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"It's the end of the circuses", the fairgrounds warn about the death of a secular tradition


Faced with the government's decision to ban wild animals from traveling circuses, professionals predict the disappearance of the marquees.

Stop condemning us.

Let us live with our traditions of itinerant acrobats and do not separate us from our animals in the name of animal welfare which is only a mistake of monstrous cruelty

”, indignant several great figures of the circus this Tuesday, December 29 in a column published in

Le Monde


It is "

the coup de grace


While the Covid-19 crisis has brought the entertainment world to the ground, the ban on wild animals in circuses, carried by the Minister of Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili, is perceived by fairgrounds as being the signature of the circus arts death certificate.


We want to destroy a real culture that is part of our heritage of our country,

" denounces

the director of the Pinder circus Frédéric Edelstein

to Le



Read also: Covid-19: forced to stop, circuses worried about their future

"A circus without animals is not a real circus"

Today, the life of wild animals in circuses that go from town to town does not correspond to the biological needs of their species.

Their spaces are too small, there are too many trips

, ”

the Ministry of Ecological Transition

explains to

Le Figaro


However, far from an imaginary where the tiger trainer captures animals roaming free in the savannah, the fairgrounds affirm that the natural environment of these circus animals is precisely the circus: “

They are born in the circus and live in their family in the circus until their natural death, at ages much older than in nature and in zoological parks (...) because they are happier with us and better treated than elsewhere

”, affirm the three officials of prestigious circuses in their forum of the


Contacted by

Le Figaro

, the president of the French Syndicate of Circus and Show Animal Capabilities William Kerwich explains that, through this forum, the showmen wished to emphasize that the idea of ​​mistreatment of circus animals is an idea "

totally false


We love our animals, we pamper them, we play with them.

We offer them a life filled with activities and emotional ties.

I have wild animals, born in my circus, which I raised with a bottle.

We have a real human-animal relationship and, if they are torn from me, they will die

”, breathes the director of the Royal Circus, lamenting that“

the circuses, to continue, will have to abandon their animals


However, the circus without animals is not circus,

” he adds.

Like William Kerwich, Frédéric Edelstein, director of the Pinder circus, confides in being hurt by these accusations of mistreatment: “

Like my animals, I was born in the circus.

We are certainly not animal executioners, we are animal lovers and I am a true defender of the animal cause

”, insists the animal trainer.



This measure around the Animal Welfare is in the process of killing animals but also


kill a profession

," worry fairground.

Among ourselves, we are talking about a 'genocirque': our animals are torn from us and made to look like bad people, we are condemned.

We are victims of a punitive ecology

”, is indignant with


William Kerwich, noting that, in several big cities, wishes have already been pronounced by the town halls to prohibit traveling circuses with wild and domestic animals.


We need our skills to be recognized

", continues the director of the Royal Circus, explaining that, to found a circus, "

you must have a state diploma of ability, have between 3 and 5 years of experience for each species. , obtain an opening authorization to present the show, obtain a transport certificate, vehicle approval and a training course for the conveyor,

”he lists.


I have capacity for 14 species, and for each species, I submitted a file to an advisory commission with scientists, veterinarians, representatives of the circus ... Founding a circus is not nothing

", reports William Kerwich.

Animals in hologram


With the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Labor, consultation meetings are being held to explore the possibilities of maintaining traveling shows but only with domestic animals and wild animals not targeted by the prohibition measures (snakes and birds) or even without animals,

the ministry

explains to

Le Figaro


There is no shortage of ideas for innovative attractions: some circuses already offer acts on motorcycles or with drones.

Some fairgrounds, such as the Roncalli circus or Joseph Bouglione, even offer animals in holograms.


It will only be the beginning, after the ban on wild animals in circuses, we will ban domestic animals, then animals in zoos, then guide dogs ... It is in this anti-speciesist logic that is part of this measure

”, warns William Kerwich, for whom the envelope granted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition of 8 million euros for the year 2020, in order to support all the sectors concerned by the measure, is an “

abandonment bonus


Read also: Ban on wild animals in circuses: demonstration in Paris this Tuesday


People no longer want to see animals in circuses, in cages, in roaming, doing unnatural tricks

," said

the president of the Code Animal association Alexandra Morette

to Le



This measure is a societal development.

It is by evolving with customs, by going beyond this anthropocentric vision that circuses will be able to survive,

”she explains, specifying that the circus is not reduced to animals and that such a vision of the circus recalls a colonial past that expressed "

a desire for exoticism that no longer exists


In total, around 500 lions, tigers or panthers are affected by the government measure, as well as around ten elephants, 2 hippos and around forty monkeys.

The new measures will be in effect in 2 to 7 years and include a ban on the breeding and keeping of wild animals, as well as the issuance of permits for new itinerant establishments holding wild animals.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-12-31

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