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The water park is open for four seasons a year and it is expected to attract one million guests each year. Tian Beichen: The price of tickets will reach 300 million.


The Economic Affairs Panel of the Legislative Council met today (22) to discuss the "rebirth plan" announced at the beginning of this year. It is recommended that the government provide a lump-sum subsidy of 1.67 billion yuan. Proposed in 2012

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Written by: Ouyang Dehao

2021-02-22 17:29

The last update date: 2021-02-22 17:30

The Economic Affairs Panel of the Legislative Council met today (22) to discuss the "rebirth plan" announced at the beginning of this year. It is recommended that the government provide a lump-sum subsidy of 1.67 billion yuan.

The water park proposed in 2012 is about to be completed, which is believed to be one of the main profitable facilities of the Ocean Park in the future, so it became the focus of discussion at the conference.

The Commissioner for Tourism Huang Zhizu said that it is estimated that the total number of visitors to the water park each year is about 1.1 million.

In the meeting, Tian Beichen, a member of the Legislative Council of the Practical Political Roundtable, questioned the revenue of the water park many times, questioning "If you count to 1 million? When 1 million is multiplied by X, how much does the ticket cost first to 300 million? Why don't you think I'll make trouble? Whoosh!"




Ocean Park invited Legislative Council Members Lu Weiguo, Xie Weiquan, Zhang Huafeng and others to inspect the newly built water park in Dashuwan last Saturday (20th).

Liu Mingwei stated earlier that the water park will be put into service from August to September at the earliest. If the rebirth plan of the ocean park submitted by the Bureau of Commerce and Economic Development at the beginning of the year is followed, it is expected that the water park will bring 345 million yuan in revenue in the first year after its opening. It can earn 350 million yuan to more than 500 million yuan each year, and it will reach a balance of payments as soon as 2024/25.

Many councillors stated clearly that funding for Ocean Park was "for the last time"

However, after applying for an allocation of 5.4 billion last year, Ocean Park is now seeking an additional 1.7 billion from the Legislative Council to maintain the daily expenses of the park.

Tian Beichen questioned the revenue of the water park many times during the meeting, saying that the government had loaned 2.3 billion yuan in 2012 to build a "beautiful" water park, and rebuked that the park is not a public facility. Project loans.

At the meeting, many members also stated clearly that they would allocate funds for Ocean Park "for the last time."

▼The reopening of Ocean Park on February 18▼




The water park will be open 24/7

Liu Mingwei responded that the water park has a total of 27 attractions. Unlike the past Xia Shui Li, the water park will be open all year round, except for a few attractions that will not operate in all seasons due to environmental protection and cost issues.

At the same time, because of the abundant attractions in the water park, it is believed that tourists will stay for two days or more. It also points out that the hotels in the park are not enough to accommodate tourists, which can drive the hotel business in the area.

According to photos taken by members of the Legislative Council to inspect the Ocean Park last week, the facilities include large wave pools and rainbow slides.

Commissioner for Tourism: About 300 million yuan per year before depreciation

The Commissioner for Tourism Huang Zhizu pointed out that it is estimated that the operating expenses of the Ocean Park in the next 10 years will be about 300 million yuan per year before depreciation, and the highest may be about 500 million yuan.

He revealed that salaries accounted for the majority, while maintenance costs accounted for the remainder.

He also expects that the total number of visitors per year is about 1.1 million, of which 1 million are local tourists.

He also reminded Tian Beichen that in addition to ticket income, the park also has income from catering services, cabinets and other services.

But Tian Beichen scolded the estimate to be too optimistic, questioning "If you count to 1 million? When 1 million is multiplied by X, how much does the ticket cost first to 300 million? Why do you think I'll be bothered!" He roughly calculated that the water park You must ask for a minimum of 300 yuan for tickets to cover the 300 million yuan of expenses. However, the original ticket price of Ocean Park is 480 yuan, and it is difficult to question the price to make people "play it again and again".


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Source: hk1

All news articles on 2021-02-22

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