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“An absurd question”: Gabriel throws down Lanz's idea violently


Ex-SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel looks annoyed with “Markus Lanz” when he is asked about Gerhard Schröder's close ties to the Russian government.

Ex-SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel looks annoyed with “Markus Lanz” when he is asked about Gerhard Schröder's close ties to the Russian government.

Hamburg - “Markus Lanz” on Tuesday evening will, among other things, deal with the question: What do the poor poll results of the SPD have to do with the behavior of former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder?

Instead of taking a clear position, ex-SPD leader Sigmar Gabriel is particularly cold and reluctant to answer questions from ZDF presenter Markus Lanz.

It doesn't help that SPD expert and Eastern Europe expert Jakob Wöllenstein cheerfully interferes.

First, however, the question of how the European Union should react to the recently forced landing of a Ryanair plane in Minsk will be examined.

Ex-Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel asserts in an interview with Lanz that this incident is "indeed unbelievable".

The politician then speaks in the program of "a demonstration of power against all opposition members - in the middle of Europe".

"Markus Lanz" - these were his guests on May 25th:

  • Jakob Wöllenstein

    - Eastern Europe expert & head of the Belarus office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

  • Sigmar Gabriel

    - Ex-Foreign Minister (SPD)

  • Markus Feldenkirchen

    - editor at

    Der Spiegel

  • Corinna Milborn

    - Austrian political


    and moderator

In the broadcast on May 25th, Gabriel makes it clear that the EU must respond with an appropriate response: "The EU must do significantly more."

What exactly does the SPD man have in mind?

According to Sigmar Gabriel, the EU could, among other things, talk to the United States of America about “decoupling from the financial system” or freeze accounts.



-Redakteur Markus Feldkirchen are in relation to the Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko: "If he had fear of a European response, he would not have done."

In an interview with Lanz, Sigmar Gabriel adds: "You don't do such an insane act if you don't have your back to the wall."

Ex-SPD leader Gabriel criticizes that Schröder is wrongly portrayed as a “Russian agent”

Who appears to have more influence over Lukashenko? Russia's President Vladimir Putin. ZDF presenter Markus Lanz therefore specifically asked ex-SPD boss Sigmar Gabriel whether former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) would not be a good contact to cooperate with Putin. After all, the predecessor of Angela Merkel (CDU) is known to have a good relationship with the Russian president and also works for the Russian state-owned company Gazprom. But instead of answering Lanz's question honestly, Gabriel smashes the ZDF presenter with the words: "An absurd question!"

The former foreign minister then made it clear that Schröder was always portrayed “as a Russian agent” - even though he was only “in the service of a Russian state-owned company”.

At the same time, Sigmar Gabriel criticizes that it is a hypocritical and "very situational way" to accuse the former Chancellor of having too close ties with Putin, but at the same time to pray for his help in establishing contact.

So it's no wonder that Gabriel says taciturnly: "You have to talk to him about that."

Ex-Foreign Minister Gabriel speaks openly on “Markus Lanz” (ZDF) about the falling polls of the SPD

Instead of redirecting to another topic, the moderator persists with “Markus Lanz”.

On the ZDF broadcast, he wanted to know whether Gerhard Schröder's close ties to Putin had something to do with the SPD's falling polls.

SPD expert Feldenkirchen then intervened with the words: "He doesn't give a shit what effect it has on the SPD's election campaign."

Sigmar Gabriel counters, completely surprising: "Me too."

The ex-SPD boss adds with a serious look: “I don't know whether that will harm the party.

I would be happy if that was the only reason. "

"Markus Lanz" - the conclusion of the show

“Markus Lanz” on Tuesday evening is mainly about the question of the extent to which Gerhard Schröder's friendship with Russian President Vladimir Putin is causing the SPD's polls to plummet. Ex-SPD boss Sigmar Gabriel courageously answers questions from ZDF presenter Markus Lanz and seems more tense from minute to minute. With regard to the poor poll numbers, however, the former foreign minister tends to believe that the German population is longing for something new. Will he be right? This will be evident in the upcoming federal election on September 26th, when Olaf Scholz will be running for the SPD as candidate for chancellor.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2021-05-29

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