council Member, Yiming District, Shatian said that a 66-year-old female resident of Mingquan Building in Shuiquan'ao Village lived in Room 16, and she was diagnosed the day before yesterday. The unit's throat has a small hole and needs repair. However, he emphasized that the test results of the deep-throat saliva of the residents of the unit involved were negative, and no diagnosis was confirmed.

New Coronary Pneumonia|Many people diagnosed with broken pipes in Mingquan Building, Shuiquan'ao Village

[12:57] MTR Corporation confirmed that a part-time station assistant diagnosed new pneumonia and worked at Taihe Station on the East Rail Line this morning. The assistant is known to live in Shuiquan'ao Village.

New Coronary Pneumonia|Jushuiquan Macao MTR part-time station assistant was diagnosed and worked at Taihe Station this morning

[12:42] It is reported that residents of Xiquan Building and Hequan Building of Shuiquan'ao Village, Shatian, were diagnosed separately. Both of them were imported cases and returned to Hong Kong from Pakistan. They are now hospitalized in Prince of Wales Hospital. In addition, the residents of Mingquan Building have been diagnosed earlier, and there are reports that the same residents on different floors have been initially diagnosed.

New Coronary Pneumonia|Diagnosed by multiple people at Mingquan Building, Shuiquanao Village 10 ambulances sent to hospital with rehabilitation center

[12:38] It is understood that there are at least 30 new cases today, of which more than 10 involve residents of Shuiquan'ao Village in Shatian. The Secretary for Education Yang Runxiong met with reporters at the government headquarters at 2 pm today (10th). It is expected that the suspension of classes in Hong Kong will be announced.

[12:00] In response to the development of the epidemic, it is understood that the Education Bureau will announce the suspension of classes in all schools in Hong Kong.

New Crown Pneumonia|New Territories South Police Officer Zeng Guang Gu Binji Congee Noodle Shop Was Arranged For Home Work And Other Test Results

[11:00] A police officer affiliated with the Crime Unit of the New Territories South Region once visited the Pingshi Village Binji Congee Noodle Shop. The officer had no symptoms, but had submitted test samples to the CHP and was waiting for the test results.

New Crown Pneumonia|Family of Jiafu Rongzhen Primary School in Fanling diagnosed with emergency suspension

District Councillor Qiu Wenjun confirmed that there were 10 ambulances in the early morning of this day (10th) that took the initial diagnosis of Mingquan Building to the hospital. (Photo of Qiu Wenjun FB)

[10:32] According to multiple sources, the 66-year-old diagnosed woman at the Mingquan Building in Shuiquan'ao Village lived earlier, and a preliminary confirmed case was recorded. A source revealed that there were multiple initial diagnoses in Mingquan Building, which were sent to different hospitals.

The district councillor Qiu Wenjun confirmed that there were 10 ambulances in the early morning of this day (10th) that sent the residents with the initial diagnosis of Mingquan Building to the hospital. He said that authorities distributed deep-throat saliva sample bottles in the building on Wednesday. About half of the residents returned it yesterday. There are about 500 households in the building. To his knowledge, the initial confirmed cases were scattered on different floors and different units of the building.

[10:00] The relatives of teachers of Jiafu Rongzhen Primary School in Jiafu Village, Jialing Village, Fanling confirmed the diagnosis of new coronary pneumonia.

[08:00] As of 8 a.m. on Friday (10th), there were 85,443 confirmed cases nationwide, with a total of 4,648 deaths, 5 suspected cases, 80,249 cured cases, and a total of 1,958 cases imported overseas; in Hubei, a total of 68,135 cases The total number of deaths was 4,512.

▼The third wave of outbreaks limits the tightening▼




New crown pneumonia

New Coronary Pneumonia|Many people diagnosed with broken pipes in Mingquan Building, Shuiquan'ao Village

New Crown Pneumonia|New Territories South Police Officer Zeng Guang Gu Binji Congee Noodles Arranged to Work at Home and Other Results

New Coronary Pneumonia | Xu Shuchang: Ideally, book fairs should be closed this year.

New Coronary Pneumonia|Chen Zhaoshi: Strengthen community testing program to distribute bottles to taxi drivers and restaurant staff

New Coronary Pneumonia Restrictions Order Suspension Class I Live 01 Live 01 Video

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-07-10

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