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Merkel's corona scenario exceeded: high of almost 20,000 new infections - RKI changes strategy decisively


Germany is in the corona lockdown light. Experts are sounding the alarm again - everyone should now obey the rules. The new infections are at a record level.

Germany is in the corona lockdown light.

Experts are sounding the alarm again - everyone should now obey the rules.

The new infections are at a record level.

  • Coronavirus *

    pandemic in Germany

    : Due to the high number of

    corona infections

    , a

    lockdown light * has come

    into force



  • Covid-19 *

    : A dispute has



    between doctors and virologists about the meaning of the

    corona lockdown



    Mayors from


    protested and wrote a protest letter.

  • Foreign Minister

    Heiko Maas

    has to be


    for the second time within a short time

    (update from November 4, 7.40 p.m.).

  • This

    news ticker

    is updated continuously.

+++ We end this ticker.

You can read all further developments on the corona pandemic in Germany in this news ticker.


Update from November 5, 3:51 p.m

.: Despite lockdown, the number of corona cases in Bavaria continues to rise.

Prime Minister Söder calls for a "fair school year".

Schools and daycare centers should remain open.

Update from November 5, 12.49 p.m

.: The corona infection process in Germany is currently very dynamic.

The number of new infections is at its highest level

(see update from November 5, 6.45 a.m.).

According to the DIVI intensive care

registry, there are


2,658 Covid-19 patients in the

intensive care unit

, 1,423 of whom have to be artificially ventilated.

According to this, 6,951 intensive care beds are currently free.

But there are indications of a trend reversal.

Even if it won't show up until much later in the intensive care unit.

The reproduction number - R values ​​for short - is

0.81, according to the RKI


And this value has decreased in the last few days.

Since the beginning of October, the value has been “stable well above 1”, according to the RKI Covid-19 management report.

R value at 1

- this means that on average every person infected with SARS-CoV-2 infects another person, explains the RKI.

Since the number of infected people is currently very high in Germany, this still means a high number of new cases every day.

If the R value is below the critical value 1 for a long time, the infection rate subsides.

At the beginning of the corona pandemic, the focus was on the R-value.

RKI Corona laboratories can no longer keep up with the tests

Update from November 5,

10:09 a.m

.: The

corona test

laboratories in Germany are reaching their limits.

Swab samples for a PCR test * cannot be processed promptly or have to be sent on from

overloaded laboratories

, writes the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in the current management report (November 4th).

69 laboratories have already reported a


of 98,931 samples to be processed.

According to the RKI, 55 laboratories named delivery difficulties for reagents, with an increasing number of

PCR reagents


plastic consumables


pipette tips


backlog in corona laboratories

has consequences: Affected people have to wait for their test results and the health authorities would also be informed with delay.

The RKI estimates that 289,310 corona tests are possible in Germany every day.

Theoretically, according to the RKI's calculation, 1,900,642 corona tests could be carried out in the 45th calendar week (November 2nd to 8th).

A query of the laboratories showed a real test capacity of 1,596,042.

The use of the corona tests must also be prioritized with a view to the winter months, according to the RKI.

When the cold season begins, up to 2.5 to 3 million people can be expected in the doctor's office every week who have a cough, runny nose or fever.

This is offset by the current test capacities.

Therefore, targeted testing is necessary and the test strategy must be changed.

For the coming autumn and winter, it is not planned to test all people who only have a cold or sore throat for a Sars-CoV-2 infection, according to the RKI.

The changed test criteria are primarily intended to protect vulnerable people or groups and to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Who is being tested for Corona now?

Read more about the new RKI Corona test strategy here.

Corona tests in Germany - larger proportion positive

The so-called

positive rate

for corona tests in Germany has increased roughly tenfold in the past two months.

In calendar week 44 (October 26th to November 1st), according to the RKI, around

7.3 percent of the tests

- the highest value since the first half of April.

In calendar week 35 (August 24th to 30th) it was still around 0.7 percent.

KW 2020

Number of tests

tested positive

Positive rate (%)

44 calendar week




35 calendar week




Third corona lockdown in Germany?

This is how virologists and experts assess the situation

Update from November 5, 9.55 a.m

.: The current corona measures - the so-called lockdown light - are intended to slow down the infection process in Germany.

Whether this works will be seen by the end of November.

But how will the corona pandemic continue?

The coronavirus is spreading again quickly after the easing.

Virologists have looked at the third lockdown scenario.

The experts assess the situation differently.

Corona in Germany: New high - RKI reports almost 20,000 new infections

Update from November 5, 6.45 a.m

.: Germany has another

record number of new infections

: Almost 20,000 infections with the Sars-CoV-2 virus * within 24 hours.

According to the RKI *, the exact number was



on Thursday


(previous day:



The number of deaths related to the virus rose 118 through Thursday to a total of 10,930.

Corona in Germany: RKI case numbers (data status: November 5, 12 a.m.)

Coronavirus infections in Germany

previously 597,583

Deaths related to Sars-CoV-2


active corona cases



previous high

in Germany since the beginning of the pandemic was 19,059 cases and was announced by the RKI last Saturday.


Angela Merkel

* (CDU *) caused a sensation in September with a Corona forecast of more than 19,000 new infections per day at Christmas.

Olaf Gersemann, head of department at the newspaper

Die Welt

, now referred to it in a tweet:

The Merkel scenario from September 28th - 19,200 # Corona cases / day at Christmas - implicitly assumed a daily growth of the 7-day average of 2.786%.

But the 7-day average is already 16,653.

In the Merkel scenario we would only be at 5277. @ welt

- Olaf Gersemann (@OlafGersemann) November 5, 2020

A total of 597,583 cases of infection have been registered in Germany since the start of the pandemic.

According to the RKI, the

number of coronavirus-related


in Germany now rose to


- 118 more than the previous day.

The number of those recovered was therefore around 391,600.


A regulatory office employee patrols a pedestrian zone in North Rhine-Westphalia.

© Friso Gentsch / dpa

Corona in Germany: RKI corrects the first number report significantly upwards - Foreign Minister Maas in quarantine

Update from November 4, 7:40 p.m.:

Federal Foreign Minister

Heiko Maas

is again in quarantine.

The SPD politician only ended his first isolation five weeks ago, and now he's hit again.

On Monday evening, Maas had contact with a

corona infected person

at a meeting


According to official information, the distance and hygiene rules were observed at the meeting.

A first

corona test

on November 4th was negative.

Nevertheless, Maas isolates itself again in Brandenburg.

Federal Foreign Minister @HeikoMaas has to go into corona quarantine again.

A foreign delegation member who took part in a meeting with Maas on Monday evening was found to be infected with the #coronavirus on Wednesday.

- EHA News - German (@eha_deutsch) November 4, 2020

The dashboard of the

Robert Koch Institute

is now



and shows the current

Covid 19 cases

in Germany as well as all other statistics relating to the German area.

Since the start of the disruption, there has been no update on corona numbers on the RKI website.

Corona in Germany: Robert Koch Institute continues to struggle with technical problems

Update from November 4, 5:58 p.m.:

Today the



the number of new

corona cases

up to 17,214 new infections in the morning.

In addition, a disturbance appeared that the website of the

Robert Koch Institute

could not be displayed until 1 p.m.

The dashboard with the

corona cases

transmitted nationwide is currently

still not available.

The website of the institute only shows the two tabs "Districts" and "Federal states" as well as a



The current

new infections

and the total number of all cases in Germany are listed

under the disorder


In addition, the RKI promises: "We are working flat out on a solution."

Corona in Germany: Federal government promises help with capacity bottlenecks

Update from November 4, 5:16 p.m.:

Due to current or impending


in the fight against the

corona pandemic

, the

Robert Koch Institute (RKI)

currently has

41 reports


health authorities


In 34 cases, it is about the fact that

infection protection measures

can no longer be fully implemented, as the Federal Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday in Berlin.

In seven cases it was reported that this could no longer be ensured in the next few days.


federal government

offers support in the event of

capacity bottlenecks,

for example in tracking contact persons of infected people.

In addition to helpers from the RKI, there are currently

5,350 soldiers,

for example in health departments or during



The nationwide

partial lockdown

with numerous closings in November also aims to get the 375 health authorities back under better control.

Corona in Germany: Risk groups should receive free FFP2 masks in Bremen

Update November 4, 16:29:

For better protection against the



risk groups

in the state of


from mid-November to

free FFP2 masks


"The masks are intended for older citizens, from the age of 65 and up, and for people with previous illnesses," said Senate spokesman Christian Dohle on Wednesday of the



“We want to keep the bureaucratic effort as low as possible.

No certificate and no prescription are required.

It is enough to make the claim credible, ”explained Dohle.

Update from November 4, 2:13 p.m.:

On Wednesday morning, the RKI reported

151 new corona deaths

 within one day.

According to a 

computer model

 by researchers at the 

Max Planck Institute

 , this trend will continue in the coming weeks - even with the new 



Corona in Germany: Children probably not "virus spreaders"

Update from November 4th, 1.40 p.m

.: There are and have been many discussions about the topic of Corona and children.

At the beginning of the corona pandemic, children were even considered "virus spreaders".


to a new study, the

risk of corona infection in daycare centers

appears to be minimal, the






Most infectious diseases spread quickly in day-care centers - "

but that doesn't seem to be the

case with

Sars-CoV-2 of

all places,

" said the Frankfurt

virologist Sandra Ciesek at




The weekly newspaper reported on Wednesday in advance about an investigation by a team around



Corona in Germany: Amazing study on corona risk in daycare centers

Of more than 800 examined daycare children in Hesse, not a single one was infected with the novel corona virus in twelve weeks.

The likelihood of children being infected "

seems extremely low

," Ciesek told the newspaper.

Starting in mid-June, the researchers examined the smears from 825 children and 372 daycare workers for twelve weeks.

During this time, two teachers tested positive,

but no children


Update from November 4, 12:37 p.m

.: In Düsseldorf (NRW), a mask requirement applies from Wednesday.

Violations can result in a fine of up to 25,000 euros.

The number of corona cases is extremely high in all of North Rhine-Westphalia.

The situation is now reflected in the hospitals.

In the Gütersloh district, the “load limit” in the four clinics was reached on Monday.

Corona in Germany - RKI reports data problems

Update from November 4, 9:36 a.m

.: The

Robert Koch Institute

(RKI) updated the corona case numbers Wednesday morning (data status: November 4, 0 a.m.) and corrected significantly upwards.

In the last 24 hours are accordingly by the health authorities

Corona infections 17,214

have been reported

(see Update November 4th, 7:12)


According to the


news agency, the number of deaths in connection with the coronavirus rose



to a total of 10,812.

A data upload is currently running on the RKI Corona dashboard, as can be read on a notice on the website.

The data should be complete by 1 p.m.

Then the values ​​and graphics would also be displayed correctly again.

Corona in Germany: RKI reports updated case numbers

17. 214 corona infections within 24 hours

So far, 577,593 people have been proven to be infected with Sars-CoV-2.

10,812 deaths have been recorded in Germany so far.

The RKI estimates that around 371,500 people have now recovered.

Update from November 4, 7.12 a.m

.: After a data delay, the

Robert Koch Institute



the current corona case numbers on Wednesday morning.


16,498 new corona infections

(previous day: 15,352) and

143 deaths

(previous day: 131) were reported in the past 24 hours.

There are currently around 178,218 active corona cases in Germany.

However, it is not yet clear whether these case numbers are based on complete data.

A confirmation from the RKI is still pending.

Corona in Germany: RKI probably reports incomplete corona case numbers

Update from November 4, 6:23 a.m

.: On Wednesday morning there are no current

corona case numbers

on the dashboard of the

Robert Koch Institute


“Due to delays in data updates, there may be variances in the individual graphics.

We ask for your understanding ”, it says in a note on the website.

There was already a technical glitch in data transmission last week.

According to the data of the

Johns Hopkins University

(JUH) from November 4 (5.24 a.m.), 577,131 corona infections and 10,717 deaths have been registered in Germany so far.

373,391 people survived Covid-19.

Corona in Germany: Infection Protection Act is to be changed

Update from November 3, 8:29 p.m.:

According to the




, have

Union and SPD


on a

new version of



Protection Act.


corona restrictions

should become more legally stable in the future.

Judges had questioned whether the existing law justified the interference with fundamental rights.

Also, after previous


, the


and state


should be better involved in the Corona resolutions.

Health Minister

Jens Spahn

(CDU *) also


at the

federal press conference

on Tuesday

that concrete measures should be named in the Infection Protection Act.

It is about concretizing very general formulations for the pandemic, said SPD * parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich on Tuesday in Berlin.

Specifically, it is about a new paragraph in





paragraph 28a


It is entitled "Special protective measures to combat the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus" and contains

15 sub-items

on measures to combat corona.

They should describe exactly what the federal government and states are allowed to determine.

"The arrangement of the protective measures must be proportionate," it says according to AFP. 

The #pandemic demands a lot from us all.

In order to stay in control, we constantly adapt our strategy to the virus dynamics.

That's why we've now pulled the emergency brake.

Together we can protect those who are particularly badly affected by the virus!

- Jens Spahn (@jensspahn) November 3, 2020

Coronavirus in Germany: New Infection Protection Act to safeguard measures

The draft is to be


in the


in the first reading





could then be adopted in



The federal government and the prime minister also have to work out some details on the latest decisions.

According to the



regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt,

if the catering sector is closed, but also in other areas, the reimbursement of 75 percent of the November sales of 2019 should be as unbureaucratic and quick as possible, according to the dpa.

On Tuesday, the

Robert Koch Institute (RKI)

* reported 15,352 new corona infections within one day.

The previous Tuesday the number was 11,409.

You can find data and figures on the coronavirus pandemic in Germany from us *.


Update from November 3, 2:10 p.m.:


press conference

is now over.

As have


and the experts but took a lot of time and answered many questions.

Update from November 3, 2:05 p.m.:

Finally, Brinkmann goes into the




However, these would only have a

short shelf life


The situation could have changed the next day.

On the other hand, they are useful

to reduce

the number of



Update from November 3, 1:54 p.m.:

Schaade points out the limits of the

test possibilities in Germany


The rule is: the higher the number of cases, the more difficult it becomes

to test


people with cold symptoms


Because then

more than three million tests per week

would be necessary - but this is not necessary at all.

For this reason, the RKI adjusted the recommendations with regard to the test criteria.

Factors include


, belonging to a

risk group

and the

likelihood of

having been exposed to the virus.

Update from November 3rd, 1:38 pm:

A good

piece of

information from


: "We are assuming that the


that are currently being worked on can contain the virus." This also includes

possible mutations


Because, as the virologist explains, the coronavirus would occur in a fairly similar form across Europe.

This, in turn, was not always certain, as viruses

would make mistakes



, which is why different variants would appear.

Update from November 3, 1:23 p.m.:

In terms of infections, according to

Schaade, there was

"exponential growth until yesterday".

The new value is not yet known.

However, the following applies: every

R value above 1


exponential growth


In the end, this has fallen in the end, but a trend cannot necessarily be read from it.

Corona in Germany: RKI warns of 400,000 new infections per day - virologist speaks of a wasted summer

Update from November 3, 1:11 p.m.:


response to

the criticism that politicians


for some time, Spahn replied: "I can remember that we


here in August

and pointed out that

celebrations involve

dangers." the CDU politician that

nine out of ten corona patients

would be treated on an outpatient basis.

Update from November 3, 1:05 p.m.:

Spahn once again reminds you that hundreds of thousands are currently in quarantine in Germany - whether because of an


or as a

contact person


This is of course a turning point.

The Minister of Health also explains that 21.6 million people have



Corona warning app


Update from November 3, 12.50 p.m.:

Now the virologist

Melanie Brinkmann



She is disappointed that the summer has been wasted discussing the effects of

PCR tests


“You don't tell the auto mechanic where the engine is,” she asks for more trust in the experts.

Update from November 3, 12.45 p.m .:

Schaade's request in the event of possible infections: "Put yourself in


for five days

." It should only be left when the

symptoms have


for 48 hours.

As soon as the symptoms reappear, however, it must go back into isolation.

Update from November 3, 12:42 p.m.:

Now RKI man Schaade speaks, who warns of

400,000 infected people

per day at


* - if the current development continues.

In addition to

complying with the rules

, the expert also demands that people

should work

from the

home office

if possible.

But he also says: "The

chances of a vaccine soon

are realistic."

Update from November 3rd, 12:39 pm:

Spahn warns of a “hard November”, but also emphasizes: “We are

not at the mercy of



, we know how to do it.” Even after the

lockdown, it

is important to follow the rules to keep.

Update from November 3rd, 12:35 pm:

Spahn speaks of a

"mammoth task"

, the climax of which we have not yet reached.

At the same time, the CDU politician states that it is a very emotional topic.

“This virus is



It does not allow for simple solutions. "

Corona in Germany: BR video of the press conference on the current situation with Spahn and experts

Update from November 3rd, 12:26 p.m.:


press conference with Spahn and Co. is about to start.

Update from November 3, 11:32 a.m.:

At 12.30 p.m. Health Minister

Jens Spahn

will give a press conference

together with Professor Lars Schaade, Vice President of the


and other experts.

It deals with the current situation in the

corona pandemic


With us you can follow the event above in the live stream.

Update from November 3, 11.25 a.m.:


top virologist



for a harsh corona winter.

According to her, there are two reasons that



herd immunity


Update from November 3, 8.25

a.m.: Medical President Klaus Reinhardt has warned of an overload of the health care system due to the rising corona numbers.


now have to pull the emergency brake

so that the dynamics of the new infections decrease," said Reinhardt of the "Passauer Neue Presse".

"If we do not do that, there is a risk of

overloading our health system

." The number of people in

intensive care beds



worrying for Reinhardt.

In addition, there is a lack of staff to fully care for all free intensive care beds.

Update from November 3rd, 6.24 a.m

.: The

Robert Koch Institute

(RKI) reports

15,352 new corona infections

(previous day: 12,097) and

131 deaths

within one day.

There are currently

178,218 active corona cases

in Germany.

The number of

Covid-19 cases treated in intensive care

has almost tripled in the past two weeks from 851 patients (on October 19) to 2,243 patients (on November 2), the RKI announced in its current status report on Monday evening. 


reproduction number

- short R-value - was in Germany, according to RKI Management Report 1.07 (previous day: 1.13).

This means that ten infected people infect almost eleven other people.

The R-value depicts the infection rate about one and a half weeks beforehand.

According to the RKI, the R value has been well above 1 since the beginning of October.

In the last few days, the R value has decreased slightly, but is still above 1. This means that the number of new COVID-19 cases continues to increase, explains the RKI in its Covid-19 management report.

RKI reports corona case numbers

Coronavirus infections in Germany

previously 560,379

Deaths related to Sars-CoV-2


active corona cases


Corona hotspots in Germany

Update from November 2, 8:41 p.m


Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

is the only state in Germany that currently has an


of less than 50.

All other countries are currently above the critical mark - and in some cases significantly.

As can be seen in the management report of the Robert Koch Institute on Monday, the situation is particularly









North Rhine-Westphalia


The new federal states are still the



by the


, but an increase in incidences can also be seen here.

Incidentally, the whole of Germany currently has a value of 114.6.


Germany is turning increasingly red.

In the meantime, for example, all of Bavaria or Hesse are considered a corona risk area.

© Screenshot RKI

  • Bremen

    : 176.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants

  • Berlin

    : 164.2

  • Hesse

    : 148.9

  • North Rhine-Westphalia

    : 147.3

  • Saarland

    : 143.2

  • Bavaria

    : 123.2

  • Baden-Württemberg

    : 113.4

  • Hamburg

    : 100.7

  • Rhineland-Palatinate

    : 97.0

  • Saxony

    : 97.0

  • Lower Saxony

    : 78.3

  • Thuringia

    : 61.4

  • Schleswig-Holstein

    : 53.9

  • Saxony-Anhalt

    : 53.0

  • Brandenburg

    : 52.9

  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

    : 44.0

Corona in Germany: Confusion about the German Corona hotspot: RKI with completely different data than the district office - "we are a little at a loss"

Update from November 2, 5:15 p.m

.: Giant confusion in



The Hessian district was

named Germany's worst corona hotspot

by the

Robert Koch Institute

in its management report on Sunday.

The local incidence of 299.5 could not be topped by any of the 401 urban and rural districts.

On Monday afternoon, the RKI dashboard for Marburg-Biedenkopf shows 294.6 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days.

It is strange that the district office speaks of completely different numbers.

On site there is “only” an incidence value of 250.7.

That means by no means any relaxation, but at least it would not correspond to the inglorious top position in the Germany ranking.

The Bavarian corona hotspots


(287.2) and

Berchtesgadener Land

(282.3) are located in front of



But how does the comparatively large deviation of almost 45 points come about?

Slight differences between the

RKI data

and those of the district offices are common: "We don't know how the numbers come about," a spokesman told the FAZ and added: "We are a bit at a loss." Transmission error checked.

Corona pandemic in Germany: Chancellor Angela Merkel justifies the Lockdown Light

Update from November 2, 2:30 p.m.:

The next


news story from the


at the Federal Press Conference.

"I don't think there will be the big, lavish New Year's Eve parties," says

Angela Merkel

: "But we want to see that there won't be a lonely Christmas."

Update from November 2, 2.10 p.m.:

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU)

is currently speaking at the federal press conference.

She founded the new

Lockdown Light


Between October 22 and November 1, the number of occupied intensive care beds in

Germany rose

from 1030 to 2061.

In the Federal Republic of Germany, the

7-day incidence is

currently on average at a value of 127.8, explains the head of government.

“We have to come back to a region with 50 infections every seven days.

The virus punishes half-heartedness.

We have to reduce contacts wherever possible, "says the Chancellor:" It is up to everyone to make November a turning point, a joint success. "

Merkel also

gives hope for “a bearable December with more freedom”.

# Corona pandemic - The new measures have been in effect since today.

Chancellor #Merkel provides information on this in the #Bundespressekonferenz and answers journalists' questions.

Live ao here:

- Steffen Seibert (@RegSsprecher) November 2, 2020

Corona pandemic in Germany: AKK is in Covid-19 quarantine

Update from November 2, 12.45 p.m.:

Federal Defense Minister

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU)

is in

corona quarantine


After a Covid-19 case became known, the member of the government went to this as a precaution in her private environment.

However, a first test for the

corona virus

was negative, her ministry said this Monday.

Corona pandemic in Germany: criticism of the Lockdown Light from Baden-Württemberg

Update from November 2, 12.30 p.m.:


Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) is

pushing for even stricter restrictions

in the

Corona crisis

, there is

prominent criticism of the

Lockdown Light




As the news portal

* writes, 35 mayors have


the new rules and measures in an open letter to

Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (The Greens)


As a result, they would see no way of


citizens of the "sense of the 



As the "drivers of the

infection process


restaurants are 

of rather minor importance", the letter continues.

This was signed by

Tübingen's Mayor Boris Palmer

*, Böblingen's Mayor Stefan Belz and Andreas Brand, Mayor of Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance.


partial lockdown

, belongs largely to

bars, taverns, cafes, pubs and bars

and all leisure facilities must close.

The federal government and the state leaders hope to be able to reduce the numbers.


Empty tables and chairs: Berlin at the beginning of the second corona lockdown.

© Kay Nietfeld / dpa

Coronavirus pandemic: Doctors and virologists are arguing over corona lockdown light

First report from November 2:

Munich / Berlin - In


, a polarizing dispute has



between doctors and virologists about the sense and nonsense of the current


* lockdown light


Specifically: The

virologists Hendrik Streeck

and Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit, together with the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), published a position paper in which, among other things,

lockdowns were questioned

as an effective measure to combat pandemics.

I wish we would think more about a long term strategy.

- Hendrik Streeck (@hendrikstreeck) October 31, 2020

Frank Ulrich Montgomery

, the chairman of the World Medical Association, has now defended

the federal government's

coronavirus policy


A few people came forward and produced a paper "that asks many questions, but leaves all the answers open," said Montgomery on Monday on



Coronavirus pandemic in Germany: Doctors and virologists do not agree on the subject of lockdown


asked about the

negative consequences of the

partial lockdown




: "That will certainly harm, there is no question about it, but deaths from the pandemic also harm." One must weigh up health protection and the negative consequences of the restrictions.

“And I think they're doing very well in the federal government at the moment,” he said.


has entered

a so-called lockdown light

in the

coronavirus pandemic


follow all developments here in the news ticker.


* and are part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editorial network

List of rubric lists: © Michael Kappeler / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-11-07

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