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People's Congress DQ|Liu Zhaojia said that the Basic Law is not enough to cope with the current situation, or affect the election


The SAR government announced today (11th) that, in accordance with the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, it announced that four members of the Sixth Legislative Council, Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi, and Liang Jichang from the accounting community, would immediately lose their qualifications as members of the Legislative Council. 19 pro-democracy members immediately announced their resignations. Medical congressman Chen Peiran and passionate citizen Zheng Songtai announced that they would stay behind in the parliament. Liu Zhaojia, vice chairman of the National Hong Kong and Macau Research Association, believes that the resignation of the Panmin is within the expectations of the central government. However, he said that the general resignation will make the central government feel that they are unwilling to respect the authority of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and may affect Panmin's eligibility for future elections. Liu Zhaojia also pointed out that the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shows the determination, will and ability of the central government to correct chaos and ensure the full and accurate implementation of "one country, two systems." We do not hope that Hong Kong people and the opposition can still use pressure and struggle to force the central government to submit. He emphasized that the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will also affect the future election and qualifications of the Chief Executive, members of the Election Committee, and district councilors.

Political situation

Written by: Peng Zhuowei

2020-11-11 22:20

Last update date: 2020-11-11 22:20

The SAR government announced today (11th) that, in accordance with the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, it announced that four members of the Sixth Legislative Council, Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi, and Liang Jichang from the accounting community, would immediately lose their qualifications as members of the Legislative Council.

The 19 pro-democracy members immediately announced their resignation.

Medical congressman Chen Peiran and passionate citizen Zheng Songtai announced that they would stay behind in the parliament.

Liu Zhaojia, vice chairman of the National Hong Kong and Macau Research Association, believes that the resignation of the Panmin is within the expectations of the central government. However, he said that the general resignation will make the central government feel that they are unwilling to respect the authority of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and may affect Panmin's eligibility for future elections.

Liu Zhaojia also pointed out that the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shows the determination, will and ability of the central government to correct chaos and ensure the full and accurate implementation of "one country, two systems." We do not hope that Hong Kong people and the opposition can still use pressure and struggle to force the central government to submit.

He emphasized that the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will also affect the future election and qualifications of the Chief Executive, members of the Election Committee, and district councilors.

▼Four disqualified members▼




Without deprivation of a high degree of autonomy

, the administrative and legislative relations will be smoother in the



In response to media enquiries, Liu Zhaojia stated that "One Country, Two Systems" and the Basic Law were formulated by the central government, and the central government has the right and responsibility to ensure full and accurate implementation. The entire Hong Kong system was established by the central government. The National People's Congress Standing Committee only interpreted the Basic Law 104 Articles concerning the qualifications of members cannot be said to deprive Hong Kong of a high degree of autonomy.

He also pointed out that the Basic Law stipulates how to deprive members of membership, but believes that the text of the article is insufficient to cope with the current situation, and the SAR government has no ability to restore the order of the Legislative Council as soon as possible. The central government acts as the leader of "One Country, Two Systems" and the Basic Law. It is impossible for the makers not to deal with this problem.

Liu Zhaojia predicts that the executive-legislative relationship in the next year will be relatively smooth, and major policies can be introduced quickly. However, the government and the establishment will bear the greatest responsibility for the success or failure of the policies. It is estimated that they will proceed with caution.

Liu Zhaojia said that there are no moderate democrats in Hong Kong. The Legislative Council is full of radical opposition groups. The Central Government has always hoped that there will be healthy loyal opposition groups that are willing to operate within the framework of the constitution and the Basic Law.

As for whether the democrats can no longer enter the Legislative Council, Liu Zhaojia believes that it is too early to say, and it depends on whether the democrats are willing to adjust their positions in the future.

Members of the Democratic Legislative Council announced their general remarks

National People's Congress DQ|The full text of the National People's Congress decision indicates that the motion was submitted at the request of the Chief Executive 4 Panmin was DQ

National People's Congress DQ|Hong Kong Government: Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng and other 4 people have real-time DQ, which will be gazetted later by the National People's Congress

National People's Congress DQ | Lam Cheng: DQ members are not the only major administrative agency to regulate the consequences of violation of oath

National People's Congress DQ|Four Fanmins are called glorious by DQ Guo Rongkeng Yang Yueqiao: No regrets, no regrets

National People's Congress DQ|Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office: Establish clear rules for the qualifications of members. Liaison Office: Patriots must adhere to governing Hong Kong

National People's Congress DQ|Li Zhanshu: The National People's Congress' decision must be appropriate to maintain national security and Hong Kong stability

People's Congress DQ|4Panmin was claimed by DQ Liang Junyan to understand the decision that the Legislative Council will not become rubber stamps


Liu Zhaojia Legislative Council People's Congress

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-11-11

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