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Corona: Clear warning from Sweden's chief virologist: "Going slowly but surely in the wrong direction"


Sweden went a separate way in the Corona crisis. While many EU countries are already suffering from the second wave, the chief epidemiologist there also reports concern.

Sweden went a separate way in the Corona crisis.

While many EU countries are already suffering from the second wave, the chief epidemiologist there also reports concern.

  • In the Corona crisis *,


    took its own approach.

  • Lockdowns and masks are not part of the containment strategy there.

  • Head virologist

    Anders Tegnell

    is concerned about the latest developments.

Stockholm - Right from the start,




special way

of fighting the


compared to its European neighbors


While there were quite a few rules and measures in place, most restaurants and shops stayed open all day.

Primary schools and daycare centers were also in operation and

you won't find

any masks

in shops or in public transport.

In Sweden, people primarily rely on common sense - and still do.

The Scandinavian country has repeatedly been the subject of discussion with its own strategy, and in

some cases, as recently with Anne Will, there was even severe criticism


Now Sweden's

chief virologist Anders Tegnell

also seems

to be a little nervous.

In view of the recent skyrocketing number of cases in many European countries, Sweden seems to have its

infection rate

under control, but he still sees signs that the measures must be adhered to more strictly.

Sweden: The latest corona case numbers are worrying the chief epidemiologist

“Unfortunately, it looks like we are


for a new

record week


The curve that started last week continues worldwide this week.

There are quite a few countries that have seen a

dramatic increase



, ”he told journalists as reported by the Swedish news portal


In the past few weeks

, there has also been


slight increase in

the number of cases in

one's own country

, albeit not as drastically as in many other places.

“We are slowly but surely going

in the wrong direction,

” he concludes his argument and appeals to his compatriots to adhere to the guidelines.

Are there still lockdowns in Sweden?

After the corona rise probably no longer unthinkable


Prime Minister Stefan Löfven

has reminded that you prefer in the

home office

work and should avoid large gatherings.

In the past week, the Johns Hopkins University * reported over

600 new infections

per day.

Because of this development, Tegnell is now even


tightening the protective measures


If necessary, “

local lockdowns

would be

imposed for a maximum of two to three weeks to stop the spread of the virus,” quoted in the British



Should this scenario actually take effect, it would be the

most drastic change in strategy

since March.

(mam) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

In the video: is Sweden on the right track with its extraordinary corona strategy?

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-10-01

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