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New Coronary Pneumonia | 9 more confirmed cases reappeared in single digits a week apart, temporarily less than 10 cases are preliminary positive


Hong Kong today (31st) added 9 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia. This is a single increase since August 24. The cumulative number of confirmed cases was 4,811 (including one suspected case). Seven of the new cases were local infections, two of which were of unknown origin. Another resident at Hong Chi Lei Muk Shue Home was diagnosed, and another resident was initially diagnosed. There were as many as 19 people in the same home. Epidemic. Two imported case records were imported from Ethiopia and the Philippines. The Center for Health Protection stated that although the number of cases has declined, there are still cases with no source. It cannot be concluded that the epidemic has been completely controlled. It also pointed out that after the relaxation of social measures, the epidemic may be repeated, but the society must still operate and social distance and personal hygiene should be maintained for a long time. .

Social News

Author: Chen Qianting

2020-08-31 17:09

Last update date: 2020-08-31 17:13

Hong Kong today (31st) added 9 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia. This is a single increase since August 24. The cumulative number of confirmed cases was 4,811 (including one suspected case). Seven of the new cases were local infections, two of which were of unknown origin. Another resident at Hong Chi Lei Muk Shue Home was diagnosed, and another resident was initially diagnosed. There were as many as 19 people in the same home. Epidemic. Two imported case records were imported from Ethiopia and the Philippines.

The Center for Health Protection stated that although the number of cases has declined, there are still cases with no source. It cannot be concluded that the epidemic has been completely controlled. It also pointed out that after the relaxation of social measures, the epidemic may be repeated, but the society must still operate and social distance and personal hygiene should be maintained for a long time. .

▼8.28 List of reopening and still closed premises▼




There were 9 new confirmed cases of new pneumonia in Hong Kong today, of which 7 were local infections, and 5 were related to other cases, including the Hong Chi Lei Muk Shue Dormitory where a small outbreak was recorded. Another hospital member (No. 4805) was diagnosed. One resident was initially diagnosed. If the final diagnosis is confirmed, a total of 6 employees and 13 resident of the hospital have been infected.

10 pregnant women with the same disease in the internal medicine department test negative

There are two cases of unknown origin, including the 39-week pregnant woman (No. 4806) announced yesterday. The patient's incubation period was mainly at her home in Tai Chi Ling, Tai Tong Road, Yuen Long. She visited Yung Fung Shumu, Yuen Long on August 28. The infant health center conducts a birth check. The husband and a child are listed as close contacts and need to be quarantined. The pregnant woman and fetus are currently in stable condition. The pregnant woman had been admitted to the general room of the internal medicine department of Tuen Mun Hospital before the diagnosis. The Chief Administrative Manager (Medical Effectiveness and Technology Management) of the Hospital Authority, Yu Huiling, said that all 10 patients with the same medical condition tested negative for the new crown virus.

The other is a 75-year-old man (No. 4808) who works as a handyman in a factory in Prince Edward Road West and lives in Congxin Building, Mun Lok Building, Tsuen Wan. According to his family, the patient is at home most of the time except for going to work and occasionally eating out. .

Record single-digit increase every other week Zhang Zhujun: One day's number does not mean that the epidemic is under control

Today, after 9 confirmed cases were recorded on August 24, the increase in the number of units was repeated a week later. Zhang Zhujun, director of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health, said that although the number of cases seems to have fallen, the number of cases in one day may not be representative. There are still new cases of unknown origin. It cannot be said that the epidemic has completely recovered or is under control. It is hoped that fewer and fewer cases have no origin.

She also said that the epidemic will have a chance to repeat itself after the relaxation of social measures, but society must operate and students must also resume classes, reminding the public to maintain social distancing as much as possible and maintain personal hygiene for a long time.

Enter the case involving pilots and foreign domestic helpers

As for imported cases, there are two additional cases, one pilot from Ethiopia (No. 4803) and one foreign domestic helper from the Philippines (No. 4804), both of whom arrived in Hong Kong on August 29.

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Coronavirus disease

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-08-31

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