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Colonization: from Macron's “crime against humanity” to Castex's “autoflagellation”, the executive branch's big gap


Guest of TF1 Sunday evening, the Prime Minister estimated that permanent repentance contributed to the soil on which the detestation of France thrives.

Divergence at the top of the state?

Emmanuel Macron and Jean Castex do not seem to share the same view on the consequences of French colonization, especially in Algeria.

Guest of TF1 8pm on Sunday evening, the Prime Minister has indeed decided to return to this subject, while he was talking about the


against Islamist terrorism.

"I want to denounce all the compromises that there have been for too many years, the justifications for this radical Islamism - we should self-flag, regret colonization, whatever else ...",

whispered the Prime Minister.

Clearly, the head of government suggested that permanent repentance, fueled according to him by certain elected officials and political leaders, contributed to the soil on which the detestation of France thrives in a certain fringe of the population.

Read also: Second epidemic wave, terrorist threat ... Jean Castex at the foot of the wall


- Political and radical Islamism "seeks first of all to divide us", considers Jean Castex

If his words sparked a wave of indignation on social networks, they mark above all a big gap with the position of the Head of State.

During a trip to Algiers in February 2017, during the presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron at the time went so far as to qualify French colonization as a

"crime against humanity".

The leader of En Marche!

then assured that France had to

"look in the face"



, in particular

"by apologizing to those to whom we committed these acts"


Faced with the controversy, the candidate was finally forced to review his expression on the form.

But he has always certified that he kept his point on the merits.

At the beginning of October, during his speech against separatism, the President of the Republic thus affirmed that France was a

"country which has a colonial past and which has traumas that it has still not resolved"


He regretted, however, that some

"children fall into the methodical trap of certain others"

who use this past to nurture an anti-French feeling.

"I am referring to the sentence that Emmanuel Macron had", Bachelot dodges

During his interview with Al-Jazeera this weekend, he insisted again that it was necessary to look at colonization

"in the face"


"We must go to the end of this work of reconciliation through history, truth,"

he said.

However, he said he was


to see

"the speeches of extremist groups thrive among a youth who has never known colonization, which sometimes has been in France for generations".

He then concluded by delivering his analysis on the springs of this phenomenon: “

And it works, why?

Because indeed, there is a resentment which is itself more economic and social.

And so I consider that we, in France, have not done enough work to allow all the children born on our soil or who have arrived to succeed with the same equality,

”he said.

Asked about this point Monday morning on LCI, the ex-UMP Minister of Culture, Roselyne Bachelot did not wish to

"comment" on

the words of Jean Castex.

"I am referring to the sentence Emmanuel Macron had on colonization that I share,"

she explained, referring to the interview with the head of state on the Qatari channel.

"The president had the right words and he reframed things well"

, judged Roselyne Bachelot.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-11-02

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