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“There is a threat of a similar development”: Harsh Söder warning in a new video message - his demand is tough


Markus Söder speaks of a worrying development with a view to the increasing number of new corona infections. Bavaria is trying to take countermeasures - and tightening the fines.

Markus Söder speaks of a worrying development with a view to the increasing number of new corona infections. Bavaria is trying to take countermeasures - and tightening the fines.

  • Markus Söder is watching the increasing number of new corona infections with concern.
  • Rosenheim exceeded the limit at the weekend, but Bavaria's Prime Minister was satisfied with the countermeasures.
  • Söder also announced: Bavaria is tightening the fines for mask refusers.
  • You can read all the news about the coronavirus in Germany in our ticker. You will also find current case numbers * in Bavaria as a map here.

Update from August 25th, 10:20 am : "The numbers are worrying," said Markus Söder in a video message that was published on his Twitter account in the morning . The numbers would rise throughout Germany "and there is a threat of a development similar to that which we had in March / April this year," warns Bavaria's Prime Minister . "That's why we have to be all the more concerned now."

The point now is not to loosen the reins any further, but to tighten them a little. One has to face those returning from vacation, family returnees, but "also the carelessness that takes place at many parties and party events in Germany", Söder continued. You have to protect the sensible from the unreasonable: “That's why we need uniform regulations in Germany. No further relaxation, a consistent approach, for example when it comes to the mask requirement with higher fines and also with regard to the implementation of the quarantine. ”The CSU boss believes that higher penalties are required for violations. "All in all, it is clear: the situation is not getting any easier." In order to prevent a lockdown, "we have to react where regionally advisable." There is no cause for panic, "but there is great concern."

Video message: Corona is fully back. We have to tighten the reins now so that we don't end up in the same situation as in March and April.

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) August 25, 2020

Corona virus in Bavaria: Numbers are also increasing in the state capital Munich

Update from August 24th, 4:04 p.m.: The corona numbers look worrying not only in Rosenheim and the Ebersberg district . In the state capital Munich, too, the corona cases are approaching the early warning value of the 7-day incidence of 35. It is currently (as of Sunday, 11:59 p.m.) at 30.92. That means that so many people have been infected with the virus every day in the past seven days - calculated for every 100,000 inhabitants. And the infected numbers from the weekend will push this figure even higher. There were 68 new cases on Friday, 30 on Saturday and 41 on Sunday.

The only reason to breathe a sigh of relief is the relatively low number of reproductions in Munich. It is currently at 0.76. Thus, at the moment 100 infected 76 people are infected with the virus . The aim is to keep the value below one as much as possible in order to curb the spread of Covid-19 .

Corona in Bavaria: Prime Minister Markus Söder warns of a second lockdown

(Initial report) Munich - Markus Söder * commented on the current Corona * situation in Munich on Monday and spoke of a "worrying development" *. The Bavarian Prime Minister said : "We have to tighten the reins now". He wanted more uniformity in the measures: "We now have to react quickly so that we don't get a second lockdown ."

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Rosenheim exceeds limit - Söder satisfied with countermeasures

When asked about the city of Rosenheim , which briefly exceeded the limit value for new infections * within seven days per 100,000 inhabitants at the weekend, Söder was satisfied with the countermeasures taken there . "I think that's a very good approach that can also apply elsewhere." He spoke of a "quick and consistent intervention." Among other things, returnees from risk areas have to undergo two corona tests *.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Söder announces measure - Free State tightened fines

Söder also announced another measure for the entire Free State: Bavaria is tightening the corona fines for violations of the mask requirement . With higher fines for mask refusers and more controls, the Free State wants to slow down the dynamics of the second corona wave . "We will raise the catalog of fines to 250 euros in one-off cases and up to 500 euros in the case of repeated violations," said Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) in Munich on Monday. For violations of quarantine requirements, 2000 euros should also be due. "We hope that there will be even better compliance," said Söder.

We have to tighten the reins in the fight against Corona. The higher the number of infections, the more important masks are. Bavaria will control this more closely and increase the fines from 150 to 250 euros. The police will also check more. Corona does not forgive carelessness.

- Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) August 24, 2020

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Free State increases penalties - catalog of fines is being drawn up

The Ministry of the Interior is currently working on the catalog of fines with the Ministry of Health. This should be announced later this week. A decision by the cabinet is not necessary. In the future, police officers will also be able to issue warnings directly , previously the health and regulatory authorities were responsible for this. In the private sector in particular, the controls of corona requirements - also with regard to the number of guests at private celebrations - are hardly feasible in practice.

Söder also announced an expansion of the corona test centers to include train stations for long-distance buses . So far, these have only been available on motorways, airports and normal train stations with long-distance traffic. (came with dpa) * / are part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network

The CDU and CSU bring a general mask requirement at work into play, but Olaf Scholz says no. The SPD chancellor candidate is right, says Merkur editor-in-chief Georg Anastasiadis. *

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Police check mask requirements on buses and trains

The reproduction number R is a central value for politicians and experts in the Corona crisis. What this is all about, and why it is crucial in the fight against the coronavirus. * In the meantime, research continues: After a vaccine but also into the actual origin of the pathogen. It's probably not in Wuhan at all. In Nuremberg, someone infected with corona went to a nightclub to celebrate. Now the health department is looking for the other party guests.

You can always read all the news from Bavaria with us.

List of rubric lists: © Peter Kneffel

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-08-25

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