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"Abuse of science": Experts rail against Merkel's Corona course - "It's called the Cuba Syndrome"


Angela Merkel and her Corona policy are under criticism. Two scientists speak up independently and certify that the Chancellor has the Cuba Syndrome.

Angela Merkel and her Corona policy are under criticism.

Two scientists speak up independently and certify that the Chancellor has the Cuba Syndrome.

Update, 3:06 p.m.:

Infectiologist Matthias Schrappe is also firmly against the federal government's corona policy - and accuses the federal government of one-dimensionality in the selection of its advisors.

He certifies the Cuba Syndrome to the Chancellor.

The 66-year-old has teamed up with other scientists in the “CoronaStrategie” platform and is calling for more specific solutions than lockdown.

“The problem with lockdown is that you can use it to improve the numbers.

But what do you do when you want to quit again? ”Explains Schrappe.

Because after the end of the lockdown, increasing numbers can be expected.

Contact bans alone are "not adequate according to all the rules of infection science".

Because while the number of infections is falling nationwide, the mortality of those over 80 is increasing.

Infectiologist Schrappe criticizes Chancellor for Corona policy: "Merkel suffers from Cuba Syndrome"

Instead, politicians have to experiment more and also admit mistakes: “If Ms. Merkel would say: We haven't done it very well so far.

We're going to make a fresh start and we need all of you for that - the mood and willingness to participate would immediately improve again. ”Currently, people are rather annoyed by the prohibitions and threats and are looking for loopholes.

He would be very happy to advise the Chancellor, Schrappe explains in an interview.

But Angela Merkel buried herself in a tunnel.

“In risk research, the Cuba syndrome is called when a leadership group only surrounds itself with people who all have the same opinion.” So there could only be a continuation of the mistakes.

Angela Merkel: Unexpected corona attack - Leopoldina member attests "political abuse of science"

First report from February 15, 11:06 a.m .:

Munich - In a statement dated December 8, 2020, the National Academy of Sciences, known as Leopoldina for short, called for a hard lockdown in order to get the infection rate in the corona pandemic under control again.

A few days later, the federal and state governments decided on the second hard lockdown.

With a little delay, this leads to heavy criticism in its own ranks.

It is “a very clear example of the political abuse of science”, criticizes Michael Esfeld.

In the


newspaper, the professor of economic philosophy takes a hard line against the politics of Angela Merkel, Markus Söder and Co., but also with the Leopoldina itself, of which he is a member.

Merkel's Corona experts under fire: Leopoldina member issues violent reprimand - "Not giving up science"

It is not the job of science to demand a lockdown, says Esfeld.

“Science can find out that there is a causal link between smoking and lung cancer.

But to conclude that nobody should smoke anymore is not the task of science, ”the 55-year-old is quoted as saying.

Esfeld goes even further.

In any case, the government is currently only seeking advice from those scientists who also say what the government wants to hear.

The dispute is linked to an incident from Bavaria to Bavaria: The business ethicist Christoph Lütge was thrown from the Bavarian Ethics Council after repeatedly criticizing the Free State's corona policy.

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Corona policy in Germany: economic philosopher railed against Leopoldina colleagues - "harnessed for propaganda"

Esfeld says of other colleagues: "These scientists let themselves be hired by the government for propaganda." That damages the reputation of science and leads to populist backlashes.

Many people could turn away from science because of this, he says.

In December, the Leopoldina should have "mapped the state of the debate" instead of specifying the direction of the march, Esfeld explained to the


- thus also taking into account positions that focus on the protection of risk groups.

But the federal government is instrumentalizing the advisory experts to determine public opinion.

The Chancellery "could never have enforced the corona policy in Germany in a transparent, public and critical discourse (...)," said Esfeld.


List of rubric lists: © Kay Nietfeld / dpa

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2021-02-16

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