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"Biden beats Trump": The main front pages of international newspapers on the outcome of the US election


Pathetic headlines, a little joke here and there: media from all over the world deal with the US election, with Joe Biden and Donald Trump. However, one sheet is dedicated to another person on its front page.

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US newspapers in front of a kiosk in New York

Photo: mpi43 / MediaPunch / imago images

The Irish "Mirror" teases: "Donald dumped", Donald disposed of.

The Arab daily newspaper "Al-Shorouk" reports simply: "America's President" to the picture of a jubilant Biden.

And the French newspaper "Liberation" prints the headline on the large white and red stripes of the US flag: "Hope in America".

After a dragging countdown for days, the 77-year-old Joe Biden was declared the winner of the US presidential election by the US media on Saturday.

The media from all over the world reacted very differently to the election: some with pathos, some very sober, very many with hope and some with malice towards the loser Donald Trump.

The overview.


The major US newspapers usually delivered the news soberly and clearly.


"New York Times"

decided on "Biden beats Trump" ...

... and the

"Washington Post"

headlined: "Biden defeats Trump".


"Sunday Star"

from Canada, however, put more pathos on the front page.

After four years Trump has to go, after five days the count is finally over, after 200 years the USA has a woman as vice-president for the first time: all of this is "a new hope".

The conservative

"Svenska Dagbladet"

from Sweden simply wrote "Joe Biden wins" - and warned of a still divided America: "The election is over, the conflict remains".

The incumbent Trump will continue to rule until January 20.

He is currently using all means to oppose being voted out of office and accuses the Democrats of electoral fraud - without providing any solid evidence.

With the help of his lawyers, Trump hopes to avert his defeat.

However, the chances of success are extremely low.

Completely unimpressed by the maneuvers, the Danish daily



Biden simply: "Winner".

The British

"Sunday Times"

wrote under the photo of a cheering supporter: "Sleepy Joe wakes America up".

And the


made the US election a kind of (re) birth.

"It's Joe," the newspaper headlined.

The Australian

"Sunday Times"

reversed Trump's election slogan for its title.

"Make America Great Again" became "America. Great Again" - the USA, now great again.

In Brazil,

"Folha de Sao Paulo" wrote

that Trump's defeat was "a lesson for Bolsonaro".

The populist president, like Trump, is known for attacks against minorities.



" from Brazil showed a cartoon in its Sunday edition in which Biden calls to Trump: "You're fired".

The Monday edition is then entirely dedicated to Kamala Harris.

Despite the dispute over the final election result, many heads of state and government have already congratulated Biden, including Chancellor Angela Merkel and one of Trump's closest allies to date, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Russia's head of state Vladimir Putin, on the other hand, announced via a Kremlin spokesman on Monday that he would wait for the official election result before congratulating Biden.

The Chinese government does not want to recognize the election victory either.

Icon: The mirror


Source: spiegel

All news articles on 2020-11-09

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