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Corona pandemic: a visit to the new vaccination center


The district's vaccination center is as good as finished. The first people will soon be immunized in a former Aldi store in Fürstenfeldbruck on around 800 square meters. Mobile vaccination teams will also move out from there.

The district's vaccination center is as good as finished.

The first people will soon be immunized in a former Aldi store in Fürstenfeldbruck on around 800 square meters.

Mobile vaccination teams will also move out from there.


- The craftsmen have been busy in the past few days.

Where discount store customers once stocked up on groceries, white partitions are now lined up.

They form larger and smaller rooms and accommodate the various stations that visitors to the new vaccination center in the west of Bruck have to go through.

There should be around 250 vaccinations per day there in the future.

There are also 50 more through mobile teams.

The operator is the Bavarian Red Cross

The focus should initially be on this, explains Rainer Bertram, district manager of the BRK, which operates the vaccination center.

Such a mobile team should manage 50 immunizations a day.

That has to be well prepared.

The routes must be planned sensibly, also because the vaccine can only be kept for a limited time after processing in the vaccination center.

"We do not yet have the exact data from the manufacturers," says Bertram.

When the vaccination team is on site, it should not only be clear who exactly is to be vaccinated.

All legal issues must also be clarified.

“When we talk about retirement and care facilities, in many cases the people there have legal guardians.

Then declarations of consent have to be obtained in advance, ”says Bertram.

How many people have to visit the mobile vaccination teams is still unclear.

“There are 2900 people living in homes in the district.

There are 34 outpatient care services that people visit at home.

And we don't know how many people are cared for at home by a 24-hour nurse, ”says Bertram.

The cooling

There is more certainty when dealing with the vaccine.

There is no need for complex refrigeration logistics in Buchenau.

The cooling to minus 70 degrees, which is necessary for some vaccines, only has to be guaranteed in the central warehouses.

However, the needs of the individual vaccination centers must be planned as precisely as possible - down to days and even hours.

Matthias Skrzypczak, the future medical director of the vaccination center, reports that doctors - some of them already retired - are very willing to work in the center.

Nevertheless, medical specialists are still being sought.

You couldn't have enough of that.

The facility in Buchenau will probably not remain the only one in the district, says Olching's mayor Andreas Magg, who is also the district chairman of the BRK.

"One vaccination center will not be enough."

Dispensing of masks in pharmacies

The dispensing of FFP-2 masks by pharmacies, paid for by the federal government, will start on Tuesday.

Anyone who is at least 60 years old or has an increased risk of contracting Covid-19 due to previous illnesses can pick up three masks free of charge until January 6th.

From January 1st, there will be six masks with receipts from the cash registers, with a contribution of two euros.

A second subscription will follow in February

Thomas Benkert, Bavarian pharmacist president and owner of the Mammendorf pharmacy and the Amper pharmacy in Bruck, is ready to go.

There is a supply of masks, "and the community in Mammendorf has put a mulled wine hut that is now not needed next to the branch".

So that the pharmacy itself does not get too full, the corona-related masks are issued there.

Benkert asks that not everyone come straight to the start of the campaign.

Checking the claim will be straightforward.


Also interesting:

the test centers are preparing for the rush before the holidays

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-12-15

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