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New Coronary Pneumonia · Live Broadcast | 14 more confirmed cases today, 4 new cases uncovered by the National Testing Program


The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong has eased recently. Yesterday (3rd) there were 8 new confirmed cases, which were in single digits for two consecutive days, of which 7 were local cases, which was a single-day low since the third wave of the epidemic. However, there is news that the number of confirmed cases today is about 13 cases. Together with the two confirmed cases found through universal community testing yesterday, the number of confirmed cases today is back to double digits. According to the government, as of this morning, more than 917,000 people have registered for the Universal Community Testing Program, 521,000 people have completed sampling, and 208,000 nucleic acid tests have been completed.

Social News

Written by: Ouyang Dehao, Zheng Cuibi, Li Enci, Huang Weilun, Chen Jiayi, Golden Chess, Lao Minyi, Zhang Jiamin

2020-09-04 08:00

Last update date: 2020-09-04 16:53

The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong has eased recently. Yesterday (3rd) there were 8 new confirmed cases, which were in single digits for two consecutive days, of which 7 were local cases, which was a single-day low since the third wave of the epidemic.

However, there is news that the number of confirmed cases today is about 13 cases. Together with the two confirmed cases found through universal community testing yesterday, the number of confirmed cases today is back to double digits.

According to the government, as of this morning, more than 917,000 people have registered for the Universal Community Testing Program, 521,000 people have completed sampling, and 208,000 nucleic acid tests have been completed.

[16:46] There are 4 confirmed cases today from the National Testing Program.

#4840 The case is a 43-year-old male who is temporarily unemployed. He lives in Lijing Huafeng Garden, Kwai Tsing, and sometimes goes to Kwai Shing West Village;

#4841 22岁女

#4850 67-year-old female, living in Yu Hing Building, Wu Song Street, Jordan, retired people, sometimes go to Yau Ma Tei Market.

She had low-grade fever/diarrhea on August 22, and was asymptomatic when tested on September 1.

#4851 A 46-year-old female living in Huaxin Village, Fanling, her husband had a fever on September 2nd, and he was tested positive initially, or tomorrow’s case, he works as a security guard at the Industrial Building of the Transport City in Tai Wai.

[16:33] Zhang Zhujun, director of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health, said that there were 14 new confirmed cases today, including 4 people discovered by the National Testing Program and civilian staff in the 360 ​​supermarket in Jiulong Yuanfang.

Among the confirmed cases, 5 were imported cases, 9 were local cases, and 5 of them were no source.

There were two cases on the same floor of Metropark Hotel in Mong Kok. The government sent sample bottles to residents and staff of the same floor, and finally found one more confirmed case in the isolation room, which was adjacent to the hotel room but did not know each other.

Other residents may be infected. Guests on this floor will be sent to the quarantine center, and the entire hotel must be tested.

▼List of 141 community testing centers in 18 districts▼

New crown pneumonia | The massage parlor reopens today, firefighters and regular customers will patronize: It’s so hard to turn off

[16:15] The third wave of new coronavirus pneumonia in Hong Kong has eased. The government announced that massage parlors, gyms and other premises can be reopened today (4th).

The person in charge of the massage parlor pointed out that only about 60% of the bookings will be obtained after the reopening. The massage parlor also has many anti-epidemic measures, such as the massage technicians wearing protective clothing, face masks and masks.

The person in charge also frankly said that the suspension of operation for more than a month would have a great impact on the business. In addition, it would be very difficult to spend more than 100,000 yuan to purchase epidemic prevention supplies.

A "acquainted customer" who was a firefighter immediately patronized on the first day of reopening, and said with a smile: "As soon as the government opens an appointment, it will be an appointment immediately. It is not happy if you have not been able to follow the line for a few months. It is very hard to be closed." One customer believes that the massage parlor has an ideal environment and adequate hygiene measures, so they are not worried about the risk of transmission.

National Testing | 122 Testing Center will be extended for 4 days and 19 reservations can be made from Saturday to close next Monday

[15:50] National Testing "Universal Community Testing Program" officially launched this Tuesday (1st).

After reviewing the operation data and experience of the community testing centers in the past 3 days and the citizens’ demand for testing services, the government decided to extend the universal community testing program for 4 days, until next Friday (11th) and tomorrow (5th) on the Internet Register.

After reviewing the current usage of 141 community testing centers, the government will arrange for 19 of them to stop operating after next Monday (7th).

And next Tuesday to Friday, there are still 122 community testing centers in the 18 districts of Hong Kong, providing testing services to the public.

↓↓19 testing centers that will not extend the date↓↓

Anti-epidemic Fund︳The Civil Affairs Bureau has opened more than 2500 time-limited posts involving an expenditure of 354 million yuan

[15:35] Many industries are affected by the epidemic, making job hunting even more difficult.

The Home Affairs Bureau launched a job creation plan under the "Anti-epidemic Fund", opening more than 2,500 time-limited jobs related to culture, art, recreation, sports, and district administration.

The spokesman said that more than 1,000 positions have been hired, and the remaining positions will be recruited in the future, involving an expenditure of about 354 million yuan.




[14:02] The government will further relax the epidemic prevention measures today, and the fitness center will be reopened under conditions.

In a fitness center that focuses on one-on-one fitness, 80% of the guests made an appointment on the first day. Yesterday, the venue was disinfected and ready to resume business.

Some people in the industry have pointed out that 90% of fitness centers are small and medium-sized, with low flow of people and attention to hygiene. The government should not close all fitness centers across the board.

Some fitness center founders said that they would rather the government allow fitness centers to operate more than subsidies.

Restrictions on gatherings | 80% of fitness centers resume business, people in the industry claim heavy losses during the summer golden period

Nationwide Testing|Extended Plan for 4 Days to September 11 Nie Dequan: Preview of the Winter Explosion

Nationwide testing | temporarily uncovered 6 people whose diagnosis rate is lower than expected?

Chen Zhaoshi: It’s so important to find one

[12:08] Chen Zhaoshi: The operation has been straightened out, and I believe the test speed will be accelerated.

"The first two days of testing and confirming the diagnosis will take time. Time lag is unavoidable. After straightening out, it will speed up. With the addition of mainland support teams, the operation will be smooth."

[11:55] When asked about the Hong Kong government’s strategy for procurement of vaccines, Director Chen Zhaoshi said that Hong Kong has a dual-pronged approach to vaccine procurement, and at the end of August, it has decided to participate in the COVAX vaccine program of the WHO and some organizations, and the Hong Kong government also Have sufficient resources to purchase.

In addition, the Science Committee of the Department of Health has also contacted individual pharmaceutical companies and is reviewing the data. Because clinical testing is in progress, some pharmaceutical companies have reached this stage.

[11:50] When asked about the effectiveness of the nationwide testing program, the two directors said in unison that "it is important to find one invisible patient."

Nie Dequan said that even an invisible patient can cause an outbreak.

▼From September 4th, some premises are still closed to relax the measures▼




[11:40] Chen Zhaoshi: Today is the fourth day, and more than 500,000 people have been sampled.

As of 10 am today, a total of 208,000 nucleic acid tests have been completed.

In addition, the inspection support team from the Mainland arrived in Hong Kong in early August. There are currently 420 members of the Mainland support team in Hong Kong. The National Health Commission can arrange for more personnel to come to Hong Kong if necessary.

Chen Xu said that the third wave in the past has been group propagation, so it is important to find out as soon as possible in a short period of time.

As far as the whole society is concerned, normal social and economic activities can be resumed as soon as possible, and everything can return to normal under the new normal. I hope that citizens will not check and grasp the opportunity.

[11:33] Nie Dequan: As of 11 o'clock this morning, a total of 521,000 people have sampled, and 917,000 people have made an appointment to register.

After reviewing the experience of the past 3 days, including the operation experience of the testing center and the needs of the public, it was decided to extend the entire plan for 4 days to next Friday (September 11).

At the same time, after reviewing the use of the 141 center in the past 3 days, there are some burst lights in the center, and some are not used high due to location reasons. Therefore, 19 centers will no longer be used after next Monday (7th). During this period, there are still 122 center services.




New crown pneumonia | Family amusement center closed for nearly a hundred days, looking forward to reopening, the industry points to a lunar eclipse of 60 million

[11:30] The new crown pneumonia epidemic continues, and the American Adventure Park and other playgrounds have not been able to reopen for the time being.

The Hong Kong Family Recreation Center Chamber of Commerce and industry members held a press conference today, stating that the family amusement center is one of the 14 types of premises that must be closed, and has been closed for 93 days.

Some merchants who have been in business for 30 years said that they have applied for employment guarantee and 100% loan schemes, but frankly said that it is difficult to rely solely on government funding to operate. He hopes that the government will allow them to reopen and provide instructions on reopening; because there is no income, he said that he will soon Close two branches.

According to the Chamber of Commerce, 90% of the industry has rent arrears, which means that the industry has formulated eight anti-epidemic measures, considers it to be a low-risk location, and is willing to let an expert team monitor the operation.




[10:55] According to the news, 13 new confirmed cases were added today, interrupting the single-digit confirmed cases for two consecutive days, or showing a rebound trend.

Nationwide Testing|Guo Jiaqi again points out that the lack of foot restraint order causes waste

[10:10] National testing "Universal Community Testing Program" entered the fourth day. Legislative Council Member Guo Jiaqi said on the Hong Kong and Taiwan program "Millenniums" today (4th) that if the government still refuses to close the customs, the confirmed cases of invisible patients will Without interruption, he questioned the effectiveness of national testing in the absence of relevant measures. "It will only be infinite reincarnation." He also quoted the diagnosis rate as of yesterday and the calculations of the University of Hong Kong, which cost a lot of money, but in the end he may only find about 40 Invisible patients with high communicability think it is worth "differentiating opinions."

Another congressman, Chen Kaixin, retorted that money should not be used to measure human life. If there is no vaccine, universal testing can be used to control invisible transmission.

She also believes that the national testing period should be extended, and mobile testing vehicles and "meeting teams" should be added to increase convenience.

[9:52] Secretary for Civil Service Nie Dequan and Secretary for Food and Health Chen Zhaoshi will meet with the media at 11:30 this morning. They are expected to talk about the latest arrangements for popularizing community testing.

[9:48] Liang Zichao, a respiratory specialist, said in an interview in Hong Kong and Taiwan's "Millennium" today (4th) that one invisible patient has been found for every 60,000 samples. The number is not high, but it reflects that there are still Recessive transmission, the epidemic cannot be said to be controlled, and it is believed that it will be "cleared" only after a few weeks.

He also believes that if the authorities can release the sampling and laboratory results, it would be ideal to reduce them to one day. In addition, they can consider extending part of the full-capacity testing center to avoid the public waiting in line.

National Testing|Appeal to compress sampling until the results are released within one day Liang Zichao: It will be ideal

▼The five steps to make an appointment for national testing are as follows▼




▼Yuan Guoyong demonstrates and compares the advantages and disadvantages of the four detection sampling methods▼




▼Citizens and officials' participation in the National Testing Program ▼




▼Publicity leaflets and frequently asked questions




▼Yesterday overview▼

New crown pneumonia | Taxi owners increase their rental drivers after the epidemic eases: business has not improved

Confirmed Building Restaurant | Patients on the list from Xiumaoping and Zhuyuan Siwu Villages have visited Prince Famous Gem Restaurant

National Testing|Over 880,000 people made appointments for 470,000 people to complete sampling, 138,000 samples were tested

New crown pneumonia | Macau has no local cases for 158 consecutive days

National Testing|Leung Zhuowei: 6 positive cases are expected to be 494 cases if all people participate

Luen Wo Hui Sports Centre is testing the garbage station in the market and the cleaners in protective clothing and masks worry about spreading drugs

New crown pneumonia | Fuyang IT man has low immunity to the virus Yuan Guoyong: Two shots are required for vaccination

Personally show each sampling method Yuan Guoyong: national testing must be useful, don’t argue about benefits

Nationwide Testing | 120,000 test samples completed and tested are questioned for low government: initial run-in

New crown pneumonia | 8 more confirmed cases for two consecutive days, single-digit national tests uncovered 6 positives

SWD announces that subsidized child care centres will resume normal services on September 29, Class N is on sight

New crown pneumonia | What should I do if unpaid leave is forced under the epidemic?

Street worker Liang Yaozhong shoots a film to teach the road

New crown pneumonia | Macau has no local cases for 158 consecutive days

New Coronary Pneumonia︳The DAB advocates to improve the notification of the corpse corpse patient's body anti-epidemic fund for compensation

New crown pneumonia|VISA: Contactless payment accounts for 70% of physical transactions, up 10% from before the epidemic

New crown pneumonia | Fuyang IT man has low immunity to the virus Yuan Guoyong: Two shots are required for vaccination

[New Coronary Pneumonia] No breathing space, hope for emotional support, depressed mothers of households: I don’t know something to vent

New crown pneumonia | 8 more confirmed cases for two consecutive days, single-digit national tests uncovered 6 positives

New crown pneumonia|Survey: Eighty-five percent of mothers have been worried in the past three months, groups urge the government to increase support

[New Coronary Pneumonia] The mainland has no new cases for 18 consecutive days and 11 new cases have been imported from abroad

New crown pneumonia | Xu Shuchang: If there is no outbreak one or two weeks later, there is a big chance of relaxing dine-in food for 4 people per table

New crown pneumonia | Hong Kong Super League strives for No. 19 rematch Bei Junqi: players will be isolated at home outside of practice

New Coronary Pneumonia New Coronary Pneumonia National Testing

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-09-04

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