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Colorful bags through the flower window: This is how Valentine's Day will be rosy despite Corona


Despite Corona, lovers do not have to do without Valentine's Day. The owner of the Miesbacher Rosentraum opens her flower window - even on Sunday.

Despite Corona, lovers do not have to do without Valentine's Day.

The owner of the Miesbacher Rosentraum opens her flower window - even on Sunday.


- A visit to the flower shop on Valentine's Day is a must, and not just for people who have just fallen in love.

This year they have to be content with a look through the window because of the corona lockdown.

Andrea Lintner (61), gardener, florist and owner of the Rosentraum on Miesbacher Marktplatz explains how you can still get a bouquet for your treasure and how important February 14th is for the nurseries and flower shops in these times.

Ms. Lintner, click & collect for a bouquet of flowers for the great love.

Isn't there a little romance missing?

Andrea Lintner:

(laughs) It only comes when you hand it over.

But then the joy is sure to be great, because fresh flowers make you particularly happy during these difficult times.

But how do you know when ordering over the phone what is the best gift?

Andrea Lintner:

Of course, we are also happy to advise our customers over the phone.

In addition, I have redesigned my shop so that from the outside you have a good overview of the range of cut flowers, bouquets, spring bloomers and the appropriate decorations.

However, our regular customers usually have a fairly precise idea of ​​what they would like to have.

Also read: Cemetery gardener appalled by stealing flowers on Miesbacher graves

Do they still come regularly when they are not allowed in the store?

Andrea Lintner:

Since we have been allowed to offer Click & Collect, business has of course been better than when you were only allowed to deliver flowers.

In these weeks it is positive that many customers not only get flower gifts for birthdays or Valentine's Day, but also make themselves happy with colorful spring flowers or a special rose.

Everyone craves a bit of color right now.

Does that mean: Valentine's Day isn't that crucial for business this year?

Andrea Lintner:

Yes, of course.

That is why we have prepared ourselves well for it.

The fact that many of our customers have already placed their orders in advance by email or phone makes planning easier for us.

But we are also happy to meet short-term requests.

My colleague and I place the orders through two “flower windows” on Saturday so that we can streamline the collection as well as possible and no customer has to wait too long.

Thanks to an exemption in the Shop Closing Act, we can also open ours on Sundays from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Can you already estimate what will be the best seller this year among lovers?

Andrea Lintner:

Basically everything that is colorful and fragrant.

Our Valentine's bags, which we are offering for the first time, are particularly popular.

Under the motto “Spring Fever” or “Rosy Outlook”, we wrap various cut flowers, flowering twigs, eucalyptus greens and some plants in newspaper, put everything in a bag and put a chocolate heart inside.

We want to encourage the recipients to be creative themselves.

The first photos of successful arrangements have already reached us.

Really great!

so called

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2021-02-13

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