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US election 2020: Trump speaks of fraud and wants to stop the counting - Twitter reacts rigorously


What is US President Donald Trump doing on election night? According to the New York Times, he changed his plans at short notice. There are worrying assumptions from those around him.

What is US President Donald Trump doing on election night?

According to the New York Times, he changed his plans at short notice.

There are worrying assumptions from those around him.

  • The forecasts for the


    US election


    do not look good for

    Donald Trump


    - but it could be tight.

  • Many are looking at what the current

    US President

    * will

    be doing on the evening of the election: what will he


    , with whom will he be spending the evening?

    Will there even be a scandal?

  • Here you will find our ticker on what Donald Trump is doing on election night and how he will react to the result of the 2020 US election.

Update from November 4, 7.30 p.m.:


online service Twitter






US President Donald Trump

about alleged election fraud on the day of the

presidential election


"Some or all of the content shared in this tweet is controversial and potentially misleading as to how to participate in an election or other civic process," the Twitter alert said on



In the middle of the 

US election night


incumbent Trump

accused the opposition Democrats in a tweet of wanting to "steal" his election victory.

He wrote on Twitter: "We're way ahead, but they're trying to steal the election." Trump's

challenger Joe Biden of the Democrats

had recently said he was "on track to win this election."

In a second


he later denounced an alleged “disappearance” of Republican votes.


Tuesday evening

he still had a “solid” lead over


in many key

states, which had disappeared “in a magical way”.

Instead, "surprise votes" were counted.

US election 2020: Trump speaks of fraud and wants to stop the count

Update from November 4, 4:38 p.m.: Donald Trump

has again questioned that the election was not right.

"Last night I led, often clearly, in many states that are led by Democrats at almost all levels," said the President.

“Then, one after the other, they


disappeared when surprise ballot papers were counted.” He found this “very strange”.

Last night I was leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances Democrat run & controlled.

Then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted.

VERY STRANGE, and the “pollsters” got it completely & historically wrong!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2020

Update from November 4, 2:25 p.m.:

Donald Trump's reaction to the interim result in the US election has caused outrage in Germany's political landscape.

The coalition and opposition accused Trump of attacking democracy.

Defense Minister

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer

(CDU) called the unclear situation on Wednesday on ZDF “very explosive” and spoke of a “battle for the legitimacy of the result”.

The AfD refrained from criticizing Trump.


federal government

as a whole did not want to comment on Wednesday with reference to the still missing final result of the election.

"As long as that is the case, the federal government is following everything carefully, but it does not comment on the state of affairs," said government spokesman Steffen Seibert.


contrast, violent criticism of Trump came

from the

SPD, the Left, the Greens and the FDP


"A candidate, even if he is the incumbent president who calls for postal votes not to be counted, acts anti-democratically," said SPD leader Saskia Esken of the "Rheinische Post".

US election: Biden-Lager comments on Trump's victory speech

Update from November 4, 10.11 a.m.:

Joe Biden's camp had not commented directly on Donald Trump's heavily controversial declaration of the

alleged election victory


But now the campaign manager of the democratic candidate has published a clear statement.

Jen O'Malley Dillon called the presidential election night speech

"outrageous, unprecedented and false"


That's what




"It was outrageous because it is an open attempt to steal democratic rights from American citizens," she added, promising that the votes would not be stopped.

US election: Trump alleges fraud and wants to go to the Supreme Court

Update from November 4, 8:40 a.m

.: Trump's address suggests that he wants to


the counting of

postal votes


However, that would be



Trump still wants to


this step before the

Supreme Court

, which has

a Republican majority

thanks to the recent appointment of the ultra-conservative judge

Amy Coney Barrett


It remains questionable whether the court would approve such a step.

Trump's statement that he won the election has drawn

sharp criticism

from various camps.

Even at

Fox News

, a

channel that he likes

, presenter Chris Wallace says: “He has


a match in an already

dicey situation

.” Other channels such as




have been criticized for prematurely declaring the election victory.

His behavior is undemocratic.

Donald Trump prematurely declares the election victory, Mike Pence remains more cautious

Update from November 4, 8:36 a.m

.: Now Vice President Mike Pence is also speaking, he too assumes a certain election victory.

He thanks all voters who have chosen to spend four more years with Donald Trump.

However, he is much more cautious in the formulation than Trump himself and is not yet talking about an election victory.

Donald Trump live from the White House with unproven allegations of fraud

Update from November 4, 8:33 am:

"Nobody has ever seen what is happening here," says Trump in his address, referring to the election results.

“To be honest, we won the election,” he adds.

But claims there is "great fraud against the American voters" and one must go to the Supreme Court to ensure the integrity of the election.

These fraud allegations weigh heavily, and he also portrays the Democrats as if they were forcing a fight in the Supreme Court.

He described it as a "sad moment".

He does not provide any evidence to support his claims.

Update from November 4, 8.23 ​​a.m.:

After his Democratic challenger

Joe Biden

, President

Donald Trump

now also

speaks live and speaks from the White House in Washington.

Against the background of American flags, he speaks to the Americans and

promises to win the election


“We're preparing for a big party,” he explains.

In fact, the incumbent president has already achieved some important partial victories, but the race remains exciting.

He thanks his voters but adds: A

“sad group of people” is

trying to deprive these voters of their right to vote.

"We will not allow that," he says, referring to his very controversial


from earlier hours.

Nonetheless, he is certain of an election victory.

He also believes in victory in embattled


and the other outstanding states.

Twitter exchange of blows on election night between Trump and Biden

Update from November 4th, 6.54 a.m.:

After the Democratic challenger

Joe Biden

made a statement,


Donald Trump




He is also extremely optimistic, but also writes: "You are trying to steal the election." He will not allow that.

This statement is already highly controversial minutes later, as the normal process of counting votes cannot be seen as “stealing” the election.

The broadcaster



the statement

particularly sharply

, and


has now

also given

the posting a warning.


also responded

to Trump's statement

and countered sharply.

“It is not my job or Donald Trump's job to announce the winner of this election.

Only the voters can do that, ”he wrote on the short message service.

It's not my place or Donald Trump's place to declare the winner of this election.

It's the voters' place.

- Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 4, 2020

US election 2020: The race remains exciting

Update from November 4th, 4.50 a.m.:

It could be your big triumph, in the next hours and days the race for the most powerful office in the world will be decided.


Joe Biden

spends election night with his family at home,

Donald Trump

celebrates with guests and his family in the White House.

As the

New York Times

now reports, those present should watch the events surrounding the election with the TV channel Fox News.

It is not known how many guests Donald Trump invited to the celebration.

However, the media speculate that over 250 people

are waiting

with the incumbent US president for the result of the

US elections


As the New York Times reports, the celebration will include French fries and hors d'oeuvres on the menu.

2020 US election: first results - Donald Trump unexpectedly calm on Twitter

Update from November 4, 3 a.m.:

The first

polling stations

have already been closed, the first numbers continue to suggest a head-to-head race between

Donald Trump

and challenger

Joe Biden


While Biden appeared in public on the day of the election, Trump spent most of the hours leading up to the election in the White House.

And the current

US president

is also quiet on Twitter


While Trump encouraged his supporters to vote in the evening via the social network, the 74-year-old reported on


after the first polling stations closed


“We look really good all over the country!

Thank you very much! ”Tweeted the US President.

The 2020 US election will also make headlines and special programs on TV in Germany.

However, some viewers are put off by the ARD reporting.

US election 2020: Trump supporter creates a shock moment in front of the polling station

Update from November 4, 1 a.m .:

While the first

polling stations are

closing and the first projections are already suggesting a close neck-and-neck race, an armed

Trump supporter

caused a shock

at a polling station in

North Carolina


According to the police, the 36-year-old was sent off earlier in the day, but then returned to the polling station with a gun.

As the authority in Charlotte explains, the man is accused of intimidating other voters with the gun.

The 36-year-old wore a Trump cap when he was arrested.

US election 2020: Trump leaves crucial question unanswered before the election - Melania violates regulation

Update from November 3, 11:40 p.m.:

The coronavirus infection of

Donald Trump


his wife Melania Trump was less than

two months ago, but the measures to contain the


still do not seem to be a priority for the first lady.


Donald Trump

had cast his vote in advance, his wife Melania Trump voted on Tuesday in Palm Beach, Florida.

But while the

first lady

probably only wanted to secure a vote for her husband, the 50-year-old made a memorable appearance with her visit to the polling station.

As journalists on the spot reported, the first lady was the only person who had entered the polling station without a mouth and nose covering.

It is not known whether Melania Trump herself put on a face mask when voting.

Shortly after the TV pictures were broadcast, the first lady's appearance on social networks caused heated discussions, as reported by *, among others.

"Another slap in the face for all older people who have not hugged their grandchildren since February," said one user, for example, outraged by the behavior of the president's wife.

Donald Trump leaves crucial question unanswered before the election - Melania violates regulation in polling station

Update from November 3, 10:30 p.m.:

It is probably the most important election of the year, who will be the next US President?

While Joe Biden has been ahead in polls so far, the chances for

Donald Trump are

anything but bad.

And the incumbent

US president

himself is convinced of his victory.

On Fox News, Trump was confident that he would do even better than he did four years ago against

Hillary Clinton.

Experts even suspect that Donald Trump could declare his own victory before all the votes are counted.

“I think we will win.

But only if there is a victory.

There are no reasons to play games, "said Trump on election day.

However, Trump once again left it open whether the incumbent US president would accept the result.

In addition, he repeatedly stressed the risk of electoral fraud through

postal voting

without any evidence


US election 2020: Donald Trump is optimistic about the election

Update from November 3, 7:12 p.m.:

US President

Donald Trump

visited the offices of the

Republican National Committee

in Virginia in

the morning


The president was optimistic.

"The next four years will be outstanding," Trump said in a husky voice.

He immediately had an explanation for this, too, "the many events", six yesterday alone, were the reason for this.

"We'll have a great night," said the US President.

But you can never be sure about elections.

Donald Trump's wife Melania cast a vote in the 2020 US election

Update from November 3, 6:24 p.m.:

The wife of US President Donald Trump,

Melania Trump

, cast her vote.

The first lady walked into a polling station in

Palm Beach



waving and waving


Accompanying journalists reported that the 50-year-old was the only person who did not wear mouth and nose protection despite the corona pandemic - although this is required in polling stations.

Melania is not with

Donald Trump

in Washington

for the time being


It is not clear when she will get there.

The First Lady, like the US President, had Covid-19.

This in no way guarantees immunity.




that the

White House

election party was


from 400 participants to



According to the TV broadcaster,

corona rapid tests

should also be

distributed there.

President Donald Trump cast his vote early in Florida at the end of October.

The couple's official residence is Trump's luxury hotel Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach.

Donald Trump on the 2020 US election: "I think we will win"

Update from November 3, 2:59 p.m.:

Donald Trump

has been ambiguous about the fact that he

could announce his victory

in the

presidential election

before all votes are



“I think we will win.

But only if there is a victory.

There are no reasons to play games, "he said on Tuesday morning on the TV show" Fox and Friends ".


US President

was connected by phone.

Trump again claimed on the show that the sharp increase in postal votes could lead to election fraud.

US election 2020: Donald Trump disturbs with bizarre dance video

Update from November 3, 12:17 p.m.:

The morning before the opening of the first polling stations, the current US President Trump campaigned for the votes of US citizens with a bizarre video.

In the video, which is more than two minutes long, Trump can be seen dancing at various election campaign events.

The video posted on Twitter is accompanied by the song “YMCA” by the band “Village People” cast for a gay target group.

The President calls for votes in the title: “VOTE!






- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 3, 2020

Update from November 3, 12:17 p.m.:

Just like his competitor,

US President Donald Trump

is waiting

for the outcome of the US election.

In the first

East coast states already have the polling stations open.

There are already the first decisions of the election: The Democrat 

Joe Biden

 won the vote in the village of 

Dixville Notch,

 where traditionally first votes are taken, with 5 to 0 votes.

The first small damper for Trump.

However, this is not enough for an extrapolation or a concrete interim result.

Who is really ahead of the candidates remains to be seen.

Despite corona rules and bad history - Trump is probably planning a big election party in the White House

Update from November 1, 7:25 p.m.:

Election evening in the White House instead of in a noble hotel - that much had already

become known

at the end of the week about

Donald Trump's plans

for the

night of the US presidential election

(see first report).

But now there is more information.

And in view of the violently raging corona pandemic in the USA, they are quite tough.

According to a report in the

New York Times

, employees of the incumbent US president

plan to invite


400 people to the White House

on November 3


So it is probably not a quiet evening.

Because of the

coronavirus restrictions in the capital

, which set a limit of 50 people for events in rooms, the event is now

supposed to

take place in the east wing of the White House.

The newspaper cited anonymous sources on Sunday.

There had already been a

major event on

September 26th

on the grounds of the White House


In the days that followed, numerous people, including Trump and his wife Melania, tested positive for the coronavirus.

The nomination event for Amy Coney Barrett *, a lawyer sworn in as a judge at the Supreme Court, had taken place in the open air.


planned election party

should now harbor a greater risk of contagion because it takes place indoors.

You can also find a large overview of all the events of November 3rd in the live ticker for the 2020 US election, with which we will keep you up to date throughout election night.

We will also show you the results of the 2020 congress election in detail.

Elsewhere, you'll also learn how Joe Biden behaved on election night.

US election 2020: surprising, short-term change - what is Donald Trump actually doing on election night?


Melania Trump: For the first time in the current election campaign, she is promoting her husband Donald


First report: Washington (USA)


Donald Trump


will definitely not do

one thing

on the day of the 2020 US election: vote.

The incumbent

US President


has already cast his vote.

And then immediately announced: "I voted for a guy named Trump."

It should be exciting to see what


will do on the evening of the election, as he is very emotional and extremely spontaneous.

The New York Times quotes people who are supposed to be close to Trump but want to remain anonymous with extreme fears: Some assume that he may simply refuse to accept defeat.

And even worse: that there is no one in his environment who can stand up to him.

US election 2020: Trump's last election night ended with a party

In the

2016 US election




left it open in advance whether he would recognize the result.

Even then, he was accused that the election could be manipulated by incorrectly counting the votes.

And his

election evening

ran accordingly

: He was always active on


when irregularities became known - and fueled his followers.


election party Trumps

in 2016 took place at the

Hilton Hotel in New York


According to observers, the invited guests should not have been invited by the host, but had to pay for their drinks themselves.

As is well known, during the night the party became - surprisingly for everyone - the winner's party for the new

US President


US election 2020: Trump changes his plans for election night 2020 at short notice

According to the New York Times, Trump changed his plans for

election night 2020

at short notice.

Contrary to what was originally planned, he no longer wants to celebrate in one of his hotels with supporters, but rather to stay in the

White House



White House


did not comment on why the plans had changed.

Donald Trump

in private:



actually plan not to acknowledge his defeat - should it occur?

Not only people from his environment, but also international

political experts

do not want to rule out this scenario.


there is another possibility

for the

election evening

itself: Because the

counting of votes

can be protracted, no result could be determined on November 3rd.

Trump also

rejects this scenario


This decision is CRAZY and so bad for our country.

Can you imagine what will happen during that nine day period.

The Election should END on November 3rd.

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 30, 2020

In any case, the first reactions from German politicians to the election are expected during the night.

We also compile international reactions to the US election for you.

We can look forward to seeing who will be the next US president.




* is part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network.

List of rubric lists: © MANDEL NGAN / AFP

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-11-06

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