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US Elections Live: Unprecedented Election Day Pits Donald Trump and Joe Biden


In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the US faces a historic date. Follow the incidents live.- Joe Biden and Donald Trump, two worlds opposed to the polls.

11/03/2020 10:57

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 11/03/2020 11:54

The United States faces an

unprecedented election day

between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, with

early voting records

forcing states to make changes to their procedures and sparking hundreds of lawsuits over how to cast votes and which ballots will be counted.


polls began to open

Tuesday in the

eastern United States

, while election officials warned that the millions of votes submitted to lengthen the distance could count, perhaps for days, in some crucial battleground states.

On the other hand, President

Donald Trump threatened to take legal action to prevent votes from being counted after Election Day


Amid those disputes, tens of millions of Americans

followed recommendations to move fast

, motivated by fears of delays at the Postal Service and concerned that the coronavirus would spread in

crowded voting centers


At the least

98.8 million people voted before the election day

, around a

71% of the nearly 139 million votes presented

in the presidential elections of the

United States

, according to

data compiled by The Associated Press.

Given that some states, like Texas, had already surpassed the total number of votes for 2016, experts expected a record turnout this year.

The pandemic and Donald Trump

In the months leading up to the decisive day, electoral authorities had to contend with

a pandemic that has infected more than 9 million Americans

and killed more than 230,000, forcing systemic change on the fly and with little or no federal funding.


Trump repeatedly tried to undermine confidence

in the election with unsubstantiated claims of

widespread electoral fraud


My #AmericanDreamPlan is a promise to Hispanic Americans to drive a prosperous economy, provide educational opportunities for all, preserve freedom, and support faith, family, and community!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 2, 2020

The president has

specifically pointed to the disputed and crucial state of Pennsylvania

, after the United States Supreme Court authorized a three-day extension to receive and count votes from a distance.

Over the weekend,

Trump said that as soon as the polls closed on Tuesday, "we will go in with our attorneys


Misinformation about electoral procedures,

concerns about confrontations at polling places

and reports of delays at post offices also marred the days leading up to the elections.

Millions of ballots had yet to be received in the mail Monday, including 1.3 million in Florida and 700,000 in Pennsylvania.

With information from AP

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2020-11-03

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