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François Hollande treats a disappointed with macronism


CHRONIC. According to our information, François Hollande received Cyril Dion, the environmental activist and guarantor of the climate convention, in his b

Every day at 7 pm, find “Behind the scenes”, our column on the underside of political life.

It's an unexpected encounter.

We are Wednesday December 9 at 242, rue de Rivoli.

In his offices, the former President of the Republic, François Hollande, receives the one who has become the stone in Emmanuel Macron's shoe.

Director, environmental activist and “guardian” of the Citizen's Climate Convention, his name is Cyril Dion.

The man who accuses the power of "unraveling" the proposals of the convention.

The head of state sharply retorted that he “has no lessons to receive” ...

The atmosphere is much warmer at François Hollande, who describes a Dion "not at all vindictive, on the contrary very calm, very serious".

The former president and the activist talked about the future.

A future where growth and ecology will have to be reconciled.

Because without growth, no funding for new models… And they agreed!

So why so much tension with the current president and so little with the previous one?

Because the left has a hand in 2022. We can see the outlines in this political exchange between whistleblower and former head of state.

Of course, the divisions are there but who knows, maybe a common project will allow the union and the return of a social democracy extended to ecology.

Aware of the major maneuvers in progress, the strategists of the macronie are worried.

One of the architects of the 2017 victory confided in us: “We need to set up a confrontation between growth and decline.

“By implication, the Greens are“ Amish ”and only Macron can embody responsible ecology.

The air of nothing, François Hollande finishes telling us about his exchange with Cyril Dion: "Me, I did not find it decreasing at all ..."

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-12-14

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