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National People's Congress DQ|British and German concerned about events Lan Taowen denounces China for further infringement of Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy


In accordance with the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on November 11, the Hong Kong government announced that four legislators Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi and Liang Jichang immediately lost their qualifications as members of the Legislative Council.

Instant International

Author: Cheng Yihua

2020-11-11 20:31

Last update date: 2020-11-12 02:41

In accordance with the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on November 11, the Hong Kong government announced that four legislators Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi, and Liang Jichang immediately disqualified as members of the legislature. The British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab issued a statement on the same day. Decided to further violate Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy and freedom.

China's campaign to harass, stifle & disqualify democratic opposition is a further assault on the Joint Declaration, tarnishes its international reputation & undermines Hong Kong's long-term stability. China must live up to its int'l responsibilities wkjh8tjIFw

— Dominic Raab (@DominicRaab) November 11, 2020

Lan Taowen: Destroying China's international reputation

Lan Taowen stated in a statement that China's decision to arbitrarily remove the membership of the pro-democratic Hong Kong Legislative Council represents a further violation of Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy and freedom under the "Sino-British Joint Declaration."

Lan Taowen also stated that this campaign of harassing, stifling and disqualifying the pro-democratic opposition (members) has undermined China's international reputation and Hong Kong's long-term stability.

He later stated that China must fulfill its international responsibilities.

A spokesperson for the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs also expressed concern about the incident on the same day, saying that Hong Kong citizens have the right to free and fair elections, as well as the freedoms and rights guaranteed by the Basic Law. They emphasized that these rights and Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy should be respected and protected. Make relevant commitments.

Berlin urged the Hong Kong government to determine the date of the postponed election as soon as possible, but the statement did not mention whether the German government will take any action.

▼Four members who were disqualified by gazette▼

The content of the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress includes that it is not in line with the support of China for promoting or supporting the "Hong Kong independence" claim, refusing to recognize the state's ownership and exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, seeking foreign or foreign forces to interfere in Hong Kong affairs, or having other acts that endanger national security. The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and the statutory requirements and conditions for allegiance to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China shall immediately lose the qualifications of a member of the Legislative Council once it is determined in accordance with the law.

China: purely China's internal affairs

The Hong Kong government subsequently stated that according to the decision of the National People’s Congress, during the nomination period originally scheduled for the Legislative Council election in September, four members of the 6th Legislative Council who were ruled invalid by the Special Administrative Region in accordance with the above circumstances will immediately lose their qualifications as members of the Legislative Council, including Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi and Liang Jichang.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated at a regular press conference on November 11 that the issue of membership of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Legislative Council is purely China’s internal affairs, and other countries have no right to make irresponsible remarks and intervene.

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United Kingdom, Germany, United Kingdom Conservative Party, People's Congress, China-UK relations

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-11-11

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