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Michelle Obama slams "racist" President Trump, sowing "fear and confusion"


Donald Trump is " racist " and sows " fear and confusion " in the minds of Americans, lambasted former First Lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday in a severe indictment, less than a month from the US presidential election. " What the president is doing is clearly wrong, it is morally wrong and, yes, it is racist ", she accuses, in reference to the wave of demonstrations against police brutality equated

Donald Trump is "


" and sows "

fear and confusion

" in the minds of Americans, lambasted former First Lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday in a severe indictment, less than a month from the US presidential election.


What the president is doing is clearly wrong, it is morally wrong and, yes, it is racist

", she accuses, in reference to the wave of demonstrations against police brutality equated by Donald Trump to "

terrorism interior


Read also: Kamala Harris, a Californian Obama to re-enchant the Democratic candidacy

The anti-racist demonstrations triggered by the death of George Floyd have at times degenerated into riots and some have turned into a tragedy after the intervention of far-right militiamen.

But, "

only a small part of the protests have seen violence,

" said Mrs. Obama in a video message, urging to mobilize for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, a leader who has "

the heart, the experience and the temperament to lead us to better days


In the face

of Mr. Trump's



" and "

mad conspiracies repeated over and over,

" "

even reasonable people can be afraid,

" insists Michelle Obama.


And the only thing this president is really good at is using fear and confusion, and spreading lies to win,

" she said.

Read also: US Presidential: Michelle Obama opens the Democratic convention with an indictment against Donald Trump


If the left gains power, they will demolish the



" Donald Trump had launched at the end of August at the Republican convention.

Democrats defend "

the anarchists, agitators, rioters, looters and those who burn the flag,

" he added.


Imagine what it feels like to be under suspicion on you from the day you were born, just because of your skin

tone," said the wife of the first black president in US history, addressing voters undecided.

Racism, fear, division.

They are powerful weapons and they can destroy a nation if we do not attack them head-on,

”she worries.

In August, during the Democratic convention, the former First Lady had already attacked the billionaire, a factor of "


" and completely lacking "



Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-10-06

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