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Tölz band "The Heimatdamisch" is heating up with a new album


The pandemic really slowed them down - but “The Heimatdamisch” has made a virtue out of necessity, and now the new album is ready: “Let there be brass” by the popular Tölzer mood band has been available since the end of April and goes, says band leader Florian In, "gone like warm pretzels".

The pandemic really slowed them down - but “The Heimatdamisch” has made a virtue out of necessity, and now the new album is ready: “Let there be brass” by the popular Tölzer mood band has been available since the end of April and goes, says band leader Florian In, "gone like warm pretzels".

Bad Tölz - To introduce some of the 17 new songs on the album, there was a fine treat for the fans on Mother's Day, because "The Heimatdamisch" recorded a concert in the Kurhaus for the second time, which has since been shown on YouTube. 11,000 people clicked on the video in the first 24 hours. There were listeners from all over the world such as New Zealand, USA, Brazil, Russia and of course from all corners of Europe. "We hadn't played together for seven months," reports Rein, "we even enjoyed it without a live audience." However, the drummer and operator of the Tölz "Bergbeat" studio believes that it will take some patience until things are back to normal. "Maybe a few smaller appearances are still possible, but as far as the big festivals are concerned, you have to write off in 2021",he regrets. Almost 60 concerts were canceled due to the pandemic, there were inquiries from the USA and Brazil. "Our tour calendar would have been full."

But there was still enough to do for the eight musicians of “The Heimatdamisch”. Each of them had recorded their part individually, plus guest musicians such as the Tölz singer Michael Schmutzer, the front man of the band "Eisbrecher", Alex Wesselsky, singer Chris Schuhbeck from Salzburg, but also Bananafishbones colleague Sebastian Horn. The disc was arranged and produced by Florian Rein, who kept things in his own hands, from the recording to the distribution. There are currently a thousand copies of "Let there be brass" - and the fact that both the record and the concert were so well received by the people gives "positive energy in a difficult time", says Rein. If everything goes well, there will be concerts in Austria and Switzerland in autumn, of course still under the current Corona measures with fewer spectators.

Chart hits and pop songs are dressed in lederhosen

There is an exciting story about the old "Neue Deutsche Welle" hit "Katherine Katherine", which can also be found on the album: "Clemens Maria Haas, the singer of 'Steinbrecher' heard us and called me." He wanted a "Heimatdamisch version" of the then popular hit and sent the original vocal tracks from 1984, around which Florian Rein "arranged around" and thus created a new piece.

This is basically the formation's recipe for success.

She takes classics, chart hits or pop songs that everyone knows and "puts on them the lederhosen", that is, to Bavarian brass music and Oberkrainer-Drive, everything the stuff and the beer bench can withstand to dance on is grooved.

In 2022 things really start again with live performances

There is no stopping at current hits like "Bad Guy" by Billie Eilish, or one of the most famous rock hits of all, namely "Jump" by Van Halen.

Pieces like “My Sharona”, “Girls just wanna have fun”, “Ghost Busters” and “Uptown Funk” can also be heard.

“We have to hold out a little longer and wait for 2022” - then, Florian Rein hopes, things will finally start again with real performances, a live audience and the legendary Heimatdamish party atmosphere.

The formation "The Heimatdamisch" includes Florian Rein (drums), Conny Kreitmeier (vocals), Michi Wiedenmann (vocals), Dominik Glöbl (trumpet), Max Grasmüller (clarinet, saxophone), Martin Schnitzer (trombone), Benedict Waldmann (tuba) and Markus Orterer (accordion).

Information about the CD:

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Source: merkur

All news articles on 2021-06-02

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