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Democratic primaries. Latest︳Dai Yaoting: The number of votes on the first day reached 228,983, far exceeding the 170,000 goal


The 35+ primary election of the Democratic Party led by Associate Professor Dai Yaoting of the Law Department of the University of Hong Kong. The primary elections will be held today and tomorrow. More than 250 districts in Hong Kong will be turned into service stations by district councillors’ offices and yellow shops for public voting. . The police held a search warrant last night (10th) to the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Center, which assisted in the development of the voting system, at the Nanhui Plaza office in Wong Chuk Hang, accusing someone of dishonest use of a computer. No one was arrested for the computer. However, Democracy Power later stated on a social networking site that the technical team is resetting the encryption key for the system in consideration of system security in case the police suddenly went to the institute to investigate and disrupted the work schedule. Therefore, today (11th) the opening hours of all service stations must be postponed to 12 noon and the end time should be maintained at 9 pm. In addition, the epidemic has recurred again recently. The organizer held a press conference earlier and listed five anti-epidemic guidelines, including that everyone should wear a mask in the service station. If feasible, everyone should check the body temperature before entering the service station. Wait. "Hong Kong 01" will broadcast a part of the voting station situation for you.

Political situation

Written by: Huang Fengyi, Zhai Ruimin, Peng Zhuowei, Qiu Qiqian

2020-07-11 12:09

Last update date: 2020-07-11 21:45

The 35+ primary election of the Democratic Party led by Associate Professor Dai Yaoting of the Law Department of the University of Hong Kong. The primary elections will be held today and tomorrow. More than 250 districts in Hong Kong will be turned into service stations by district councillors’ offices and yellow shops for public voting. .

The police held a search warrant last night (10th) to the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Center, which assisted in the development of the voting system, at the Nanhui Plaza office in Wong Chuk Hang, accusing someone of dishonest use of a computer. No one was arrested for the computer. However, Democracy Power later stated on a social networking site that the technical team is resetting the encryption key for the system in consideration of system security in case the police suddenly went to the institute to investigate and disrupted the work schedule. Therefore, today (11th) the opening hours of all service stations must be postponed to 12 noon and the end time should be maintained at 9 pm.

In addition, the epidemic has recurred again recently. The organizer held a press conference earlier and listed five anti-epidemic guidelines, including that everyone should wear a mask in the service station. If feasible, everyone should check the body temperature before entering the service station. Wait.

"Hong Kong 01" will broadcast a part of the voting station situation for you.




[21:33] Dai Yaoting said on the social networking site that there were 228,983 people voting on the first day, far exceeding the 170,000 people expected to vote in two days.

He said that if there are similar figures every hour tomorrow, the total number of people may exceed 500,000.

[20:30] In the remaining half an hour from the first day of the democratic primaries, the number of people at some ticketing stations has been reduced. There are no people at the ticket station at the bottom of the flyover at Mobil New Village. No one has queued up at the service station.

As for Tseung Kwan O's Po Lam Hui On Shopping Centre, due to the large number of people, volunteers cut off the dragon earlier than 8 o'clock.

At the Tai Po Plaza ticket station with long queues throughout the day, long lines of people are still seen.

[18:45] Zheng Dahong and Li Yuxin of the Citizen Party at Taikoo Paijie Station were supported by Yu Ruowei, Chen Shuzhuang and Tan Wenhao.

Tan Wenhao said that at Volkswagen Street Station at 5 or 6 pm today, a volunteer who was sending leaflets and was about 20 years old was accused by 2 to 3 middle-aged women and attacked with an umbrella. The female volunteer was injured in the head and did not bleed. She has now returned home to rest. He said that because the alarm was useless and worried that the volunteers might even be arrested, the incident was not reported to the police. He questioned the deliberate use of violence to slash elections. Regarding the number of voters, he called the tension in each district a good thing, and he can maintain the enthusiasm of the election.

Taikoo Street Station:




[18:15] Democracy Power stated on its social networking site that from 12:00 today to 18:01, a total of 137,806 citizens participated in the electronic voting at all service stations in Hong Kong.

[18:05] Some district councillors accused Legislative Councillor Yoon Siu-kwan from lending his office as a service station, but did not cover the signboard of "Mr. Yoon Siu-kwan’s office" outside, calling on him to "respect the election."

Ou Nuoxuan, who held the primary election, later clarified the standard, saying that the members of the council lent their offices as service stations. According to the guidelines, they could retain the signboards, because if the cover would make it impossible to identify the voting place, the practice was "too bluffing" .

Ou Nuoxuan also pointed out that in order to maintain justice, the office should endeavour to avoid posting any favorable candidate information, and only post the introduction materials submitted by all candidates.

[18:00] Yuan Jiawei won the platform of Huang Zhifeng, Zhou Ting, Zhu Kaidi, He Yunshi, Huang Yaoming and Wang Zongyao. Huang Zhifeng said that there is an upward trend in the number of voters today, but there is still a distance from reaching the standard, hoping that more people will vote. Yuan Jiawei said that the regime used white terror to intimidate Hong Kong people, trying to make them afraid to vote. She also said that it is unknown what means the government will use to obstruct the primary election tomorrow and call on more people to vote. During the period, Daboman Shifang was present, and the mobile phone live broadcast accused Huang Zhifeng and Yuan Jiawei. Some citizens stopped and asked him to leave.




[18:13] Dai Yaoting said on his social networking site that more citizens participated in the primary vote than expected, and expected that at the end of the vote tomorrow, 500,000 people will vote

[18:02] Legislative Council member Tan Wenhao said that the volunteers at Lok Fu Primary Street Station were attacked by the "blue mob" and strongly condemned the incident. He accused the fact that from the government to the blues, they tried to use various kinds of violence to suppress the primary election and called on Hong Kong people to vote.

[16:35] Two HD staff members and three security guards arrived at the ticket station of Shuiquan Building, Shuiquan'ao Village, asking Sha Tin District Councilman Lu Deming and the staff at the ticketing station to clear the banners and notices outside the ticketing station.

Lu Deming said that in consideration of the safety of the volunteers at the ticket station, the banners and notices outside the station were removed. He mentioned that it was blocked several times today. At 1:30 pm, a police officer was present to copy ID cards and at 3:30, the HD staff had requested to remove all slogan notices for "violating public space". Lu Xu pointed out that the past festivals were also laid out at the same place, but they were not cleared by the HD staff. This is a "difference between the world" and this time. He also described this primary election, "I feel completely Political repression."

[16:30] The Democratic Party Kwong Jun Yu and Xu Zhifeng canvassed tickets at the East Point Road Street Station in Causeway Bay, Chen Bo and Tommy Ruan Minan came to the scene to support.

Kwong Jun-woo said that the number of primary votes reflects the strong side of Hong Kong people showing to the world under pressure. He said that instead of commenting on his personal selection, it is more important to call on more people to vote. "Regardless of the faction, the local factions are my friends." Xu Zhifeng said The temporary voting process is smooth, and I hope more people can vote, thinking that the number affects the acceptability of the primary election, and that the number of voters has so far exceeded expectations.

More Legislative Council election news:

"Kelong Tea Restaurant" ticket station 

[16:07] In the "Kelong Tea Restaurant" of the crown prince, the business was suspended today. The entire restaurant was lent out as a service station. The crowd was out of 4 shops. Some citizens queued for almost an hour under the hot sun. Wing, who came to vote, believes that Hong Kong is very chaotic and wants to vote for young people. She bluntly said that she was very worried after the enactment of the National Security Law. Hong Kong has become free, and she was arrested for saying anything, thinking that someone needs to speak for the people of Hong Kong, so she insisted on voting for a representative who can help her express her conviction to the government. Said not to succumb.

Yau Tsim Mong District Councillor Li Guoquan assisted the public outside Keelung to use the voting system. He said that the operation of the ticketing station was generally smooth. It is estimated that a total of 300,400 votes were processed today. The human dragon has not affected the neighborhood, and no police officers have patrolled or been harassed.

When asked if the police’s actions were a warning yesterday, Li Guoquan admitted that there must be an impact, and society’s bottom line on the national security law is still being explored. But he also said that the people of Hong Kong were very firm. At first, they were not too enthusiastic about the primary elections. They were also worried. The results today were better than expected. They agreed that the police action would help. The public expressed their freedom to participate in politics by voting.

[15:45] Dai Yaoting said on his social networking site: "In the primary elections for the democratic health service sector, due to legal issues, voter information cannot be used to verify whether voters are voters in the health service sector, so the results of the referendum are for reference only."

Democracy Power: 59,747 citizens vote in the first three hours of the primary election

[15:31] Democracy Power stated on its social networking site that from 12:00 today to 15:01, 59,747 citizens from all service stations in Hong Kong participated in the electronic voting.

[15:20] Two staff members of the Housing Department went to the ticket counter outside Shuiquan Building, Shuiquan'ao Village, and asked the staff at the ticket counter to clear the venue immediately. Sha Tin District Councillor Lu Deming pointed out to the staff that he would not follow the relevant instructions and asked them to ask the Housing Department Manager for further instructions.

Tai Wai He Guilan Street Station:

[15:10] Democrat Lin Zhuoting set up a street station outside the Sha Tin MTR station to solicit votes. He said that he saw people standing at the ticket station near the MTR station. He hoped that the citizens could queue up patiently and continue to support the democratic primary. , Actively vote. He also hopes that the public can vote at the polling station where there are two more steps and fewer people, so as to achieve a diversion effect.

For the police holding a search warrant last night (10th) to the office of the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Center, which assisted in the development of the voting system, accused someone of dishonest use of computers, and finally seized dozens of computers for investigation. Lin Zhuoting believed that this was obvious It was the police's strategy of trying to abuse power to suppress the democratic primaries and intimidate the public, and believed that this was definitely not a coincidence. The office of Minyan was only searched one night before the primaries.

Lin Zhuoting also criticized that the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Zeng Guowei said that the primary election was illegal, but he did not mention any illegal elements. He believed that the other party was just talking nonsense, emphasizing that the democratic factions had also held primary elections earlier, and the citizens just expressed themselves peacefully. Willing to see why it is illegal.

As for his selection, Lin Zhuoting said that the selection was very tense, and seeing that many young friends are quite capable, they dare not take it lightly.

[15:00] Miss Liu, 19, went to the Xiwanhe ticket station to vote at about 1pm. She voted for the first time in the District Council election in November last year. This is the second time she voted in the election. She admitted that she was not too enthusiastic about politics in the past. The council will fail to function. It is also expected that the democrats will not be able to obtain a majority seat in the new parliament, but they still hope to speak through elections. "(The Legislative Council) will not get a voice." She said that the primary election is important, which can benefit the democratic elections held in September. She also said that she is not worried about violating the national security laws. "(The government) wants to scare people." .

Mr. Li went to the Tin Hau polling station at noon to vote. He thinks that the current parliament has lost its function, but participating in the primary election is a form of expression. "It seems that the parade is not used," plus the primary election has certain certainty for the September Legislative Council election. use. Regarding the government’s repeated claims that the primary election violated the National Security Law, Mr. Li said that he was not worried.

Outdoor situation of Longmen Ice in Causeway Bay:

The man shouted, "I want to cast Luo Guancong"

[14:45] In Xiwanhe, Democrat Xu Zhifeng went to Jiezhan at 2pm to ask for votes. During this period, a man claimed to be Luo Guancong’s supporter, and asked Xu "Luo Guancong to go to the side?" Xu Zhifeng replied that Luo had withdrawn from the primaries. , But the man continued to say "I want to vote for Luo Guancong".

[14:48] Dai Yaoting said on his social networking site that nearly 34,000 people have cast their votes in the first two hours of the Democratic primary election today, from 12 o'clock to 2 pm, but emphasized that accurate numbers need to wait for the announcement of democratic power.

[14:30] The "Amu Taiwan Noodle" on Guanghua Street has a crowd of more than 10 people. Lin Jianwen, chairman of the Yau Tsim Mong District Council, said that the machine failure near the ticket station and the residents of Ho Man Tin were concentrated. At this ticket station, the old dragon once reached the corner of the street. Lin Jianwen believed that yesterday's police actions had no impact, the public still voted actively, and no police officers were present at the moment, which was generally calm.

Mr. Deng, who came to vote, said he would not be afraid. "Knowingly (government) playing wild, Mila", will choose the right person. He also pointed out that the voting system is easy for the elderly to use.

Polly, the person in charge of "Amu Taiwan Noodle" who is a Taiwanese, said that he was often helped by district councillors, so he promised immediately when asked. She admitted that she was worried about the police's operation last night and she had removed the sensitive words in the store. If she received a warning, she would stop the operation of the service station. However, Polly also emphasized that voting is very important to reflect public opinion, and he will also participate in the voting as a functional group.

[14:08] There are no people outside the yellow shop "Kansu" in Portland Street. The person in charge pointed out that the flow of people in the area is mainly young people. I believe that the evening will be the peak of the crowd. The person in charge said that he had received an invitation from the organizer as early as a month or two ago to use the name of the rented venue as a polling station to avoid being convicted. No police officers were present or harassed by others. The person in charge has arranged for more colleagues to be on duty and made internal arrangements that have been disrupted.




[13:30] There are two ticket stations at Shuquanquan Village in Shatian, outside Xiuquan Building and Shuiquan Building. Since the polling station began to accept polls at 12:00 noon, about 10 residents took turns voting outside the Xiuquan Building, but only half a hour later, only sporadic citizens appeared; About 10 residents came to vote.

Ms. Wu voted at the polling station set up at Xiuquan Building at 12 o'clock today. She said that because she was unfamiliar with the electronic voting method, she once filled in the wrong information and the voting process took a long time. But she said that she must cherish this voting opportunity, "the future is not known whether or not to vote", and she hopes that the younger generation will have a better future, so she will do her civic duty to vote for her favorite candidates.

Miss Wu pointed out that today's voting process is smooth and hopes to use this opportunity to speak up and express his position to prove that he still has the right to vote. However, she pointed out that even if the desired candidate finally succeeded in entering the Parliament, she believed that she would have the opportunity to be disqualified from running for election, but she would "do all she could" and urge her friends on the Internet to vote as soon as possible. Ms. He also agrees that the current epidemic is serious, but hopes to express her inner will and do her best to come and vote.

Xiwanhe ticket station: Police officers have visited the scene

[13:25] At the ticketing station of Taishun Building, Xiwanhe, as of 1:10 pm, 127 people voted. At about 1:30 in the afternoon, about 10 people were waiting outside and police cars were on guard. Eastern District Councillor Wei Shaoli said that a police officer had inspected the ticket station at more than 9 am, but did not stop or take pictures. She said that to avoid committing a restriction, the number of people in the ticket booth will be limited to 8 people, and arranged to vote in batches.

Prince Keelung Restaurant and Tai Po Centre Outside Ticket Station:





Mong Kok Huangdian "Blessings" ticket station did not see a human dragon

[13:15] Huangdian "Baifu" on Tung Choi Street in Mong Kok is one of the ticket stations. There is no crowd at noon. The staff of the service station said that there are people who continue to vote at the service station. I believe that after lunch At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the dragon will be greeted again. Some members of the public "stuck the door" this morning because of the delay of the unknown service station, but the staff said that too many people lived in the neighborhood, so it was not affected.

It can be seen from the scene that the location of the service station only occupies the corner of the restaurant, which has not affected the operation of the restaurant

Dai Yaoting: destroy all personal data as soon as the results of the primary election are announced

[12:15] Dai Yaoting, Associate Professor of the Law Department of the University of Hong Kong, responsible for coordinating the primary election, went to the West Kowloon Ticket Station. He said that all technical issues have been resolved, emphasizing that the police action has no impact on the personal privacy of voters. He is confident that the total number of voters in each district will reach the target of 170,000 people, which is about 10% of the threshold for registered voters.

In order to relieve voters' doubts about information technology and privacy, Dai Yaoting said that when the voting results are announced, all personal data collected will be destroyed immediately.

Another former Legislative Council member, Ou Nuoxuan, who coordinated the primary election, emphasized that the laws of Hong Kong did not specify that it is illegal to hold the primary election. He criticized the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Zeng Guowei, that the primary election was illegal and intended to prevent the public from voting. He also said that it is quite difficult for civil society organizations to vote in primary elections and has been suppressed all day long.

Sporadic citizens at Shuiquanao Ticket Station

[12:10] The ticket station at Shuiquan Building, Shuiquan'ao Village, Shatian. After the ticket station was set up at 12 noon, only sporadic citizens came to vote. No crowds were seen. No police appeared in the vicinity, but only the staff of the Housing Department came. Take pictures for records.




[12:05] At the ticketing station of Qingfeng Street in Tianhou, someone started to vote at noon. Qingfeng Street Ticket Station can vote with physical or electronic tickets. Among them, voting with physical votes requires queuing. At a time, about 10 people were waiting for the show.

During the period, three uniformed police officers were present to inspect the scene and take pictures. The staff at the ticket station said that the police officer pointed out that some of the ticket stations were complained about because of the large number of people.

[10:30] Today (11th) the opening hours of the democratic primary ballot station have changed, from 10 am to 12 noon in the early morning. At 10 o'clock in the morning, a human dragon appeared at Huangpu Station. Democrat Hu Zhiwei criticized that voting is the most peaceful and rational way of expressing will, and the purpose is for the democratic parties to coordinate the best candidates.

The police held a search warrant last night (10th) and went to the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Center's office in Nanhui Plaza, Huangzhukeng, accusing someone of being involved in dishonest use of the computer. Finally, dozens of computers that were frequently used for investigation were seized. catch.

Since Hong Kong Minyan is in charge of the voting system for the primary election, the timing coincides. It is understood that the police's allegations involve personal data issues and have nothing to do with the primary election. And Democracy Power said on the social networking site this morning (11th) that in view of the fact that the work schedule of the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute team was suddenly disrupted by the police to the Institute for investigation and investigation last night (10th). System security considerations are resetting the encryption key for the system. Therefore, the opening hours of all service stations on July 11 must be postponed to 12 noon.

Android users switch to web voting

Democracy Power means that the voting system will be changed, Android users will not be able to vote using the mobile application, and the voting method will use the voting page to vote. While iOS users are not affected, they still use the voting page to vote. The power of democracy apologizes for the inconvenience, and hopes that all citizens who vote can be more tolerant and patient.

The five service station codes formulated by the primary organizer include:

1. Everyone must wear a mask in the service station;

2. It is necessary to ensure that the staff at the service station are not persons undergoing compulsory quarantine or home quarantine, and that they are in good physical condition;

3. It is recommended that everyone take a body temperature check before entering the service station;

4. The staff must ensure that the number of people in the service station meets the requirements of the restriction order, and ensure the air circulation in the station;

5. If there are many people waiting in line outside the service station to wait for entry, they must ensure that everyone maintains an appropriate social distance and meets the requirements of the restriction order. If there are people who exceed the set limit, the staff may ask some people to leave and not return until another time.

In response to "Hong Kong 01" earlier, Dai Yaoting stated that the actual epidemic prevention work depends on the service station "birth". He believes that the main problem of epidemic prevention will be the gathering of people, but he believes that as long as the appropriate social distance is maintained equal to other public spaces, Can effectively reduce risks. He also pointed out that the anti-epidemic guidelines of the service station were drawn up after he asked the anti-epidemic experts and believed that they had done their best to do the anti-epidemic work.




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Democracy Primary Election Dai Yaoting Legislative Council Election 2020 I Home Stadium 01 Video

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-07-11

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