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US Election | Biden Supporters in Hong Kong Tense Election Development Respect Trump's Judicial Power


The U.S. election is still unsuccessful, but the Democratic candidate Joe Biden succeeded in turning the last red states of Michigan and Wisconsin into the blue. Even in the traditional deep red states such as Georgia, he surpassed the former Republican specials. Donald Trump is expected to be the first to win 270 electoral votes and become the next president. However, Trump appealed the election results in different states. Voters in Hong Kong, Enso, who had previously threatened to "vote for pigs and dogs, not for Trump," were very nervous about the election situation. In the past week, they have been keeping an eye on the latest changes in the counting of votes in various states with their mobile phones. He respects Trump's launch of a judicial war, but questioned the fact that the other party has not been able to present evidence of Biden's fraud, and believes that his country's democratic system and judicial system can effectively handle this dispute. As for Ms. Wu, who is in California and supports Trump, she firmly believes that the election involves fraud, including dead-person votes and writing votes, and supports Trump's argument.

Social News

Written by: McKay

2020-11-07 18:53

Last update date: 2020-11-07 18:53

The U.S. election is still unsuccessful, but the Democratic candidate Joe Biden succeeded in turning the last red states of Michigan and Wisconsin into the blue. Even in the traditional deep red states such as Georgia, he surpassed the former Republican specials. Donald Trump is expected to be the first to win 270 electoral votes and become the next president.

However, Trump appealed the election results in different states.

Voters in Hong Kong, Enso, who had previously threatened to "vote for pigs and dogs, not for Trump," were very nervous about the election situation. In the past week, they have been keeping an eye on the latest changes in the counting of votes in various states with their mobile phones.

He respects Trump's launch of a judicial war, but questioned the fact that the other party has not been able to present evidence of Biden's fraud, and believes that his country's democratic system and judicial system can effectively handle this dispute.

As for Ms. Wu, who is in California and supports Trump, she firmly believes that the election involves fraud, including dead-person votes and writing votes, and supports Trump's argument.

Biden, the Democratic presidential candidate of the United States, has yet to officially announce his victory.


The U.S. election is stalemate. Biden expects that he will win the election with more than 300 electoral votes, but he has not officially announced his victory.

The current President Trump appealed to Biden online not to declare his victory by mistake, and emphasized that the lawsuits related to the election have just begun.

Voters in Hong Kong, Enso, who once threatened to "vote for a pig and a dog, not Trump," feel pressured by the development of the election, and feel sad and embarrassed that there are still many people supporting Trump (saddened and embarrassed).

In the past week, he almost checked the website without leaving his hand, and watched TV reports on the most emotional development of the election.

Although the vote count in the general election is not complete, Trump has filed a petition requesting three states to stop the vote count and repeatedly accused the Democratic Party of fraud.

Before the election, Enso was already worried that if Trump loses, he will "do not leave."

(I expect Trump to eventally lose, to never admit defeat, and to claim fraud.) In this regard, Enso respects Trump’s judicial war and believes that anyone has the right to file a lawsuit under the judicial system, but Trump has so far Failed to present qualitative evidence of fraud.

Enso believes that Trump has long anticipated that Democratic supporters will vote by mail because of the new crown pneumonia, so he has already widely declared that the mailing method is untrustworthy and fraudulent.

(Untrustworthy and fraudulent.)

Afraid of the judicial war affecting the election?

Enso is convinced that after the Bush and Gore case in 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court has enough experience to deal with this incident, and that the democratic system and judicial system for many years will not be shaken by Trump.

Trump may fail to win 270 electoral votes.


Ms. Wu, who lives in California, a dark blue state, is a Trump supporter. She and Enso hold completely opposite opinions.

She believes that dead person votes, photocopied votes, etc. appear in post-mail voting, and questioned "If the individual does not exist, just use his data to vote?" At the same time, she also suspected that the counting center had deliberately not clicked Trump's ballots. "Worldwide corruption and fraud" to describe this vote.

She supported Trump's judicial battle, "Qu哋 (Democratic) election fraud, the number of votes is not the point for the time being", and praised Trump for making a decision, "I admire him for fighting for the Americans."

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U.S. election 2020 U.S. Democratic Party U.S. Republican Party

Source: hk1

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