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Vaccination in Colombia against covid-19 will begin in February


Colombia will begin vaccination against the coronavirus in February, announced the Minister of Health Fernando Ruiz, with doses of Pfizer and BioNTech.

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(CNN Spanish) ––

Colombia will begin vaccination against the coronavirus in February, Health Minister Fernando Ruiz announced on Tuesday.

The official explained that the first group of people (health personnel and people over 80 years of age) will be inoculated with a batch of 1.7 million Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines.

For that, in January they will work on all the planning with the different territorial entities in order to locate places and prepare points where vaccinations will be carried out.

In the second group are people from 60 to 79 years old.

Then will come those with a history of risk to their health, Ruiz said in an official statement.

  • LEE: Vaccine against covid-19: Colombia ensures 40 million doses

They estimate that in a second stage they will seek to vaccinate the general population, including the military forces, teachers.

Also all the people who work in the care of others.

“We seek to do all this plan in 2021 and, as we already announced, we will not be vaccinating children under 16 years of age or pregnant women because the studies on vaccines do not cover these populations.

So there is not enough information to know the risk of these people ", explained Ruiz.

Details of vaccination in Colombia

The official clarified that citizens will not be able to choose the brand of the vaccine that will be applied to them, since it will proceed as the doses arrive in the country.


The vaccination plan for covid-19 in Colombia will be free.

Although, the Ministry of Health is preparing the regulations so that at some point those who wish to buy it can do so through individuals.

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In that case, all vaccinations will be required to be registered in the government program.

This is to be certain after the established number of 34 million is being reached, which may generate herd immunity, according to the statement.

Colombia signed agreements to obtain 40 million doses of vaccines.

Ten million will be from Pfizer / BioNTech, ten more from AstraZeneca and 20 million remaining through the Covax initiative.

As of Sunday, the Colombian Ministry of Health confirmed 1,507,222 cases of coronavirus and 40,475 deaths.

Covid-19 Pandemic Coronavirus Vaccine

Source: cnnespanol

All news articles on 2020-12-22

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