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Leonor de Borbón, a quinceañera princess


The heiress has become the new great asset of the Crown in troubled times. Its institutional role is strengthened while its training is designed

Leonor de Borbón has grown up.

There are clear signs that show it.

Her physique has changed and her girlish features have given way to a more defined face.

Her style in dress has also evolved: she has climbed onto her first heels and her outfits are already those of a young girl.

She naturally assumes the change and remembers it.

"I am almost 15 years old," he said in his speech in Oviedo at the awards that bear his name to then give some data that, extracted from the text he read, speak of responsibility and knowledge of his role.

The heiress turns 15 on the 31st next. Turned into a quinceañera, she is the new great asset of the Crown in troubled times.

His institutional position takes hold little by little while his academic and military training is designed.

The Kings have told on occasion that in their residence in the La Zarzuela palace they usually talk about the work they do.

One of their daughters asked them what they did and they answered that they served Spain.

They were very small when the matter was raised.

Now Leonor and her sister Sofía are fully aware of the role played by their parents and that which corresponds to them.

Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have also explained that in their house they usually talk about the present.

Sometimes complex issues that they try to tackle with simplicity.

It is a task in which the Kings are equally employed.

Don Felipe is especially attentive to the Princess of Asturias, who knows first-hand what it is like to face such an important task as a teenager and the public exposure that it entails.

For this reason, he always justified the scant presence of his daughters at official events.

"They will have time," he argued.

He wanted maximum privacy for them before giving way to a life permanently installed in the media spotlight.

But that stage has passed.

Leonor and, by her side, her sister, are already immersed in public life.

They are old enough to do so and the situation the Crown is going through, which lives in turbulent times, advises promoting change.

The daughters of the Kings have become one of the main assets of the institution.

In monarchies, gestures often replace words, explanations, and changes.

That is why nothing is accidental when a royal family is shown in public.

For some time now, in the Spanish one there have been substantial modifications.

Leonor occupies a place to the right of her father in official acts, abandoning the usual position with her mother and sister.

Doña Letizia is behind Leonor's makeover and also how her public appearances are designed.

She wanted, for example, her daughters to appear in the midst of a pandemic to send a message to the youngest, hence they recorded a video the same day that they both read lines from

Don Quixote

on Book Day.

The Queen is the one who supervises the rehearsals for these readings and who has taught the heiress to pause, look straight ahead, or address someone in particular when delivering a speech.

In just one year, her voice has gained strength and confidence.

She is calm although she is not as calm as she seems.

Leonor is a shy, curious and responsible teenager.

She imitates her mother in her dress style but her father is her role model.

In Zarzuela they are not given to big changes.

In the case of the formation of the Princess of Asturias neither, so the same pattern is followed that was designed for her father.

From the same school, Nuestra Señora de los Rosales, to a school education in Sciences with private classes in which languages ​​and humanities abound.

Leonor speaks English perfectly and Catalan fluently as she demonstrated at the Princess of Girona awards.

He is also familiarizing himself with other languages ​​of the Spanish State.

She likes the movies and reading like her mother, who has taken care of her library since she was a child.

She is not as athletic as her sister Sofía, but she knows how to ski, ride horses and take ballet classes.

When she comes of age, Leonor will receive military training.

Also, as was done with her father, there will be specific courses designed for her that will allow her to spend time in the three armies.

But officially Zarzuela does not yet speak of this second phase of the preparation of the heiress.

Not even a few days before his birthday do they confirm if there will be an official photo of his 15th anniversary as usual in European royal houses.

In these complicated times with the pandemic marking the life of the world, with Don Juan Carlos away from Spain since the month of August and with the institution more questioned than ever in the last four decades, the steps to follow are measured with more caution if possible .

Everything for Leonor to be queen one day.

Source: elparis

All news articles on 2020-10-25

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