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Hurricane ETA ravages Central America


Managua-Nicaragua-Sana Hurricane ETA got stronger today as it headed for Central America with flood warnings.

Managua - Nicaragua - Sana

Today, Hurricane Eta has grown in strength as it heads into Central America with flood and landslide warnings in many countries.

The Associated Press quoted the National Hurricane Center as saying that the speed of the winds accompanying the hurricane reached 150 kilometers per hour and was 225 kilometers east of Nicaragua and Honduras, moving west at 17 kilometers per hour, indicating that the hurricane could intensify before it reached the coast of Nicaragua, accompanied by heavy rain.

Meteorologists expected heavy rains in central and northern Nicaragua, Honduras, eastern Guatemala and Jamaica. Waves are also expected to rise off the coast of Nicaragua, amid warnings of floods and landslides.

The Nicaraguan navy evacuated about 1,650 people and prevented boats from moving along the coasts, and many people were also transferred to temporary shelters in Puerto Cabezas, in the northern Caribbean, according to Guillermo Gonzalez, director of the National Emergency Management Agency.

Weta is the 28th Atlantic storm during the hurricane season, which ends November 30th.

Source: sena

All news articles on 2020-11-02

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