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The Government seeks to lower tensions within the bloc of official senators after the abortion vote


The president of the Block, José Mayans, voted against the project. Reproaches and tensions.

Jasmine Bullorini

12/31/2020 5:20 PM

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 12/31/2020 5:20 PM

The Frente de Todos will have to decant its passions to smooth the rough edges and reproaches that the abortion legalization project, pushed by the Government, unleashed inside the pro-government bloc, presided, paradoxically, by the captain of the "celestial", José from Formosa Mayans.

As in 2018,

the debate broke ground across the board.

For this reason, there were two closing speeches for each block: one representing the position in favor and the other against.

For the ruling party, the camper Anabel Fernández Sagasti spoke first, coordinator of the ruling party to guarantee the sanction.


I am a feminist because I am a Peronist,

because the essence of Peronism is to fight for love, equality and social justice. And the law of interruption of pregnancy and feminism have in their genesis fighting for equality."

But immediately afterwards, Mayans closed with one of the strongest speeches against the day, with an allusion to a phrase by Juan Domingo Perón.

“They have the right to have their lives respected.

But they have no voice and it is the State that is responsible for doing so.

For the desired child everything.

For the unwanted, no justice.

It is the death penalty.

The State cannot ignore itself and say 'Do what you want: if you want to kill him, if you want, don't kill him' ", he sentenced.

The tone of his speech, added to his efforts in the previous weeks to try to stop the law, aroused criticism in the ruling party. 

"It is one thing to vote against, another to attempt against a policy of your government," they

pointed out near a national official.

"It was exceeded", considered a legislator of his space.

On Twitter, his speech was highly commented: it sowed strong criticism but also garnered applause.

Mayans is serving his fourth term as a senator.

He has been in a seat for 19 years and has a mandate until 2023. His figure has weight in the Senate, he

knows the game perfectly and knows the risks he takes.

When Alberto Fernández's government won the 2019 elections,

the vice president and head of the Senate, Cristina Kirchner, promoted the Formoseño

-aligned with Governor Gildo Insfrán- as president of a unified block of the Frente de Todos.

As a counterweight, he made Sagasti vice president.

Despite the criticism, the government ignored the issue and denied the possibility of "reprisals" or changes in the presidency of the bloc.

"That is a discussion in the Chamber, not something that concerns the President," national spokesmen assured.

The Senate ruling party backed the Formoseño.

"From the first day his position was known. And the law was always debated from the personal and not the partisan.

Nothing to reproach," they

assured near Cristina Kirchner.

They also criticized each other for "giving in to pressure."

Days before the vote, 16 celestial from the Frente de Todos had zoomed in on each other to ratify their commitment not to give in.

In the vote they ended up being 12.

Missionary senator Maurice Closs, from the Frente de Todos, also made complaints to the Executive about the agreement to tweak the regulation that he made with ally Alberto Weretilneck to prevent the rule from being modified and having to return to Deputies.

"It is a decision of the President to send this bill, I do not evaluate or analyze the time or opportunity. It was his campaign commitment, but hey is the head of the Executive, a power within a republican system where everyone can think differently about an issue like this. This issue should not be partisan, "he pointed out at the start and objected:" In my opinion, the Senate's review role should be fulfilled and

not vote on a law that is known to have errors and then save them with the regulation or the veto

that does not have the same weight. I would have liked that if there are votes that can be added with changes, the Senate would have behaved as a reviewing chamber ".

Cracks also opened in the opposition of Together for Change.

Especially after a harder nucleus of the leadership proposed to vote against to prevent the triumph of the Executive project and the "green" senators refused.

"That was an idea of ​​the celestial sector that was never in real discussion," said interblock authorities.

Look also

Private negotiations and pact of silence: how the "greens" achieved a higher than expected victory with the abortion law

Ginés González García, after the sanction of legal abortion: “It will not be easy to apply, you have to put a lot of will”

Source: clarin

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