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Pfizer and Biontec say their coronavirus vaccine is 90 percent effective


Paris-SANA announced that Pfizer and Biontec announced that the vaccine they are developing against the Coronavirus Covid 19 is effective.


Pfizer and Biontech announced that the vaccine they are developing against the Coronavirus Covid 19 is 90 percent effective after preliminary analysis of the results of the third phase of clinical trials, which is the last before submitting its license application.

Agence France-Presse quoted the two companies as saying in a joint statement today that the effectiveness of the vaccine was measured by comparing the number of participants who were infected with the emerging corona virus in the group that received the vaccine and the number of infected people in another group who received a placebo vaccine seven days after receiving the second dose and 28 days after Receive your first dose.

In the meantime, European stock exchanges recorded a big increase today after the announcement of the two companies Pfizer and Biontech about the vaccine, as European financial markets rose by more than 5 percent in Paris, Frankfurt and Milan, and by 3.29 percent in London.

Source: sena

All news articles on 2020-11-09

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