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Donald Trump announces the departure of his Minister of Justice, Bill Barr


Defender of Donald Trump since his election in 2016, he has not supported him in his attempt to invalidate the ballot last November.

He's kind of the man who said no to Donald Trump.

Bill Barr, is no longer Minister of Justice, announced on the night of Monday to Tuesday, Paris time, the President of the United States.

Bill Barr took, in early December, a strong position regarding the presidential election which saw the victory of Joe Biden.

"We have not seen fraud on a scale likely to change the outcome of the election," he said as Donald Trump continues to challenge the outcome of the poll.

"Bill will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family, Deputy Justice Minister Jeff Rosen, an incredible person, will take over," Donald Trump tweeted, without reiterating his accusations.

The minister will leave a month before the democratic president-elect takes office on January 20.

Joe Biden's victory was confirmed by the vote of the voters on Monday.

Just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General Bill Barr at the White House.

Our relationship has been a very good one, he has done an outstanding job!

As per letter, Bill will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family ...

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 14, 2020

Donald Trump persists in denouncing massive fraud and refuses to acknowledge his defeat.

But his camp has never managed to provide any evidence to support these accusations and the dozens of legal appeals he has presented have been almost all rejected, including by the Supreme Court.

The Republican president has repeatedly deplored the inaction on this ground of Bill Barr, yet one of his most faithful ministers.

In recent days, the former real estate mogul has also described as "a big disappointment" the fact that the Minister of Justice did not reveal before the November election the existence of an investigation into the situation. tax of Joe Biden's son, Hunter.

He would have "resigned of his own accord"

Donald Trump said he had Monday "a very nice meeting" with Bill Barr at the White House.

"Our relationship is excellent, he did a magnificent job," he said.

In his resignation letter, tweeted by the president, the minister praised the latter's record and his “unprecedented success” in all areas.

He emphasizes having kept Donald Trump informed of the Justice Department's investigation into “allegations of election fraud”.

"At a time of deep divisions in the country, all levels of the state" must "do everything to ensure the integrity of the elections and promote the confidence of voters in their results," he said.

“Barr resigned of his own free will.

He was not pushed or forced to resign, "assured a senior American official, referring to a" friendly "interview with the president.

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When he arrived at the head of the ministry in February 2019, Bill Barr, a calm man with a good-natured tone, enjoyed a fairly smooth image.

He had already held this position in the early 1990s, a pledge of seriousness in an administration where novices in politics were legion.

But this relative consensus was shattered and Bill Barr quickly found himself given the nickname "President's Advocate".

He was notably accused of having done everything to protect Donald Trump in the investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller into a possible collusion between Russia and the Republican candidate's campaign team in 2016. According to his supporters, this native of New York , a graduate of the prestigious Columbia University, was not defending Donald Trump, but the presidential office.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2020-12-15

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