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Diego Maradona's health: flares, trumpets, all the environments together and celebrations for the result


Fans, journalists, relatives, friends and curious people parade through the Olivos Clinic.11/04/2020 3:12 PM Clarí sports Updated 11/04/2020 3:12 PM The doors of the clinics are usually a breathing space. There, the relatives of the patients take a breath, take out the phone, communicate the latest news, sit down to cry, receive a hug, rest while ambulances enter and leave and doctors come and go. Until that space comes to a boil due to the arrival of Diego Armando Maradona. The

11/04/2020 3:12 PM

  • Clarí

  • sports

Updated 11/04/2020 3:12 PM

The doors of the clinics are usually a breathing space.

There, the relatives of the patients take a breath, take out the phone, communicate the latest news, sit down to cry, receive a hug, rest while ambulances enter and leave and doctors come and go.

Until that space comes to a boil due to the arrival of Diego Armando Maradona.

The seriousness of the case and of all the cases that coexist at the Olivos Clinic does not admit a place for comedy, but what has happened since Tuesday evening when the news came from La Plata and indicated that Maradona would be operated on there, has tragicomic condiments. 

The flags came to the beat of television mobiles.

Journalists piled up on nothing trying to win a spot.

And all the habit of indoors began to eclipse.

The settlement was armed.

A vigil that included Boca bars with drums and hats from La Doce singing for Diego and insulting some of his relatives.

Among relatives, fans and journalists, Dr. Leopoldo Luque enters the Olivos Clinic where Maradona is hospitalized.

Photo: Luciano Thieberger.

"Matías Morla, the whore who gave birth to you," was heard while Dr. Leopoldo Luque gave the part after the operation.

"Vero Ojeda, the whore who gave birth to you" was also part of the repertoire.

Maradona proved once again that it is impossible to guess.

Those who were close to him at the Ipensa clinic in La Plata say that after the MRI showed unwanted results, Dr. Luque walked towards room 214 very cautiously and measuring every word that he would say in detail: he had to communicate to a a man who was lucid, naked, with his arms crossed and watching a tennis match on television that had to be operated on for a brain problem.

"No problem, when do we do it," Maradona replied.

And it was the clean and jerk to activate the ideal plan: a quick intervention to prevent the problem from getting worse.

Diego arrived in Olivos in an ambulance in which his daughter Gianinna also traveled.

Jana was waiting for him at the clinic and at night Dalma joined.

Beyond the journalistic reports, there were no restrictions on the daughters or requests before the Justice so that a sector of their environment could not be in the place.

Flags, shouts of encouragement and insults at the door of the Olivos Clinic.

Photo: Rolando Andrade Stracuzzi

That famous environment, or those famous environments, coexisted in Olivos.

There was Verónica Ojeda, who had already gone to La Plata together with Dieguito Fernando but who arrived in Olivos alone.

There was Víctor Stinfale, a lawyer and businessman close to Maradona for years, there were also the assistants and custodians with whom Diego lives in Brandsen.

His brother Lalo joined the night and on Tuesday morning Matías Morla went to visit him.

Diego Junior has already warned that he will travel from Italy to also be with his father. 

At 10 in the morning a caravan of Gymnastics fans departed and from noon brought their party favors to the ceremony.

The lane that the Metrobus normally passes through is cut off but one of the fans wearing the Lobo shirt shakes a flare that expels blue smoke from above one of the bus stops. 

The intervention was successful and the evolution generates, for the moment, tranquility and caution.

Mobile phones are still live minute by minute.

A flag of the Maradonian Church reads:

"Diego, if you are well, we are well



Next to it, on the same wall, there is a cardboard attached that asks Maradona for

"one more dribble



Stamps, T-shirts, tattoos, chinstraps with his face.

As if it were a goal, there were celebrations when minutes before 23 on Tuesday it was known that the operation had ended well.

The plinths of television programs are mutating minute by minute, journalists repeat themselves live while fans sing in the background that they encourage Diego because they carry him in their hearts and that "it doesn't matter what the fucking journalists say."

A small but faithful cutout. 

The fans arrived on Tuesday afternoon at the door of the Olivos Clinic to give their support to Maradona.

Photo Rolando Andrade Stracuzzi

It is part of the complete combo and of a madness that at this point in Maradona's life is as inevitable as it is counterproductive.

Images that refer to that anguishing wait in Punta del Este or in hospitalizations at the Suizo Argentina Clinic.

The genuine, the imposed, the comical and the tragic summoned themselves to a clinic.

Where until Tuesday afternoon the relatives of the patients went out for air and the doctors came and went, now it is one more scene from a movie life.


Look also

Diego Maradona's health: "His evolution is day by day," explained his doctor Leopoldo Luque

Dalma Maradona exploded after the versions about a supposed family request: "I read every stupidity"

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2020-11-04

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