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New crown pneumonia | Two elders died a day and one lives in Tsz Wan Shan as a customer of the outbreak "Baihuixuan"


A spokesman for Tuen Mun Hospital announced that two patients who were diagnosed with new coronavirus pneumonia passed away today (27), both of whom were chronically ill patients. One of them was an 81-year-old female patient who lived in Tai Sang Wai, Yuen Long and passed away on admission 20 days; Another 70-year-old male patient, who lived in Zhenghe Village, Cizheng Village, had visited the outbreak restaurant "Baihuixuan" in the Ciyunshan Center. The patient passed away at noon today after being hospitalized for more than a month. A total of 81 people diagnosed with new pneumonia have died in Hong Kong.

Social News

Author: Chen Qianting

2020-08-27 14:36

Last update date: 2020-08-27 14:36

A spokesman for Tuen Mun Hospital announced that two patients who were diagnosed with new coronavirus pneumonia passed away today (27), both of whom were chronically ill patients. One of them was an 81-year-old female patient who lived in Tai Sang Wai, Yuen Long and passed away on admission 20 days; Another 70-year-old male patient, who lived in Zhenghe Village, Cizheng Village, had visited the outbreak restaurant "Baihuixuan" in the Ciyunshan Center. The patient passed away at noon today after being hospitalized for more than a month.

A total of 81 people diagnosed with new pneumonia have died in Hong Kong so far.

A customer who was diagnosed with a new type of pneumonia in the outbreak restaurant "Baihuixuan" passed away on August 27. (Profile picture/Photo by Zhang Haowei)

A spokesman for Tuen Mun Hospital announced that two patients who were diagnosed with new pneumonia passed away today. Both patients have chronic illnesses. Among them, the 3960th case, an 81-year-old female patient living in Yau Pok Road, Tai Sang Wai, Yuen Long, was admitted to Tuen Mun Hospital for treatment on August 7 due to fever and cough, and died at 11:55 this morning;

The other deceased was the 2086th case, a 70-year-old male patient. The patient lived in Zhenghe Village of Tsz Ching Village. He belonged to the "Bai Hui Xuan" group of the restaurant in Tsz Wan Shan Centre and had patronized the restaurant. The patient was admitted to the hospital on July 21 due to fever and cough, and was separated at 12:17 today. The hospital feels sad about the death of the patient and will provide appropriate assistance to the family.

According to the Hospital Authority, with the above cases, a total of 81 confirmed patients have passed away in public hospitals so far.

▼Reopened on 8.28▼

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New Coronary Pneumonia Hospital Authority

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-08-27

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