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During the period of approving Lam Cheng as the Secretary of State Affairs, there was no reform knowledge, and Ye Liu said that he was not recognized: there was a problem if it was not launched


Chief Executive Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor talked about the reform of the Liberal Studies subject earlier, and said that there were problems in the Liberal Studies subject on the first day. Ye Liu Shuyi, member of the guild and member of the Legislative Council of the New Democratic Party, said in an online program today (14) that Lin Zheng was in 2

Political situation

Written by: Luo Jiaqing

2020-12-14 17:13

Last update date: 2020-12-14 17:13

Chief Executive Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor talked about the reform of the Liberal Studies subject earlier, and said that there were problems in the Liberal Studies subject on the first day.

The guild member and New Democrat Party Legislative Council member Ye Liu Shuyi said in an online program today (14) that Carrie Lam served as Chief Secretary for Administration in 2015 and she is responsible for education issues. "But I don’t know she has urged the Education Bureau to reform ".

Ye Liu said, "I don't know what to say, because the new high school system, including general education, has not been introduced. I already think there is a problem."

Ye Liu said, "I don't know what to say, because the new high school system including general education has not been introduced, and I already think there is a problem." (Li Zijing Facebook)

Ye Liuxu said that as early as 2009, he had written to Ho Xiulan, then Chairman of the Educational Affairs Commission, telling her that there was a problem with this subject, "There may be no textbooks, and I can't read Chinese History. The Chinese part is too short." Subjects should only be qualified and unqualified.

At the same time, she also wrote to Sun Mingyang, the then Secretary of Education, questioning why there was no national education in the subject, but Ye Liu said that she was ignored at the time.

Regarding the government's reform of the general education, Ye Liu believes that the problem is that the six major areas of the general education are too broad, and the textbooks are taught by teachers without approval.

She mentioned that the "Hong Kong Today" part has become a place to discuss current affairs, discussing issues such as civil disobedience, demonstrations, etc.; in the "Contemporary China" part, there are teachers teaching China's river pollution and American rivers clarity.

Ye Liu emphasized that in addition to general education, there are still many problems with the new high school system, and now it can only be "gradual".

Chief Executive Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor talked about the reform of the Liberal Studies subject earlier, and said that there were problems in the Liberal Studies subject on the first day.

(Data Picture/Photo by Gao Zhongming) 

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Source: hk1

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