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Biden versus Trump: who won the US election? Who is the new president?


There are two very similar questions in the US election that can give completely different answers: Who won? Who is president

There are two very similar questions in the US election that can give completely different answers: Who won?

Who is president

  • The

    presidential candidates

    * have been determined since the beginning of 2020.

  • The

    US election 2020

    * will be decided

    in the night from November 3rd to 4th


  • Joe Biden


    Donald Trump

    : who won the election?

    Who is the new President of the USA?

Update from November 4, 3:55 a.m.:

A majority for Biden, but Trump is far from defeated.

Such is the situation in the early hours of the morning German time.

As in the previous US presidential election, there are indications that the question of who won the election may not be raised until mid-morning or even later.

Update from November 4, 2.30 a.m.:



of votes is progressing, but in many states the

polling stations

are not yet closed.

In terms of the number of electors, Joe Biden is slightly ahead, but the 2020 US election is far from near its final result.

So it still takes a while until there is an answer to the questions of the day: Who won the US election in 2020?

Who is president

Biden vs Trump: who will win the US election?

Who will be the new President of the USA?

Update from November 3, 11:58 p.m.:

If Donald Trump loses the US election, he could lose more than just the office of US President.

There are indications that further consequences threaten Trump, which he has only been spared by his special position as head of state.

Update from November 3, 6:30 p.m.:

While the incumbent

US President Donald Trump will be

in the White House in Washington on election evening, challenger

Joe Biden

will spend

the day in his hometown of Scranton in the embattled state of Pennsylvania *.

Biden's wife Jill, on the other hand, will still campaign for votes in Florida.

But because of the unusually

high number of postal voters

and the associated

lengthy counting

, it is still uncertain whether there will be a winner on election evening.

Nevertheless, on Wednesday morning (CET) a tendency should be discernible whether Trump will go into a second term or Biden will be the 46th President of the USA.

Update from November 3, 2:05 p.m.:

When the concrete results will really be available and thus it will definitely be known

who will be the next US President

, is still questionable.

Since, according to information from the

Washington Post,

the number of


voters is expected to be between 50 and 70 percent, much depends on when the votes in the states are counted.

This can drag on for weeks, especially since some countries will also have

postal votes

that come in a certain time window after election day on November 3rd counted.

In addition, 30 states give their citizens time to correct errors in postal votes that would otherwise invalidate the vote.

2020 US election: who won?

Who is the new President of the USA?

First report from November 3rd:

Munich / Washington, DC - On the night of November

3rd to 4th, 2020

(according to German time), the time has come: The fight for the first office in the state is mainly led by the duos

Joe Biden

and Kamala Harris as well as

Donald Trump

and Mike Pence run.

Other candidates have virtually no chance.

Decision on the 2020 US election: when will there be an (official) result?

Then who is the president?

Who won the election?

Who is president

A decision on the

2020 US election


be expected



in the early morning hours of November 4th, 2020.

In Donald Trump's first election, the result was only announced around 8:30 a.m., but in Barack Obama's first election at around 5 a.m.

When the time will come in 2020 is not yet in sight.

The result of the

presidential election

has yet to be made official.

This will only happen after the so-called electoral representatives meet in December 2020. The

inauguration of

the President * will take place in the


on January 20, 2021 - if there is no re-election.

Who won the US election?

- Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the running for president

As already mentioned,


and forecasts for the US election 2020


two candidates in the selection for the position of president: Joe Biden (Democrat) and Donald Trump (Republican).

The right to vote in the US leads to the absurd situation that the winner of the election is not necessarily the candidate with the most votes.

That is exactly what happened in the election of Donald Trump, who received fewer votes than Hillary Clinton across the country.

So in the end it really makes a difference whether you ask, "Who won the election" or "Who is the

President of the United States


BREAKING: New CNN poll has Biden leading Trump by 16 points nationally

- Alli Hedges Maser (@AllisonLHedges) October 6, 2020

Joe Biden

was ahead of the polls at the beginning of the year and has been able to expand them even further in recent weeks.

Only when it comes to finances does

Donald Trump come up

with similar numbers and is therefore just as valued as Biden.

After the 2020 US election: who is president?

And will there be chaos?

In the event of a tight election result, or even a loss of the election, Donald Trump announced serious decisions in advance.

He could refuse to recognize the result - the

2020 US election

could then be in


sink because the constitution leaves gaps open.

The focus in the

election campaign

was with both politicians

set slightly different:

Joe Biden

Donald Trump

Fight against racism and discrimination

Tightening of immigration laws

Economy (building a system that supports working families, small businesses and communities)

Economy (including more jobs)

Expansion of the health system

Health care (repeal of the entire Obamacare)

Expansion and strengthening of women's rights

Trade policy (withdrawal from existing trade agreements, etc.)

Measures against the coronavirus

Joe Biden

While Joe Biden presents his

election campaign topics



goals transparently on his own election campaign page, one searches in vain for a concrete election campaign plan on Donald Trump's website.

Will that ultimately affect victory in the US election?

Who won the election?

Will Trump remain president or will he be replaced by Biden?

(jey) is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © Montage Tim Brakemeier, Andreas Gebert and Alex Edelman (via dpa / picture alliance)

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-11-04

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