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Six subjects are charged with trying to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer


The FBI assures that the detainees planned to strike against the state government, considering that it was "violating" the Constitution by keeping spaces such as gyms closed due to the pandemic.

One group sought to kidnap Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and possibly attack the state Capitol before the Nov. 3 election for her rejection of government restrictions, set to protect the population from the coronavirus pandemic.

As revealed by the FBI on Thursday, six subjects had been talking for months about how to take Whitmer hostage to "put her on trial" in a "safe location", part of an apparent plan to strike a blow against the state government.

The case documents indicate that

the arrested men believed that the Constitution was being violated by keeping places such as gyms closed

, and that the suspects began to be investigated for their social media posts.

Whitmer used a 1945 law on extraordinary powers to extend the state of emergency, and its closings of premises, after the state legislature, with a Republican majority, refused to extend the declaration.

Last week, the state Supreme Court declared that the use of that 1945 law had not been constitutional.

[Armed protesters protest at the Michigan Capitol to demand reopening of the economy]

The detainees even met with other people in Ohio "to discuss creating a society" that "would be self-sufficient," say the FBI statements on the case.

For the creation of this possible society, both peaceful and violent tactics were discussed.

In addition, those arrested for the Whitmer plot

had done explosives tests, conducted weapons training and conducted tactical readiness drills

, the FBI said. 

The scheme against a public official reveals the extremes to which people disenchanted with the closures due to the pandemic could go.

In Michigan in particular there have been several demonstrations with thousands of people rejecting the contagion containment measures established by Whitmer.

[Extremist groups interpret Trump's tweets about "liberating" states as a call to arms]

In those protests there have been people who went out armed in the streets, and people who marched with swastikas and with Confederate flags, which are those adopted by secessionist and slave-owning states during the Civil War.

In April, during the protests, President Donald Trump himself tweeted "FREE MICHIGAN."

"The governor of Michigan needs to give something to put out the flames," Trump said at the time.

"These are very good people who are angry. They want their lives back," he added.

Source: telemundo

All news articles on 2020-10-08

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