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The 5 things you should know this December 24: Is it the most deadly new variant of coronavirus? | CNN


Here's what we know about the new coronavirus variant identified in the UK. Trump vetoes the defense spending bill after lashing out at the stimulus package. Christmas is coming! Here we give you some tips to spend it as a family without fear of the covid. This is what you need to know to start the day. First the truth. | World | CNN

Here's what we know about the new coronavirus variant identified in the UK.

Trump vetoes the defense spending bill after lashing out at the stimulus package.

Christmas is coming!

Here we give you some tips to spend it as a family without fear of the covid.

This is what you need to know to start the day.

First the truth



Is it the deadliest new variant of coronavirus?

The UK has identified a potentially more contagious new coronavirus variant, linked to a recent spike in cases in England.

While scientists are seeking more information about the variant, its impact is already being felt.

Here's what you need to know about whether it's more deadly and if vaccines will work against this variant.


Trump vetoes defense spending bill

US President Donald Trump vetoed the broad Defense bill that both houses of Congress recently passed by veto-proof majorities, establishing a possible override of the veto that would pit members of his own party against him. .

Learn more about the implications of this.

Trump vetoes defense spending bill 4:03


What Trump's attempt to modify the stimulus package means

The president did not explicitly threaten to veto the bill, and the White House said earlier in the evening it would sign it.

However, in a video posted on Twitter, Donald Trump added a layer of confusion to a delicate process that includes not only economic relief from COVID-19, but a US $ 1.4 trillion global spending package that finances the Federal government.


Christmas is coming!

This is the way to spend it as a family without fear of the covid

Dr. Elmer Huerta explains the safest way to be able to have family activities during this holiday season and reduce the chances of contagion of coronavirus.

Also, know 5 tips to celebrate Christmas with little special rituals.


Celebrate Christmas during the covid-19 pandemic 1:16


What Maradona's toxicology study reveals

The results of the toxicological and histopathological studies carried out on the corpse of Diego Armando Maradona were known, as a complement to the autopsy carried out on November 25, the day the former soccer star died.

The presence of several psychotropic drugs was detected.

They reveal Maradona's health status before he died 0:35

At coffee time

2020, the year of virtual education

The coronavirus pandemic created a change in global education, as millions of students left the classrooms and moved to virtuality.

Festivus, the party created by 'Seinfeld' that focuses on airing complaints

For those of you who may find it more difficult to achieve holiday cheer this year, there is an option to throw a party and maintain a healthy dose of bad mood.

Why is Festivus a trend in networks?


The South American sub-20 in Colombia is suspended

The Colombian Football Federation confirmed that the South American under-20 team is suspended due to the threat of covid-19.

The tournament was to be played from February 2021.

The United Kingdom reports two cases of a second variant of covid-19 from South Africa

"This new variant is very concerning because it is even more transmissible and appears to have mutated more than the new variant that has been discovered in the UK," said the UK Health Secretary.

Biden's team collides with Twitter over White House accounts

The team criticized Twitter for not allowing the millions of followers on White House accounts to be automatically retained with the change of government.

The number of the day

4.5 million

These are the doses of the Pfizer vaccine that Spain will receive over the next twelve weeks, at a rate of 350,000 per week, according to the Minister of Health Salvador Illa.

Quote of the day

“It is true that we are facing a tremendous pandemic, but today is the beginning of the end.

Today we see clearly that we are going to defeat that virus that has come to disrupt our lives "

The Mexican Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard, said this after the arrival of the first doses of an approved Covid-19 vaccine, the first in a Latin American country.

Foreign Minister of Mexico: Today is the beginning of the end of the 3:48 pandemic

Selection of the day

Some AirPods for only US $ 125

They are the must have accessory for any iPhone or iPad user and now they are at a great price.

And to finish…

They photograph comet approaching the sun moments before disintegrating

At the time of the photo, the comet was traveling at 724,000 kilometers per hour more than 4 million kilometers from the surface of the Sun, NASA said.

Unusual photo of a comet during 1:25 solar eclipse

Source: cnnespanol

All news articles on 2020-12-24

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