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"Shocking violation of human rights": Whistleblower reports of forced sterilization in US detention centers


Nurse Dawn Wooten makes grave allegations against a detention center for immigrants in the US state of Georgia. Women should be forcibly sterilized there.

Nurse Dawn Wooten makes grave allegations against a detention center for immigrants in the US state of Georgia.

Women should be forcibly sterilized there.

  • A whistleblower makes serious allegations against a reception center.

  • Immigrant women are said to have been sterilized there without their consent.

  • Now even the House of Representatives is dealing with it.


- About the

reception camps

in the






- especially from Central and South America - are brought after their arrival, there has been frequent criticism.

A good two years ago, there was fierce opposition to the measures taken by the Trump * government to separate children from their parents.

Now a


who apparently worked in such a

reception camp

in the US state in


, went public.

She doesn't just talk about the lack of Corona * tests and protective clothing.

Allegedly, the doctors there should also

carry out

forced sterilizations

on women.

Whistleblower scandal in the USA: hysterectomies in over 20 cases


nurse Dawn Wooten

worked until recently in the Irwin County Detention Center in



She now reports in a multi-page letter to the state government - which she wrote in cooperation with several human rights organizations - of inhumane conditions in the

detention center


She would have complained several times about the


to her superiors - without success.

The only consequence was that she was demoted from a full-time to a part-time position on demand, reports the magazine

, citing the American news portal

The Intercept


The worst accusation is made against the responsible police and customs authority

Immigration and Customs Enforcement 

(ICE): Women are said to have had their ovaries removed without their consent.

They should have



have been forcibly sterilized.

A courageous nurse at Irwin Country Detention Ctr is speaking out about abuses, racism and # COVID19 hazards for detainees and guards:

We & @GovAcctProj are representing her & have filed complaint w / DHS Office of Inspector General:

- Project South (@ProjectSouth) September 14, 2020


herself reports on her experiences with the

immigrant women


“Everyone who goes to this doctor gets a


- pretty much everyone.” In one specific case, “the left ovary was supposed to be removed because of a cyst;

the doctor removed the right one.

She was upset.

She had to go back to have the left one removed and was given a full



But she still wanted children. ”The

nurse continues

:“ There were several inmates who told me that they had been to the doctor, had


and didn't know why. ”One reason for this was the language barrier - it was probably no translators on site.

In some cases, pressure should also have been exerted on the women.


estimates the number of


to be over 20.

Forced sterilization in a reception center in the USA: that's what the authorities say



passed the

investigation into these incidents

on to the Office Inspector General (OIG).

Regarding the allegations, the agency said: "Basically, however, anonymous, unsubstantiated allegations made with no factual verifiable details should be treated with appropriate skepticism." The

privately held company LaSalle

, which

operates the


facility, says, "[We] are them

Committed to the health


wellbeing of

the people we care for.

We are fully committed to providing high quality and culturally appealing services in a safe and humane environment. "

WATCH: I spoke with the whistleblower, nurse Dawn Wooten, who made the complaint with @ProjectSouth and the @GovAcctProj to the DHS IG about a high number of hysterectomies.

“I had a detainee who asked me," she said, "what is he doing, collecting all of our uteruses?"

- Jacob Soboroff (@jacobsoboroff) September 15, 2020

Nurse Wooten's


were also confirmed by another employee and by immigrants themselves.

The lawyer for the human rights organization

"Project South"

, Priyanka Bhatt, says that in the past few years women have come up to her several times and have




The allegations are now widely spread.

Protestants have already gathered in

front of the



in New York and Chicago,

calling for


authority to be







Nancy Pelosi

announced an investigation.

"If that is true, then the

horrific conditions described

by the


- including the allegations of

mass hysterectomies

carried out on immigrants

- are a shocking

violation of human rights


(Tel) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

US President Donald Trump is meanwhile blowing strong winds in the election campaign.

He is particularly criticized for the forest fires in the west of the country.

You can find more information about the election campaign in the USA in our news ticker.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Sven Hoppe

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-09-16

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