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Covid-19: deputies demand a mandatory quarantine, with a fine of 10,000 euros


Majority deputies would like to force French people who test positive or contact cases to respect their quarantine, by establishing controls and heavy fines.

Majority deputies demand that people affected by Covid-19 and "contact cases" be subjected to a controlled quarantine, punishable by a fine of 10,000 euros in the event of an offense, among several measures aimed at breaking the spread of disease.

Read also: The Covid-19 whets the appetite of the French for data


This is done in other states, with colossal fines

," Olivier Becht, president of the Agir Ensemble group, told reporters on Thursday, presenting a list of thirty proposals sent to Matignon and the ministries concerned.

Fines of up to more than 10,000 euros exist in Great Britain and Italy, and at least 5,000 euros in Germany, he stressed, adding that in Spain the sum could go up to 600,000 euros and be with a possible prison sentence.

In France, self-isolation measures are recommended for people declared positive, even without symptoms, as well as for contact cases, but without control.

The people concerned could be subjected to "

random checks to verify that they are in isolation

", at home or if necessary in requisitioned hotels, at least fourteen days for those contaminated and one week for contact cases.

The Civic Service could be mobilized to provide them with services at home, suggests Olivier Becht.

These proposals aim to "

move from a policy of prohibition / compensation to a policy of adaptation

" to avoid repeated re-adjustments, considers the deputy for Haut-Rhin.

The Agir Ensemble group also proposes to "

subject users of public transport and shopping centers to a body temperature measurement at the entrance

", to prohibit access to people potentially carrying Covid-19.

It also calls for an investment plan of 3 billion euros "

to improve the ventilation systems of public buildings and private parks

", as part of the economic recovery plan, in order to regenerate the air in these spaces every day. 5 minutes.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-11-05

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