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Horacio Rodríguez Larreta asked to focus on the Third Section of the Conurbano: "There an election is won or lost"


He said it in a virtual meeting with allies. He also claimed to maintain restraint and reject the crack.

Martin Bravo

10/11/2020 2:38 PM

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 10/11/2020 3:07 PM

Reject the crack, expand the coalition towards the center and

go up in the Buenos




Horacio Rodríguez Larreta highlights his strategy in more frequent virtual meetings since the Government placed him as an opponent with the dispute over funds.

In another sign of his objective of advancing with the armed forces beyond the City, in recent conversations he focused on

reversing the unfavorable scenario

for Juntos por el Cambio in the Third Electoral Section of the province, one of the main strengths of the Frente de Everybody.

It is almost a province within the province of Buenos Aires,

with 19 districts, several of the most populated in

the district: Almirante Brown, Avellaneda, Berazategui, Berisso, Brandsen, Cañuelas, Ensenada, Esteban Echeverría, Ezeiza, Florencio Varela, La Matanza, Lanús, Lobos, Lomas de Zamora, Magdalena, Presidente Perón, Punta Indio, Quilmes and San V


In those municipalities, Alberto Fernández got

more than one million votes from Mauricio Macri in the October general elections, half of the difference of two million in the entire country.

“The only way to get Argentina forward is to overcome the crack.

I am convinced that we have to

seek a broader consensus

, and lay the foundations for the country to grow again, "said Rodríguez Larreta in a Zoom with allied leaders this week, without deviating from the

" apology for moderation "

-so it describes - even after Alberto Fernández went from calling him "friend" to cutting the co-participation to the City.

“It can't be that everything turns into a fight to the death, we have to end that.

You will see me firmly defending my convictions and

working on an anti-crack message


That is my path ”, reinforced the message.

The head of the Buenos Aires government pondered the "administration" of the differences to maintain the "unity" of Together for Change and ratified his intention to grow towards the electorate that chose third options or already disenchanted with the management and positions of the President online with Cristina Kirchner.

“We have to expand,

I have a winning vocation


I want us to have the power to transform and with 41% we don't win.

Expanding is not running away, we have to

expand towards the center

: towards the center voter and some leaders who express that center, ”he ratified in a virtual meeting with leaders of the Unir party, led by deputy Alberto Asseff.

Before that, he had had talks with the Civic Front of Luis Juez, mayors and the blocks of national legislators.

One of the next will be with the Progressive Democratic Party. 

Néstor Grindetti, Diego Santilli and leaders of Together for the Change of the Third Section, in a virtual meeting.

At one point he was consulted about the strategy in the southern neighborhoods of the Capital, in which despite the record election of 2019 he lost two communes for the first time: 4 (Barracas, La Boca, Nueva Pompeya and Parque Patricios) and 8 (Villa Riachuelo, Soldati and Lugano).

“It is where we were worst due to the impact of the socioeconomic situation and where we have to strengthen the most, in the southern part of the City and the southern suburbs.

We have to work in the third section,

that's where the election is won or lost

and there is much to improve ”, Rodríguez Larreta added.

The head of government had lunch on Friday with María Eugenia Vidal and the mayors Jorge Macri (Vicente López) and Néstor Grindetti (Lanús).

"In the Third, the economic is preponderant and we have to work in all municipalities, from the bottom up, with capillarity, with

people who know the territory and the problems


one of the shipowners of the head of Government



about that section electoral with 19 districts and

more than a third of the province's register

, and announced that they will seek to have more presence as the pandemic subsides: "Until now we were doing a stage on paper."

Vidal appears as the figure that measures the most of the space in the suburbs according to the mayors, although he did not define if she will be a candidate, and in the districts they

will seek to "open" the coalition,

especially to Peronist leaders with no place in the Frente de Todos or confronted with La Cámpora, attentive to an open dispute over the impossibility of reelection of several mayors.

Diego Santilli, Cristian Ritondo and Alvaro González, together with Eduardo Macchiavelli, organizers of Rodríguez Larreta's Zooms, are in charge of this task, and also of the assembly to try to go back in the south of the City, all three of Peronist origin.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, last Friday, when he announced how the quarantine continues in the City.

In turn, Grindetti started with his dolphin Adrián Urreli - vice president of the Buenos Aires Legislature - with meetings for each district to

"pass the comb"

throughout the section.

"We review what we have, how we are in the coalition, in relation to the Frente de Todos and the internal one in Peronism, to

present a strategy to Horacio

," they said close to Grindetti.

The analysis includes a mapping of each electoral circuit and the 2017 results appear as a reference. In the case of Avellaneda, district of one of the last meetings, they differentiated between

neighborhoods with "recovery potential" such

as the center, Piñeyro and La Wilde's commercial area, circuits in which, according to what they specified, “there is competition for the vote” with the Renovador Front: “With the crisis, they put off Macri in all colors, but they do not agree with the (Raúl) Zaffaroni doctrine.


There is a sector that we can recover.

It is

different than Dock Sud

, for example, that we lose 90 to 10 ”.

Four years ago in that municipality governed by Jorge Ferraresi, even with defeat, the opposition coalition scored 33 points in the primaries and 39 in the generals.

Another issue under study in that area goes through the

discursive axes for the campaign

, given the fresh memory of the economic results of the Macri government - it maintains a high negative image - and the limited effect of the institutional proposals that they consider will have in that territory in electoral definitions.



will be a topic -intendentes Together for Change boosted Taser- guns and in this field plan to

have faces Sergio Berni, although some dismiss it is so crucial in terms of votes.

We are not going to go with a Macri poster

to claim what he did, we have to build the model in which the City stood.

We do not want to conurbanize the City, we want to urbanize the conurbano.

In the Third there is a Peronist ideology, but to believe that the poorest neighborhoods are Kirchnerists is a mistake, ”Rodríguez Larreta's operators put forward a possible discursive line.

Source: clarin

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