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New Coronary Pneumonia Vaccine | The first batch of 9 major questions that will be available for injection in Hong Kong in January next year will be answered


The government announced the vaccination schedule today (23rd), and a panel of experts will explain the vaccination and side effects. The government will provide 3 vaccines. The public can decide whether to vaccinate according to the time and place provided. The Chief Executive Zheng

Social News

Author: Zhu Haiqi

2020-12-23 23:24

Last update date: 2020-12-23 23:25

The government announced the vaccination schedule today (23rd), and a panel of experts will explain the vaccination and side effects.

The government will provide 3 types of vaccines. The public can decide whether to vaccinate according to the time and place provided.

Can the public get all three?

Who has priority vaccination, what about pregnant women and children?

This article summarizes 9 questions, which are answered by government experts one by one.

Liang Zhuowei, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong, Xu Shuchang, Chair Professor of the Department of Respiratory System at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, member of the Advisory Expert Committee and former director of the Center for Health Protection, Zeng Haohui, and government representatives gave detailed explanations.

Q1 Which vaccines does the Hong Kong government purchase?

Government: Sinovac, German pharmaceutical company BioNTech/Pfizer/Fosun mRNA vaccine, AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine, each ordering 7.5 million doses.

One million doses of Kexing vaccine will arrive in Hong Kong as soon as next month, and 1 million doses of mRNA vaccine from German pharmaceutical company BioNTech will arrive in Hong Kong as soon as the first quarter of next year. AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine is expected to arrive in Hong Kong in 2021.

The government will also purchase the fourth vaccine.

▼The Hong Kong Society of Hospital Pharmacists introduces the three new coronavirus pneumonia vaccines purchased in Hong Kong▼




Q2 Why should I get the new coronary pneumonia vaccine?

Liang Zhuowei: If the flu vaccine matches the virus strain of the year, the protection rate will be 60 to 70%, but when it does not match, it will drop to 30 to 40%.

Compared with the new crown pneumonia vaccine, the flu vaccine has only half or two-thirds of its protection, and the lethality of the new crown pneumonia is 10 to 20 times that of the flu. The "Risk Benefit" is well known.

Q3 What group can give priority to vaccination?

Government: 3 million people, including medical staff, the elderly, chronically ill, elderly or disabled employees, are determined by the advisory expert committee based on the data.

Zeng Haohui said: The specific methods are being carefully outlined. There are "ultra-high-risk" people in the priority group. "Over 60 years old, the prefixes of 6, 7, and 8 are different."

Administrative efficiency is also a consideration. A group of elders are vaccinated in one institution. "It is a good thing to have efficiency in a short period of time. In the end, a plan and a road map have to be (discussed) first." Doctors must have an active role. "If you speak vulgarly, you will be buried in the canal." However, we need to discuss storage facilities and other supporting facilities. After all, there are a large number of vaccinations. There are at least three types of vaccines this time. Influenza vaccines are much more complicated. The medical team still has to calculate the manpower, and community vaccination centers will also be set up.

Q4 What are the common side effects and reporting mechanisms of vaccines?

Xu Shuchang, the government: Common side effects of vaccinators are pain at the injection site and mild fever.

Severe allergies to vaccines and certain foods, such as breathing difficulties and swollen throat.

When the pharmaceutical factory submits the documents, the authorities will learn about the vaccine ingredients and monitor the adverse reactions, such as setting up monitoring points for hospitals.

Zeng Haohui: You must have skills when analyzing adverse reactions. For example, the causal relationship between encephalitis, myocarditis, and severe anaphylactic shock and vaccines. For example, the flu vaccine crisis in Korea earlier may be related to the physical condition of individual patients. Isn't it a matter of needle every time?" It needs to be considered step by step.

Q5 Can recovered patients and pregnant women receive the new coronary pneumonia vaccine?

Xu Shuchang: It is not certain how long the antibody level of recovered patients will be maintained, but there have been 10 cases of secondary infections worldwide.

Foreign countries report that patients can be vaccinated after 90 days of infection. On the contrary, if the vaccine is injected within 90 days, it is easy to stimulate the immune response, and then the injection is safe.

After vaccination, the authorities will also pay attention to the maintenance time of the vaccinated person's antibody level.

After being vaccinated with a certain new crown pneumonia vaccine, citizens should not transfer another vaccine.

Regarding pregnant women, although the vaccine is not a live virus, they dare not invite pregnancy researchers to participate in the study during clinical testing. However, Europe and the United States have begun vaccinating. When the vaccine arrives in Hong Kong, it will refer to all the data before suggesting it to local pregnant women.

Q6 If doctors and nurses refuse to be vaccinated, do they need to be forced to vaccinate before they can contact patients?

Leung Cheuk Wai, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong: Medical care is not required to be vaccinated before contacting patients.

The World Health Organization’s requirement for the first-generation vaccine is not to prevent the disease, but not to prevent infection. For the time being, only AstraZeneca/Oxford Vaccine has released its data on asymptomatic infections. After 1.5 doses of vaccine, nearly 9 adults have no symptoms, but only Fifty-seven people are not infected, that is, their infection prevention rate is 40% off. Some people will still be infected after vaccination. Only asymptomatic patients cannot be used as the excuse to take care of the patient. Medical staff are forced to vaccinate unless the vaccine infection prevention rate can be increased to 9 Only when there is sufficient scientific basis to propose.

Q7 Will there be herd immunity after vaccination of 7 adults?

Can we declare victory over the epidemic?

Liang Zhuowei: To achieve herd immunity is to prevent infection, but the current vaccines mainly only prevent disease. Therefore, it is not that the injection rate reaches a certain level and the epidemic is completed. 70% is just general data. )”.

Zeng Haohui: Some vaccine studies have not carried out the vaccination of children aged 16 or under. "It's not that the vaccination rate is as high as 70%."

Q8 Will the strain of the virus affect the effectiveness of the vaccine?

Xu Shuchang: The virus strain mainly mutates in the S protein, and the overall S protein of the new coronavirus has no major change. The new coronavirus mutates more slowly than the influenza virus. The new coronavirus pneumonia vaccine may only be vaccinated once every 2 to 3 years.

Liang Zhuowei: When the virus mutates, mRNA vaccine manufacturers, such as Moderna, mean that the vaccine can be adjusted within 6 weeks.

Q9 Is there any record showing that (needle card) has been vaccinated against new coronary pneumonia?

Government: The Department of Health and the Hospital Authority have an annual flu vaccine record system. The authorities will use this system to record vaccinations against new coronary pneumonia.

The Innovation and Technology Bureau is also developing a system to obtain information from the system and simply display the records of citizens vaccinated against COVID-19 and tested for the virus.

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New crown pneumonia vaccine

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-12-23

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