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An Irish Scientist's Predictions About The End Of The Coronavirus That Go Viral


Immunologist Luke O'Neill spoke of the return to normality and the distribution of vaccines, among other things.

02/22/2021 7:55 AM

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 02/22/2021 7:56 AM

Whether optimistic or perhaps realistic, Irish immunologist

Luke O'Neill's


went viral on social media.

The scientist assures that in six to nine months the world will be able to return to normal, he made clear the importance of vaccines against the coronavirus and asked the States to be supportive in their distribution to achieve herd immunity more quickly.

In a three-minute video recently posted on


, the expert emphasized vaccination to emerge from the pandemic, although certain restrictions will remain.

"Once vaccination is widespread,

we will still have to restrict travel between different countries

. That is the price we will have to pay to have some freedom and not go back to strict confinements. Freedom will imply the reopening of activities, it will allow certain events will be held again, international events will begin to happen again, but the price we must pay will be that of not being able to carry out international trips ”, he stressed, with a view to the second semester.

The professor at the School of Biochemistry and Immunology at Trinity College Dublin, in Ireland, stressed that the number of cases is decreasing worldwide, while

there are


seven vaccines in use

in different countries.

In fact, last week there was

a 17% retraction in the rate of infections

, in what was the 15th consecutive week with a marked decrease in the number of cases. 

"It is a window of six to nine months, it is what they are analyzing now closely. And, of course, we know that it is possible, we have seven vaccines, which is still remarkable, seven very effective vaccines," he analyzed.

"Israel is telling us that vaccines are working very well. Tremendous news in this regard: 94% protection was achieved," he said, referring to the country that vaccinated its population the most in the world.

However, the scientist urged developed countries to distribute the leftover vaccines to nations that are behind in the immunization process.


The goal is for the world to achieve herd immunity as quickly as possible

, and by accumulating vaccines this will not be possible," O'Neill claimed.

In this regard, he explained: "If we obtain protection in our own countries, we must share with the world the excess of vaccines that we have. Canada has 9 vaccines per person, the United States 7, the United Kingdom 6 and the European Union 5. Give the excess of vaccines to countries that need them is essential, as it will allow the world to achieve high levels of vaccination sooner. We are asking every country in the developed world to prepare to give away vaccines, oddly enough. "


Look also

The Oxford vaccine is more effective when the interval between doses is increased

Britain speeds up campaign and wants to have all adults vaccinated against coronavirus by July 31

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2021-02-22

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