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Joe Biden US President: "I am honored to have been elected to lead this great country"


The Democrat sent a message on Twitter when the media confirmed his victory. Trump responded that the election "did not end" and will fight in court.

11/07/2020 14:10

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 11/07/2020 2:23 PM

The president-elect of the

United States

, Joe Biden, declared on Saturday "honored to have been chosen to lead" the country, in a tweet after the projections of the main media gave him the victory.

It was shortly after major TV networks and newspapers such as

The New York Times


The Washington Post

declared him the winner of Tuesday's elections, which had the country in suspense for more than three days, in a vote-to-vote fight in states. key.

Biden promised to be "the president of all Americans" when the country showed in recent weeks, and especially since Tuesday, a deep division.

"The work ahead of us will be tough, but I promise you this: I will be a president for all Americans, whether they voted for me or not," the 77-year-old former vice president said in a tweet.

"With the campaign over, it is time to leave anger and harsh rhetoric behind and unite as a nation," he said in another statement.

"It is time for the United States to come together."

America, I'm honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country.

The work ahead of us will be hard, but I promise you this: I will be a President for all Americans - whether you voted for me or not.

I will keep the faith that you have placed in me.

- Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 7, 2020

But the current president, Donald Trump, was quick to respond.

"We all know why Joe Biden has been falsely rushing to proclaim himself the winner, and why his allies are trying so hard to help him: they don't want the truth exposed. The basic fact is that this election is far from over." he said in a statement issued by his campaign.

The Republican, who was playing golf at his club in Sterling, Virginia, added that "

Joe Biden has not been certified as a winner in any state

, and even less so in the hard-fought states that are heading for mandatory counts, or in those that our campaign has presented legal demands on the validity and legality that could determine the final winner ".

"Starting Monday,

our campaign will begin to defend our case in court

to ensure that electoral laws are fully enforced and the appropriate winner is proclaimed," he stressed.

Four days after the election day of November 3, and after a count that had the country in suspense, the former vice president of Barak Obama, 77, garnered 273 electoral votes, crossing the threshold of 270 that allows him to become the 46th President of the United States.

The outcome stems from a

record voter turnout

at the end of a tense electoral campaign marked by the coronavirus pandemic, in which the United States is the country in the world with the highest death toll.

Trump had already made it clear that he would not pave the way for his opponent.

As Biden's lead grew during the vote count since Tuesday's election, the Republican president lashed out with baseless fraud allegations and falsely claimed he had won.

Early Saturday, while on his way to his golf course in Virginia, he repeated this, tweeting: "I WON THIS ELECTION, BY FAR!"

Yet for the 74-year-old Trump, this result is

the end of his re-election dreams

: The billionaire businessman who came to the Oval Office as a political 'outsider' will be the first single-term president since Republican George HW. Bush in the early 1990s.

Source: AFP, EFE and DPA

Look also

Elections in the US: social networks are planted against Donald Trump

Donald Trump's last message on Twitter before he was defeated by Joe Biden: "I WIN THIS ELECTION, AND BY FAR!"

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2020-11-07

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