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The Ministry of Education discriminates against weakened localities by subsidizing programs designed to reduce disparities - Walla! news


Parents in Bedouin localities in the north have petitioned against the Ministry of Education alleging discrimination in subsidizing daycare. According to them, the ministry is based on the Misgav Regional Council's rating, which does not correspond to the socio-economic status of their place of residence. "This is a fiction that a parent from a poor locality will pay as if he lives in a rich locality"

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The Ministry of Education discriminates against weakened localities by subsidizing programs designed to reduce disparities

Parents in Bedouin localities in the north have petitioned against the Ministry of Education alleging discrimination in subsidizing daycare.

According to them, the ministry is based on the Misgav Regional Council's rating, which does not correspond to the socio-economic status of their place of residence.

"This is a fiction that a parent from a poor locality will pay as if he lives in a rich locality"


  • Ministry of Education

Maya Horodnitzano and Yoav Itiel

Monday, 07 September 2020, 09:43

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In the video: The Education Committee points to a reduction in parental payments (Photo: Knesset Channel, Editing: Amit Simcha)

The Ministry of Education discriminates against Arab communities in the north and does not subsidize programs in accordance with their socio-economic rankings - according to a petition filed yesterday (Sunday) with the High Court. based on socio-economic situation of the place of residence and not on Rating Council, and allow equal education for students.

the petition, filed against the Ministry of education, regarding the plans "buds". according to a Ministry of education program "is working in educational institutions Gili three to eight operations in the office Education to reduce disparities, foster a meaningful leisure culture and strengthen the place of the educational institution as an anchor in the community.

The program helps parents integrate into the labor market and enables savings of hundreds of shekels a month for each family. "

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The parents' inquiries on the subject were not answered.

Ministry of Education (Photo: Sharon Bukov)

The program operates in kindergartens in authorities belonging to clusters 1-5 and in grades 1-2 in regular education and special education in all clusters.

The after-school programs operate in the study frameworks on Sundays-Thursdays until 16:00 for the entire school year.

The basic cost of a daycare for a child is NIS 650 per month, but the Ministry of Education subsidizes the program in accordance with the local authority's socio-economic index, and the subsidy ranges from NIS 150 to NIS 600 per student.

Thus in the authorities in clusters 1 to 3, the parents have to pay 50 shekels per month, in clusters 4-7, the cost to the parents is between 300 and 450, and in clusters 8 to 10, the price is 500 shekels.

There are 35 localities in the Misgav Regional Council, including six Bedouin localities, which are home to about 850 students aged three to eight.

The council is ranked in socio-economic cluster 7, but according to CBS data, the localities of Salameh, Arab al-Naim, Ras al-Ain, Damida, Kamana and its residents are in clusters 1 and 2. However, due to the budgeting method of the Ministry of Education, These residents are required to pay NIS 450 for the daycare centers and not NIS 50 due to the council's rating, and they also do not have the option of daycare centers in kindergartens.

"It turns out that the weakened Bedouin population does not receive an adequate budget" (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Inquiries to the Ministry of Education were not answered, and finally some parents filed a petition through Adalah together with the Arab Education Monitoring Committee, in which it was claimed that the budgeting system violates the right to equality in education as well as the parents' ability to earn a living.

"This is a fiction according to which a parent who belongs to a poor locality will pay as if he lives in a rich locality even though there is no factual dispute that he belongs to a poor locality," the petition said.

"As a result of this payment method, hundreds of Arab children living in the jurisdiction of Respondent 2 (Misgav Council) are unable to participate in the program."

The petition stated that a similar problem had arisen on the issue of "schools of great freedom," and following inquiries on the subject the regional council had decided to take part in the funding of the participating students.

Thus, the parents were required to pay NIS 120 instead of NIS 360, while in the authorities belonging to clusters 1-4, the parents do not participate in the financing at all.

Following the assistance, 59% of the children enrolled in the Arab localities, compared with 93% of the Jews.

However, the council stressed that this was done "before the law".

"Parents' right to equality is violated, as the purpose of the program is to reduce socio-economic disparities between different populations, and parents who do not enjoy children's participation in the Nitzanim program can not even work overtime. This affects the wages they receive for their work, and even job advancement." , Was written in the petition.

It was further alleged that "the data give a gloomy and difficult situation, indicating the injustice and inequality caused to children whose number is about 800, who are unable to enjoy the right that the state will share in the payment of participation fees for them, in the program subject to the petition. Children in terms of the decisive criterion. "

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Afternoon subsidy has been frozen, parents and authorities threaten to strike: "We will not bear the costs"

To the full article

Weak communities are punished for belonging to a strong council

Mason Suaed from the village of Husseinya, a partner in the petition, describes the difficulties due to the lack of frameworks for children.

"During the years of raising the children I suffered from the lack of frames for the children in the afternoon, the children finish school at 13:30 maximum 14:00 and I do not find any frame for them. I am constantly dependent on grandmothers. There are many worries about who will pick them up, to whom There is time for that, "she says.

Suaed is a teacher and mother of four children, the youngest of whom is already 7. She says she sees many women who "give up their careers because of a lack of frameworks."

According to her, "the current pricing system is outrageous, and it turns out that the weakened Bedouin population does not receive an adequate budget."

The petition mentioned, among other things, that the gaps between the students in the Jewish and Arab localities in the Misgav Council are also reflected in the achievements, as evidenced by the Meitzav tests.

The purpose of the daycare program is to reduce educational and social disparities, but it turns out that the weakest localities are ostensibly punished for being attached to strong councils, "said Adv. Aya Haj Odeh from the Adalah Center.

Petition of parents in Bedouin localities.

The Supreme Court (Photo: Noam Moskowitz)

"Finally, families from these localities are not allowed to use tools that are also intended to facilitate their efforts to earn a living," she added.

"If there is any desire to reduce disparities, then a policy should be adopted that will prioritize the children who need daycare the most, and that will encourage demand for complementary education services, instead of expecting the parents of the children to meet unreasonable payments."

The Director General of the Arab Education Monitoring Committee, Atef Moadi, stated that "the petition emphasizes the need to create equal opportunities in education in order to encourage and ensure the success of Arab students later in life.

"Arab students in Misgav, as in other regional councils, actually suffer from double discrimination: they do not receive equal resources and the budgets they deserve in the schools in which they study, and in addition they are prevented from attending after-school programs and summer camps.

" Education had to recognize for itself that the failure of its policy should be corrected and our requests answered, but unfortunately we are required to go to court. "The

Ministry of Education said that" the ministry will address the petition as part of the legal proceedings. "

The head of Misgav Regional Council could not be reached for comment.

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Source: walla

All news articles on 2020-09-07

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