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The crime of the former policeman in Barracas: a trail of blood, the clue that is followed to find the murderers


One of the assailants had been wounded in the hand and the marks reached a square near Villa Zavaleta.

02/19/2021 12:56

  • Clarí

  • Police

Updated 02/19/2021 1:01 PM

Investigators of the crime of a retired federal police officer, murdered this Thursday when he resisted allowing at least four criminals to enter his house in Barracas, determined that in the event there were shots from two weapons, one of which belonged to the victim and the other it would be the one used by their murderers, according to the first ballistic skills.

Meanwhile, the prosecutor Pablo Recchini awaited the result of the autopsy to determine if the two holes that the victim had in the skull and in the neck were caused by a single shot that entered and left or if he was shot twice.

Investigators in the homicide of retired police officer Alfredo Poggetti (66) established that two served pods and a projectile came out of the man's .357 caliber weapon, kidnapped at the scene.


another projectile, which remained in the victim's chinstrap

, which was fired by another weapon that could be .38 caliber and would be the one used by the criminals.

Alfredo Poggetti was 66 years old.

He was coming home with his wife when he was attacked.

According to the sources, at the scene of the crime, the doctors saw that the victim had two bullet holes: one in the head and the other in the neck, so the prosecutor was waiting for the result of the autopsy to determine if it was one or two. shots that caused his death.

The event took place around 8.15 pm this Thursday on Río Limay Street at 1300, in that neighborhood in the south of the City of Buenos Aires.

The retired NCO from the Argentine Federal Police (PFA) had arrived with his wife at the door of their house aboard a black Volkswagen Fox, and when he was getting out of the vehicle he was surprised by at least four armed criminals.

Under these circumstances, Poggetti identified himself as a policeman and began to struggle with the assailants, after which he engaged in a fight to prevent them from entering his home.

The press workers of America and A24 stand in solidarity and accompany our colleague Diego Poggetti and his family in this difficult moment, whose father was killed as a victim of insecurity in the Barracas neighborhood.

We embrace them and demand justice.

- Workers of Prensa AméricaTV / A24 (SiPreBa) (@ A24Americatv) February 19, 2021

According to what was reported by the sources, the retired noncommissioned officer took out a firearm that he was carrying, after which at least one shot was heard, which hit the man's head and caused his death almost immediately in the corridor of the property.

"He came from being with his wife and his granddaughter. He said 'I'm coming home and calling them'. He

parked in the middle of the block, always careful that no one came and, as they say in the jargon, they beat him ahead of his wife Liliana This is incredible, that it touches us so closely and that I have to explain to my 13-year-old son that he will not see his grandfather again, "said Beto Starck, Poggetti's son-in-law and cameraman for the América channel, where Diego also works. , son of the victim.

The assailants fled the scene on foot and within a few minutes agents of the Argentine Naval Prefecture (PNA), with jurisdiction in the area, arrived at the scene and summoned the City Police.

Personnel from the Homicide Division of the Buenos Aires force and the PFA analyzed the security cameras to try to identify the attackers.

Investigators suspect that one of the attackers fled wounded by a bullet in his hand since they

detected a trail of blood from Poggetti's house to a square

near Villa Zavaleta.

In the event there were shots from two weapons, one of which belonged to the victim and the other would be the one used by his murderers.

Photo: Luciano Thieberger.

With these data, the Police were looking for wounded who have been treated in hospitals in the city and the Buenos Aires party of Avellaneda.

Meanwhile, Starck said that the victim wanted to

"open a stand in Santa Clara del Mar"

to sell sandwiches and live near the beach.

"His son is a systems manager for America, so this has invaded the entire canal family. It is an incredible situation. I was born in this neighborhood, in Barracas, I grew up and grew up here, which was the most beautiful place to live, but now violence and crime are wreaking havoc, "he said.

Finally, Starck said that he was "an excellent man, of good, of law and of justice, who was always attentive to everything that was happening around him, so it was very difficult for him to 'sleep', in the sense of not see the danger. "

With information from Télam


Look also

The retired policeman killed in Barracas wanted to move to Santa Clara del Mar due to insecurity

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2021-02-19

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