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National People's Congress DQ|He Junyao: Hope that Fanmin can change it and call Hu Zhiwei for communication


Legislative Council Member He Junyao said that the decision made by the National People's Congress yesterday (11th) is in line with sentiment, reason, and law, emphasizing that the National People's Congress is the highest power structure and the announced decisions have a sound legal basis. He also said that this approach will bring the problems that have plagued Hong Kong for many years out of chaos, and put the Legislative Council on track. Regarding the 15 pro-democratic legislators who announced the general resignation, He Junyao said that the general resignation was a personal act, but he said that they had ruined the opportunity to serve the public. He will call Hu Zhiwei, the convener of the democratic party conference later, to communicate.

Political situation

Written by: Luo Kunyi

2020-11-12 13:31

Last update date: 2020-11-12 13:31

Legislative Council Member He Junyao said that the decision made by the National People's Congress yesterday (11th) is in line with sentiment, reason, and law, emphasizing that the National People's Congress is the highest power structure and the announced decisions have a sound legal basis.

He also said that this approach will bring the problems that have plagued Hong Kong for many years out of chaos, and put the Legislative Council on track.

Regarding the 15 pro-democratic legislators who announced the general resignation, He Junyao said that the general resignation was a personal act, but he said that they had ruined the opportunity to serve the public.

He will call Hu Zhiwei, the convener of the democratic party conference later, to communicate.

When asked whether the government should complete the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law within the next year’s term of office, He Junyao responded that according to Article 7 of the "Hong Kong National Security Law", the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region should complete national security legislation as soon as possible. He also hoped that Hong Kong Can clear customs as soon as possible to restore the economy.

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Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-11-12

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